The Best All-rounder

Chapter 836: Kill star king pupil

"Xing Wangtong, is it your turn to run now?" Zhong Hun looked at Xing Wangtong coldly, and at the same time he changed the law of time and instantly killed Xing Wangtong in front of him.

His ability to fight head-on is not very strong.

But the ability to raid and chase is still very defiant.

Especially in pursuit.


It is not so easy for Xingwangtong to escape from him.


Xingwangtong's body was knocked out again.

"Damn, don't be too arrogant." Xingwangtong said angrily.

If it weren't for his bad luck and being hit by the explosion of the flames, he would not have ended up like this.

It was only a matter of time before he killed Zhonghun.

But now.

He also had nothing to say.

when fighting.

Luck is also part of strength.

Now that things have developed to this point, he can only bite the bullet.


The hundred-foot giant sword smashed directly towards Zhong Hun.

He can only think about fighting back now.

Escape is already impossible, Zhonghun's time rule is too restrained to escape.


Zhong Hun saw the opportunity and directly hit Xing Wangtong's wrist: "I said, I have seen through your means, you can't be my opponent."


Xing Wangtong also played his attack again: "Do you really think you see through me? I have fought hundreds of thousands of battles, hundreds of thousands of battles. My combat experience and methods are not what you can imagine."


Zhonghun blocked Xingwangtong's attack.

"Look at your attack, it's soft, it seems to be a lot worse than before." Zhong Hun couldn't stop Xing Wangtong's attack before, but this time he blocked Xing Wangtong's attack.

"What's the matter? Did he just do something to my wrist?" Xing Wangtong also frowned.

He couldn't figure it out.

what on earth is it.

"Xingwangtong has been recruited again?" Thirteen asked in confusion.

"No, it was Zhong Hun who deliberately cheated. He just attacked Xing Wangtong's wrist, but he deliberately deceived Xing Wangtong, making Xing Wangtong think that his wrist was injured, and then he used his strongest defense to add The law of time blocked Xing Wangtong's blow, and he took the blow with his own body. In fact, his current physical condition is not very good, just to deceive Xing Wangtong and let Xingwangtong really I think my attack is getting weaker," Xia Xia explained.

"It turns out that these people are really very shrewd. When fighting, they calculated each other." Thirteen also felt that Zhong Hun's calculations were very unbelievable.

He understands.

If it is during the battle, I am afraid that I will also calculate the opponent.

But the same.

You will also be calculated by the other party.

"Actually, since Zhong Hun saw through Xingwangtong's weakness, Xingwangtong has become less confident than before. If he was careful, that weakness was nothing, but he panicked, plus He is injured and he can't escape, which will make Tian's heart very anxious, when fighting, the one who runs away will always be vulnerable." Xia Xia reminded.

Many people fight more and more bravely, even if they know that they will die, they will fight with their lives, but in the end, they try to win at risk and win.

some people.

Once he started thinking about running away, he had already lost in his heart.

"So, Xingwangtong is lost." Thirteen looked at Xingwangtong.

He appreciates the strength of Xingwangtong very much.

In his opinion.

In a heads-up match, he might not necessarily be Xingwangtong's opponent.

"No, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and now I can't see who wins and who loses, the scene of life and death fighting, the battle changes rapidly, no one knows what will happen in the next second, and Xingwangtong has a famous weapon in his hand. , If he continues to fight, he doesn't necessarily lose, even if Zhong Hun can really win Xing Wangtong, I'm afraid it will be a narrow victory in the end." Xia Xia didn't think Xing Wangtong could be killed by others so easily.

The strength of Xingwangtong is still very strong. When fighting, his instincts are very terrifying.

The current Zhonghun also felt this.


He just took Xingwangtong's attack hard.

And when Xingwangtong heard that his strength was weakening, he was also attacking, and it was estimated that he would increase his strength, although the power would be more ferocious.

But his consumption will also be greater.


Consuming it like this is also very terrifying for him.


Zhong Hun saw the opportunity, and another attack hit Xing Wangtong's wrist.


Xing Wang Tong felt his wrist go numb.

"What? Xingwangtong, do you also feel that your strength is declining? Yes, you will become weaker and weaker now. When you become very weak, it will be time for me to kill you." Zhonghun scolded.


Xingwangtong snorted heavily: "If you want to kill me, you are also worthy? I will let you understand what it means to be tough."

He also continued to attack violently.

He wants to kill the opponent before his physical condition becomes very bad.


The power of destruction began to emerge gradually.

Zhong Hun's body was also hit several times.

become very bad.

"I'm going to make a comeback!!" Thirteen's eyes lit up.

Xingwangtong's destructive instinctive attack is really terrifying. Although the consumption has increased, the destructive power has become more terrifying, and he has calculated Zhonghun several times in succession.

This is the top master.

Even though he was already starting to be weak, he still wanted to calculate his opponent first.


This is also the terrifying ability of the top masters.

boom! boom!

Just when Xing Wang Tong felt that he was going to win completely.

Another explosive force appeared, hitting him directly.


His body was instantly smashed by a powerful force.

"Good opportunity." Seeing such a scene, Zhong Hun instantly killed Xing Wangtong.

Such a great opportunity.

How could he miss it.


Oh, blood is flying.

"Damn, why is it me again?" Xing Wang Tong shouted angrily.

He watched helplessly as Zhong Hun's attack hit him, and at the same time, his expression turned cold: "If you want to die, let's die together!!"


Another explosive force fell on him.

Zhong Hun didn't hold back.

An attack hit Xing Wangtong's dantian.


Xingwangtong's dantian defense is completely incomprehensible at this moment.

"No, it's not my bad luck!" At this moment, Xing Wangtong finally understood that it was not his bad luck, but that he was!


Xingwangtong finally died.

At the moment of his death, the hundred-foot giant sword also cut through the space and wanted to fly in.


Zhong Hun disappeared in place for the first time, and after beheading Xing Wangtong, he did not stop at all.

Just leave.


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