The Best All-rounder

Chapter 837: Achieve a lot


The body of the hundred-foot giant sword had already flown into the time-space turbulence, but at this moment, a force grabbed the hundred-foot giant sword abruptly and pulled it out of the time-space turbulence.

Tianshuang Palace Lord.

That's right.

The person who pulled out the hundred-foot giant sword was the Temple Master of Tianshuang.

At this time, the Lord of the Tianshuang Palace.

He also stood beside Xing Wangtong's corpse. He looked at the hundred-foot giant sword in his hand, and then glanced at Xing Wangtong's corpse: "It's a pity."


He rummaged through Xing Wangtong's body.

"Zhonghun found it?" Thirteen asked.


"He is a person of the law of time, and his computing ability is very terrifying. When Xing Wangtong was hit for the first time, he probably didn't think much about it, but after Xing Wangtong was hit twice in a row, he already understood that this It's definitely not a coincidence, because the location of the attack is completely different from his calculations, and there are not so many coincidences in this world, someone must have attacked Xing Wangtong, so he could kill Xing Wangtong, and Xing Wangtong finally He also heard what he said, so he knew very well that if he didn't leave, the person who hid in the dark and attacked Xingwangtong would attack him next. Although he is strong, his current situation It's very bad, and he doesn't want to lose his life here." Xia Xia explained.

the last moment.

Even Xing Wangtong himself understood.

You are being calculated.

At the beginning, he really thought it was his bad luck, but in the end.

He realized that it wasn't his bad luck, but that he was attacked, especially his last dantian defense power, he didn't even react at all, as if he was dispelled by some force.

"Did the Tianshuang Palace Master make his move for the hundred-foot giant sword? It's really a bit embarrassing to have such an identity to attack others for the sake of a famous weapon, but it's really worth it when you get the famous weapon." Thirteen said.

"No, his purpose is not the hundred-foot giant sword, but something else. The hundred-foot giant sword is just an accidental gain, and no one will dislike a famous weapon, right?" Xia Xia said.

"Then what is his purpose?" Thirteen asked.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that he still hasn't found it. He hasn't been able to find what he wants from Xing Wangtong." Xia Xia said with emotion.


Thirteen nodded slightly: "I didn't expect that Xingwangtong would die like this in the end."

He now understands.

In this world, many times, it is not that you are not strong enough, nor that you cannot defeat your opponent, but that there will be many accidents.

If it wasn't for the Heavenly Frost Palace Master to intervene.

It is absolutely impossible for Xingwangtong to die here.

"Are we still following?" Thirteen asked.

"If you don't follow, it doesn't make sense to continue to follow, and if you follow for a long time, it will be easy to be discovered by him. Before, most of his attention was on the three people in front of him, so he ignored us, but now, he If I was on my way, I would wholeheartedly study whether I was being followed and whether I was exposed." Xia Xia analyzed.



The two of them waited until the Tianshuang Palace Master left.

Xia Si is directly integrated with Xia Xia, so when Xia Xia left, he also left with ease.

Use the source of earth to go to the transit star.

The two of them have the ability of the origin of the soil.

Wherever you go.

All are very convenient.

The same is true now.

Above the transit star.

"The three of them are rushing over." Thirteen reminded.


Don't worry about summer.

This time they discovered a lot of things and wanted to digest them.

"Xing Wangtong's death is a very big blow to Xing Wangmu. I don't know what he will do next." Xia Xia said with great interest.

at the same time.

Star home.

"Patriarch, it's not good, Xing Wangtong's life jade slip is broken." An elder said.

"What?" Xingwangmu stood up instantly: "What's going on?"

"We don't know either, but suddenly we found out that his life jade slip was broken." The elder also said very depressed.

"Why is this, impossible, absolutely impossible, what kind of ability is Xingwangtong, he can't die, even if he encounters a master at the venerable level, he still has no problem escaping." Xingwang Mu said Stop shaking his head.

"Patriarch, do you want to inform Xingwangyu?"

"Notify, immediately notify Xingwangyu, tell him, be careful, Xingwangtong was killed by sneak attack, the other party may be Venerable." Xingwangmu understands that at this time, he must calm down.

No matter how angry he is now, he can't change this fact.

Since it can't be changed, he can only endure it.

"Damn, who did it?" Xingwangmu looked at the elders below: "Check it out, be sure to find out who did it, and pay close attention to me to see if there are any other venerables here. Come here, if there are other Venerables, it will be troublesome."

Although he said it was troublesome.

But in fact.

He already has an idea, no matter who the other party is, he will count the other party together.

this time.

He will kill all the enemies together.

He was going to kill with a knife.

And his knife is Dongbatian.

It didn't take long.

A message talisman flew back.

"Patriarch, there is news from Xingwangyu. He said that the person who did it was the guard of the gods. He was also attacked by the guards. He was a master of two guards. One person was beheaded, and he is chasing another person." An elder said.

"The people of Shenwei, it's them again. Damn, they actually attacked my people one after another. I must kill them." Xingwangmu shouted angrily.

"Patriarch, even if it's a Shenwei person, it's impossible to kill Xingwangtong," said the elder.

"Check, still need to check. There must be something wrong here. I will investigate all the people who may do it. Don't miss anyone who is suspected. All the masters above the quasi-exaltation will find one and investigate the other." Xingwangmu's subordinates have really lost a lot recently.

But he understood.

No matter how much you lost.

must endure.

He must not have any more accidents.

"Come on, it's just a little bit away from the success of my plan." Xingwangmu said coldly.

On the transit The three of them came over quickly.

"How's the investigation going?" Xia Tian asked.

"A lot of news." Qu Xi glanced at Xia Tian: "How are you?"

They have gained something this time, so she is also very proud to look at Xia Xia and Shi Shi, as if asking for credit.

"The harvest is great." Thirteen said.

"Let's talk first!!" Summer said.


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