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Chapter 824: Xingwangmu's Destruction Plan [Supplement]

"Then thank you Master Feng, you can rest assured that I will arrange for them in the summer. As long as there is no divine guard's intervention, we will definitely be able to kill Xia Xia and Shisan. Of course, I will let you see with your own eyes. I saw them kneeling in front of you and begging you for mercy!!" Xingwangmu said directly.

It can be said.

It started after Feng Wen came here.

He has always been very polite to Feng Wenzheng.

It can be said that it is above etiquette.

Absolutely not bad.

"Then I'll ask Patriarch Xing." Feng Wen nodded with satisfaction.

He was still very satisfied with Xingwangmu.

He also admires Xingwangmu very much.

"Come here, let Young Master Feng rest and live in my residence. All etiquette standards must be higher than mine, and the number of guards is three times higher than my usual. No matter what Young Master Feng needs, you must be the first. Time will do it, anyone who delays time will be expelled from the Xing family and will never be hired." Xingwangmu shouted loudly.


The people below said respectfully.

Star King Wood.

It gave Feng Wen enough face.

It can be said.

Feng Wen has really lost a lot of face recently.

Now that Xingwangmu gave him face like this, he was really satisfied: "Patriarch Xing is very polite."

"Yes, yes, I really hope that Mr. Feng can take care of our Xing family in the future. With you as our backer, our Xing family can last forever." Xing Wangmu really picked on what Feng Wen liked to hear. what.

Now Feng Wen is overwhelmed by what Xingwangmu said.

"That's natural." Feng Wen said confidently.

"Also, go check it out for me. No matter who Feng Gongzi asked for help before, I don't care who the other party is. Anyone who dares to reject Feng Gongzi must die!!" Xingwangmu said coldly.


"Actually, there's no need for this." Feng Wen said.

"No, Young Master Feng, you will be comparable to the existence of the Celestial Clan people in the future. Your brilliance will shine on the entire Shenzhou. I do not allow anyone to insult someone like you. You are our belief. Insulting our beliefs, others do not give you face, that is not giving face to our beliefs, I, Xingwangmu, will never allow such a thing to happen, maybe I have overstepped my authority, but I have to do it, even if you punish me in the future, I want to do the same." Xingwangmu said firmly.


Feng Wen is so moved now, he is almost moved to tears.

He is Feng Wen.

To actually have such a follower, he is still a venerable one.

This made him feel an unprecedented presence.


If he accepts Xingwangmu, then his father will look at him highly in the future.

"Okay, I understand, do whatever you want." Feng Wen nodded.

"Sir, for your safety, can you condescend to stay with me recently and don't go out. After all, Xia Xia is not an ordinary person. I'm worried that if you are outside, he will attack you, so it's safer here." Xingwangmu said .

"Okay, just do as you said." Feng Wen said.

Then Feng Wen and his two personal guards walked to the backyard.

"Sir, I think there is something wrong with this Xingwangmu," said one of the guards.

"Don't talk nonsense." Feng Wen looked stunned for a moment: "I know you are jealous of Xingwangmu, you are worried that after he becomes my subordinate, I will not pay attention to you, but you remember it for me, who do I accept? , I don't need your consent, and you can work hard for me, or you won't be able to keep your position in the future."

He didn't want to admit that he saw the wrong person.

And he also thinks he can't see the wrong person.

Such a loyal subordinate must have gotten along with him because of his status.

So he didn't think that Xingwangmu was pretending, and Xingwangmu didn't dare to pretend. He came to Xingwangmu with great fanfare. Many people knew that if Xingwangmu harmed him, then Xingwangmu would be his own self. Dead end.

"Yes, son." The guard said hurriedly.

at the same time!

The guard didn't dare to say anything.

"Patriarch, why do we take so much care of that illegitimate child." An elder asked inexplicably.

"What do you know, he is an important trump card for me." The head of the Xing family waved to the two people in front of him.

The hundred-foot giant sword, the pupil of the star king; as thin as a cow's hair, the star king jade.

"Xingwangtong, go to the second entrance for me, make some trouble for me, spread some rumors, say that the people from the Three Bamboo Sect want to help Xia Xia deal with Feng Wen, and then bring me back a few senior officials of the Three Bamboo Sect, If you want to live, can you do it?" Xingwangmu ordered.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I am Wang Tong, the star of the hundred-foot giant sword."

"Okay!!" Xingwangmu glanced at Xingwangyu: "Go to the third entrance and do the same thing as him."

"Patriarch, don't worry, I, Xingwangyu, didn't get a false reputation!!!"

"Other people, on the one hand, investigate all the movements of summer for me, and on the other hand, investigate the location of those people in Shenwei, remember, don't disturb in summer, you can show goodwill, just say we admire each other very much , help him hold off Feng Wen for the time being." Xingwangmu is a real wily man.

He started from the very beginning.

It counted everyone.

including summer.

He doesn't like surprises.


In his opinion, anyone who may have an accident must be killed.

And he.

For the time being, he doesn't have that much Even if he is already a Venerable.

It is also impossible for him to deal with these people and forces at the same time.

But Dongbatian can.

If Dongbatian's son died at the hands of these people, then his next journey would be much easier.

This is also his plan.


"You big star lineages don't have to do anything recently, just arrange Feng Wen for me. If he wants a woman, he will give it to a woman. If he wants Xianjing, he will give Xianjing. Whatever conditions are met, you will bring him to the sky, and the five of you will directly serve as his guards, take turns guarding him, and greet him." Xingwangmu ordered.


Although these people do not understand what the head of the family does, since it is the order of the head of the family.

They will definitely do it.

Thirteen went to inquire about the news and soon came back.

"Oh? He actually went to Xingwangmu's place. It seems that the Xingjia is going to attack us." Xia Xia smiled.

"Impossible, I have a very good relationship with Baichuan. He Xingwangmu also knows this. If he shoots at me, it is equivalent to provoking Baichuan and taking revenge on Baichuan. This will not benefit the reputation of the Xing family at all. It is impossible for him to do such a stupid thing, other people Feng Wen has approached have rejected him." Thirteen said.

"In that case, how can he move us?" Xia Tian asked.

"Here for the time being, he probably won't have a chance to move us, but he must be careful about Dongbatian." Thirteen said.

"Who the **** is Dongbatian?" Xia Xia asked again.

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