The Best All-rounder

Chapter 831: The Outbreak of the Bell Soul

The peak cooperation between the two is now.

This blow.

He just wanted to destroy Xingwangtong here.


The powerful attack instantly smashed into the place where Xingwang Tong was.


The huge power of destruction shattered the ground and smashed Xingwangtong directly into the endless magma.

"Is he dead?" Di Huo's face was full of excitement.

He had to admit it.

The strength of Star King Tong.

Really strong.

Stronger than he imagined.

But he also believes that he is the protagonist of this world, killing people like Xing Wangtong.

Also of course.

"No, step back!!" Zhong Hun hurriedly shouted.

Great Sword.

The hundred-foot giant sword instantly became a hundred times larger than before.

At this moment, the powerful attack seems to be cutting open the entire star.

The sea of ​​lava and fire was instantly split into two halves.

A figure appeared in front of the two of them.

Star King pupil.

Come out again.

He is not dead.

"Very good, really good, I really underestimate you." Xing Wangtong's eyes turned to Zhong Hun, just now, he really didn't look down on Zhong Hun, he thought that Earth Fire was the only one The leader of the two.

But now.

he thinks.

Zhonghun's threat is even greater.


He really has a sense of crisis.

"Xingwangtong, don't pretend, I know you must have been injured just now." Di Huo looked at Xingwangtong with great disdain.

he thinks.

Xiong Netcom is just holding on.

The current star pupil.

Must have been injured.

It's impossible to be okay.

"It's just a small injury, I won't delay killing the two of you." The hundred-foot giant sword in Xingwangtong's hand returned to its normal appearance: "I haven't encountered an opponent for a long time. There are not many people who cause me a little trouble, you two, it really makes me feel a little trouble now."

"It's just big talk. If you have the ability, come here." Di Huo said very unconvinced.

Facing an existence like Xingwangtong.

He doesn't look weak at all.

"Be careful, he is very strong," Zhong Hun reminded.

"You don't want to take on other people's momentum and destroy your own prestige. If you're afraid, hide away. I can handle him myself." Di Huo said very upset.

He was actually a little jealous of Zhonghun.

Because just now Xing Wang Tong praised Zhong Hun, but belittled him.

People like him.

But very proud.

He doesn't think he's worse than anyone else.

Among the thirteen people this time, let's not talk about the leader of the team. For the other twelve people, he has always believed that he is the core, especially after he came to the raging fire group, he believes that he is here, absolutely The strongest among the twelve.

He also understands the power of Xingwangtong.

Such a powerful person, whoever praises him is his recognition.

Ke Xing Wang Tong.

But he recognized Zhong Hun, not him.

"Whatever you want!" Zhong Hun naturally could see Di Huo's thoughts.


He also understands that this is not the time to talk about the enemy now.

that's it.

The two sides continued to fight.

An hour's time.

It was dark and dark as the two sides fought each other.

The planet was also severely damaged.

Even if there is no ground fire to attack the core of this planet, if this planet is destroyed by them like this, I am afraid it will be abolished.

Plus the destruction of the ground fire.

Now the planet has become very miserable.

Fortunately, the place they looked for in the summer is good, and they haven't been impacted by the surroundings for the time being. Otherwise, if they keep changing places, their identities will be exposed.

"Xingwangtong is really strong." Thirteen said with emotion.

"Well, Xing Wangtong's combat experience is all about fighting between life and death, so many times, he has made key attacks, defused Zhong Hun's sneak attacks several times, and he has given Zhong Hun a few times. The second set will hurt Zhong Hun, which makes Zhong Hun a lot more alert now, and does not dare to rashly attack." Xia Xia understands that no matter what kind of strength a person has rich combat experience, it is very important, because you are in At critical times, I can really turn the tables on experience.

Di Huo this person.

The attack is still very strong.

But he just kept attacking.

The frontal charge is very scary.

But the consumption is also very large.

If he hadn't been relying on medicinal pills to maintain him, then his current attack would have been nothing.

The opposite of.

Xingwang Tong was one to two. Although it was a little difficult at the beginning, it became smoother and smoother, and now it even looks like he wants to defeat the two.

"We can't carry it for a day, if we can't, let's go first!!" Zhong Hun looked at Dihuo and said.

Although there is no winner yet, and neither side has suffered much damage, but if they continue to fight, there will be damage, and if they make mistakes, they will make mistakes.

Zhong Hun didn't want to see that kind of thing happen.

"If you want to go, go by yourself, I won't go, I must kill him here." Di Huo said very upset, he didn't think he would fail.

Although now Xingwang Tong has a slight advantage.

But he thinks.

You will definitely be able to turn around.

The fire doesn't go away.

Zhong Hun can't just leave, otherwise, he really doesn't need to hang around in the guard's team in the future.

that's it.

The two of them fought for another hour.


The ground fire situation is very bad.

Although he has been taking various recovery pills.

But the recovery medicine pill can't restore his power instantly, the delayed effect is too it can't supply his consumption at all.

"Let's go, I can't bear it anymore." Zhong Hun said.

"Damn, I'm not convinced!" Di Huo said very upset.

"We're not in a hurry, we can kill him sooner or later." Zhong Hun advised.


Di Huo also understood that if he continued to fight like this, he might be the first to die here.


Can only escape.

"It's not that easy if you want to leave." Xing Wangtong saw that the two were trying to escape, and he also thought that this was the best time to defeat them.



The hundred-foot giant sword slapped Zhong Hun directly.


Earthfire blocked Zhonghun's front.

Although he has always been very upset with Zhong Hun, at a critical moment, he blocked the attack of the star Wang Tong.


Di Huo's body was directly smashed and flew out.

"Earth Fire!" Zhong Hun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Earth Fire would actually block such a terrifying attack for him.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of Earthfire's mouth.

"What's the matter, when did Di Huo feel so aggrieved?" Di Huo was also about to get up.


Xingwangtong's attack also hit the ground fire once again, and he wanted to take the opportunity to end the ground fire.

"Time is fixed!!"

Zhong Hun shouted loudly.

at the same time.

everything around.

All stopped.

"The power of the world?" Thirteen was stunned.


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