The Best All-rounder

Chapter 825: The unstoppable Dongbatian

Thirteen took out a messenger.

Dongbatian! !

Feng Jin! !

The owner of the source of gold.

He is known as one of the four masters in China.

The four people who are known to have the power of the source, together with Xi Batian, Nan Batian, and Bei Batian, are called the four masters of Shenzhou.


Even people from the Celestial Clan don't want to provoke existences.

If other experts at the venerable level encountered him, they would walk around him. Not only was this person powerful, but he was also very domineering. He never paid attention to why he did things.

He once faced off against dozens of venerable masters, and he never failed.

"The source of gold!!" When he saw this, Xia Xia understood.

The power of the source.

It is already an existence completely free from the power of the world.

Those who can control the source of gold are also very terrifying beings.

This kind of people.

But not everyone can afford it.

"Yes, the owner of the source of gold." Thirteen nodded slightly.

"That is to say, even if you are smashed to the level of the Venerable now, you can't be his opponent." Xia Xia naturally knew this.


Feng Jin!

It's really not something they can provoke casually.

No wonder Feng Wen can walk sideways outside.

No one dared to provoke him.

"Feng Wen is Feng Jin's illegitimate son, so he was kicked out, but Feng Jin, because he has cultivated the power of the source of gold, is almost unable to bear any more children, so this illegitimate son can be regarded as his only child. And Feng Wen's mother actually had a special relationship with Feng Jin back then, so Feng Jin also loved Feng Wen very much." Thirteen explained.

"It seems that we really got into a big trouble." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Fortunately, now Feng Wen is alive, as long as he is not dead, the problem is not very big, and he is now looking for Xingwangmu, Xingwangmu is a cunning thing, this person must be thinking first How to protect yourself, and then not provoke Feng Wen, a person like him will never mess up, at least not for the time being, and he won't dare to touch me." Thirteen is still confident about this.

Because there are hundreds of rivers.

The Xing family cannot do anything to Baichuan's friends.

Otherwise, it would be revenge on Baichuan.

After a public duel, to retaliate against the opponent, the Xing family would never be able to raise their heads for the rest of their lives.

"That's not necessarily, Xingwangmu, for this Yinghuo, can be said to be a person who can do anything, a person who has no bottom line. Whatever he does, I will do it. I won't find it strange." Xia Xia definitely didn't think Feng Wen was a fool.

If Xingwang Mujian could frighten him with just a few words, then Feng Wencai would be called a bait.


Xingwangmu must have promised Feng Wen something, and Feng Wen will stay with Xingwangmu.

"What you said makes sense, so what should we do?" Thirteen believed that although Xia Xia knew very little, but Xia Xian had his own opinions on doing things.

Especially the perception of danger.

At this time.

The decision made in the summer is definitely more correct.

"An Yi will make people die. The people of the Xing family have been very polite when they met us in the past two days. If this goes on, the people of the Xing family will make us paralyzed. If they suddenly attack us at this time, maybe it is It will make us tricked." Xia Xia looked at Thirteen.

"Yeah, I've seen a lot of people from the Xing Family in the past two days, and they were very polite when they met us. It really seemed to be paralyzing us." Thirteen nodded slightly: "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't come to see Fei. If you're alive, you won't get into trouble this time."

"No, you are wrong. Many times, trouble is unavoidable. If we don't come, trouble will not exist. Many times, no matter how we hide, trouble will come to the door, so since we have already encountered it, then proceed. That's it, now, on the one hand, you have to be careful about the people of the Xing family, on the other hand, you have to be careful about the guards, and you have to be careful about this Feng Wen." Xia Xia reminded.

"The people of the Shenwei don't know that we killed their people, and they took the initiative to come over to befriend them. It's nothing for the time being!" Thirteen believed that the Shenwei should have a reason not to touch them.

Although the people of Shenwei are also very famous outside.

But the guards of the gods will never take any action against the two of them casually.

"No, I never thought that the people who came to the door would never touch the two of us. Fei Ling came to the door, it proved that they were interested in the two of us. Once they became interested in the two of us, what would happen next? No one will know the matter, either because we are worried that we will kill us by accident, or we will kill us after we are used up. Although I don’t have as much experience as you in China, but I understand the hearts of these people better and can get to this point. Who is not the one who came out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, this kind of person, the interests come first." Xia Xia definitely didn't believe these people's superficial gestures.

If a little gesture makes him feel that he is familiar with the other party, then he is not far from death.

"Understood." Thirteen said.

"Let Qu Xi and the three of them keep an eye on the Xing family's every move, and let Shenwei investigate Feng Wen's state inside. This person may be the key to our victory." Xia Xia said.

"it is good!!"

" Shenwei now has the initiative, and there are only two results. First, they really have the last laugh; second, Xingwangmu will find a way to kill them, but no matter which one, we Neither can sit still, I feel that there will soon be friction between the two of them, and the next time friction occurs, it will be our chance." Xia Xia said.

"I'll watch." Thirteen said.

"This time, it's going to be a big mess. If we lose, our lives will be lost here. If we win, then we will offend the Xing family, the guards, the people of the Celestial Clan, the Three Bamboo Sect and the so-called Dongbatian, so, from the very beginning, these people are destined to be our enemies, it's just a matter of order, since they are enemies, there is no need to be polite." Xia Xia reminded.

"I haven't been active for a long time." Thirteen had a smile on his face.

with summer.

It's when he does the most work.

At the same time, it was also the time when he felt the most.


He gradually became a lot more violent.

And he also proved himself with his strength.


It really makes him even more excited.

"Come on, a shocking battle is about to happen, get ready for the battle," Xia Xia reminded.

"It's already ready," Thirteen said.

"At that time, you may be so tired that you cry." Xia Xia looked into the distance.

The ultimate battle of the Eighth Party.

It's finally going to be triggered.


It should be Feng Wen.

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