The Best All-rounder

Chapter 832: place of life and death

"That's right, it's the power of the world. This Bell Soul is really not simple. He actually used the power of the world when the quasi-venerable changed his second. This is really terrifying." Xia Xia said with emotion. .

Thirteen is now able to use a little bit of the power of the family, just a little bit.

But he is already the third person.

Ke Zhongsoul.

He actually used the power of the world during the second change.

The power of this scale is obviously more than that of Thirteen.


Xingwang Tong's attack smashed into the air.

The Soul of Earth Fire Bell was rescued.

Di Huo also looked at Zhong Hun in surprise: "You actually..."

"Leave here first, and have a lot of time to chat slowly in the future." Zhong Hun said.


Earthfire nodded.

He really has a lot of things he wants to ask Zhong Hun now.

He didn't understand.

How did Zhonghun do it, and why can Zhonghun unleash the power of the world.

And Zhong Hun has such power, why does the mission of Shenwei fail and become an outsider like them.

"The power of the world." Xing Wangtong glanced at the direction Zhonghun and the others fled, and at the same time a smile appeared on his face: "Interesting, more and more interesting."


at this time.

He also became more excited.

The strength of the opponent.

Makes him seem young again.

over the years.

He has rarely been able to bring up the desire to fight.

but now.

These two people really made him want to fight very much.

It can even be said that it is desire.


He also directly chased forward.

after they left.

The Palace Master Tianshuang also checked the surroundings, and then disappeared in place.

Xia Xia saw the Tianshuang Palace Master leave, so he got up: "Let's go, a good show should be coming soon."

The current Xingwang Tong and Shenwei are no longer in their best condition, but their desire to fight has also become very strong.

"Zhong Hun, how many times have you accomplished the mission of the divine guard?" Di Huo asked.

"Fifteen rings!!" Zhong Hun said.

"You have such ability, why can't you get through the 15th ring? I also know that I shouldn't ask more, but I'm really curious, how difficult is your 15th ring, and you can't get through." Di Huo now He was also impressed by Zhong Hun.

The attitude has changed completely from before.

Some even recognized Zhong Hun.

At their level, it's really not that easy to recognize others.

"No way, my fifteenth ring is to kill my senior brother. Although I can do it, I can't do it. My senior brother and I have long since lost contact, and there are even some conflicts, but when I was young, Senior brother really took good care of me, and even he was almost beaten to death for me back then, I always remember this kind of thing, it was very unpleasant afterward, but I still couldn't do it." Zhong Hun shook his head.

The fifteenth link of his mission is not because he can't complete it, but because he doesn't want to complete it.

That is to say.

Zhong Hun is a person with the strength of a divine guardian candidate.

This made Di Huo admire him even more.

"Okay, starting from today, I will hand over your brother Zhonghun." Di Huo stretched out his hand.

Zhong Hun also stretched out his hand: "Okay!!"

He and Di Huo were not the first people they met on the first day. Tian also admired Di Huo very much, although Di Huo's personality was very obvious and conflicted.

But in fact.

With such a character, once they get along well, they will be a great help in the future, and they also value brotherhood very much.

Especially when the ground fire just came to save him.

It moved him very much.

"Leave here first, Xingwangtong's speed is very fast, although it can't catch up with us for the time being, but it's not much different, and we have already fought, it is impossible to stop, we must keep fighting, change another star, find someone else Good chance, kill him." Zhong Hun also wanted to kill Xingwangtong.

Since they have already accepted this task.

Then it must be done.

If it fails, how will the two of them raise their heads in the guards in the future?

"Okay, our two brothers, let's kill him Xingwangtong." Di Huo's eyes looked forward: "Find a place to teleport, the star directly in front is a transit star, it is not suitable for fighting, but the one in the front left That star is very suitable for fighting, it's not big, it's really not good, if I destroy that star, and then delay the time, I can also kill him." Di Huo said.

The star in the front left is several times smaller than this star.

It is easier to be destroyed by him.

And a dangerous star.

There won't be anyone there, there are occasionally a few people, just kill them.

"Ling Mars, right!!" Zhong Hun said.

"Yes, it's the Spirit Spark." Di Huo said.

It was Xing Wang Tong who was chasing Di Huo and Zhong Hun, who saw the direction of the two, with a smile on his face: "They actually want to go to Ling Mars, it seems that they don't want to escape, but want to fight me. Male and female, but that's exactly what I want."

He also wants to decide who wins or loses with these two.

There are not many such opportunities.


He also rushed out instantly.


"No, they're not running away." Thirteen said when he saw this direction.

"What's wrong?" Xia Tian asked.

"This direction is not the direction of the transit star. If they want to escape, they will definitely go to the transit star, but now their direction is the direction of the spirit Mars. If they go to that star, it means a final battle. " Thirteen said.

"Isn't this right? I also want to see who will survive in the end, and the Palace Master Tianshuang may also make a move, but I don't know when the last move will be made. Ah." Xia Tian paid the most attention to the Palace Master Tianshuang.

this person.

is the biggest threat to his sect.

and the biggest trouble.

Because he is the Venerable.

And he is still the leader among the Venerables.

"If Tianshuang Palace Master is injured, should we kill him too?" Thirteen asked Xia Xia.

"You really dare to think, kill the Tianshuang Palace Master." Xia Tian smiled.

"This is what you taught me. If you don't dare to think about it, you're done." Thirteen said.

"That's right, since you're here, they're all enemies. If there's a chance, you'll naturally kill him." Xia Xia said.

Spirit Mars.

The temperature here is very high.

There are no demons.

There are no fairy beasts either.

There are no treasures either.

So for normal people, no one wants to come here.


This star is about to become a battlefield.

A battlefield where a top expert will decide his life and death.

"It's really a place suitable for death." Zhong Hun smiled when he saw the surrounding scenery.

"Yeah, but it's definitely not the two of us who died, it's him!!" Di Huo also took a lot of recovery pills.


It's time for them to really decide between life and death.

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