The Best All-rounder

Chapter 838: Borrow a knife to kill

Chapter 10477 Borrowing a knife to kill

"Okay, let's talk about it first." Qu Xi picked up a pot of wine. She didn't like drinking very much before, but after getting to know Xia Xia, she found that when chatting now, if she didn't drink some wine, she would not be able to drink. Said: "We have investigated a very big matter this time. We have investigated that the head of the Xing family may have a terrible opportunity, a general of the Three Bamboo Sect, Shenwei and other masters, including you. Everyone counts in the plan."

"It's so serious!!" Xia Xia was stunned.

He is also starting to be interested now.

He wanted to hear what the plan was.

"After our investigation, Shenwu's infiltration, and Dibo's analysis, we found that the head of the Xing family sent out two of his own guardians, and the destination of these two guardians was in the direction of the Three Bamboo Sect, and he He also asked the elders under him to pay close attention to the movements of those people in Shenwei, and some people were secretly investigating your news. They also supported Feng Wenzi with them, and they treated Feng Wen more than their own father. Well, Di Bo analyzed that there is only one explanation for them doing this, and that is that they want to use Feng Wen." Qu Xi said.

"Using Feng Wen? Feng Wen is just an illegitimate child. Although his father, Dong Batian, is very powerful, he can't just do it casually." Xia Xia said.

He didn't think Dongbatian would become someone else's free thug.

"Of course it's impossible to shoot casually, but what if Feng Wen died?" Qu Xi asked.


When hearing this.

Summer seemed to understand what was going on.

"Does the Xing family want to frame us?" Thirteen was taken aback.

"That's right, it's too easy to frame us, because Feng Wen and Xia Xia were at odds with each other, if the Xing family cooperated in a good show, let the people of Shenwei, the people of Sanzhu Sect, and other masters show traces. If they stayed at the murder scene together, then you say, will this kind of planting be successful, plus they were so good to Feng Wen before, will Dongbatian suspect them?" Qu Xi asked.

She also summarized the analysis of the three of them and said it.

"It's terrifying to kill someone with a knife." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"This murder with a knife will definitely succeed, but I think this knife is a double-edged sword. Once Dongbatian finds a little clue, even if it's just a little bit, Dongbatian will even clean up with the Xing family. After all, he is also a famous master, a real top existence, such people are very shrewd, how can they be used casually, but even if he knows the truth, he will definitely kill his own son who wants to The people who killed, and all those who were related to the death of their son." De Bo explained.

"Yeah, Dongbatian is a lunatic. He never says why when he does things, and he doesn't say that much nonsense. He just likes to kill to get everything done, and he dotes on Feng Wen very much, although Feng Wen It's just an illegitimate child, but if Feng Wen dies, it will be a disaster." Thirteen said.


A terrible conspiracy emerged.

This conspiracy also enveloped them in the summer.

"If Dongbatian shoots, what are the chances of us surviving?" Xia Xia asked.

"0, our probability of surviving is 0, and there is no chance at all, so this is the most terrifying, unless we leave here now, away from the fire zone." Thirteen believes that since they have seen through the star king Mu's plan, then they should avoid Xingwangmu's plan. As long as they leave here, even if Xingwangmu wants to frame them, it is impossible.

"Thirteen is right, just leave. Only by leaving can you be safe." The uncle didn't want Xia Xia to be involved in danger because of them.

The search for fireflies this time was originally their life.

Enough has been done to help them in the summer.

If they killed Summer because of them, then they are the real guilt.

"I said that some things can't be avoided. If you want to avoid them blindly, the final result will be the same. As you said, Dongbatian spoils Feng Wen so much, even if we leave. , he will also think that Feng Wen's death, we are the fuse, if we hadn't had a conflict with Feng Wen, then Feng Wen would not have happened later, and he would have come to us for revenge." Xia Xia thinks , Since trouble is coming, you can't just avoid it.

But to find a way to resolve.


Thirteen nodded slightly: "How to do it, I will listen to you."

in a cave.

The original team of thirteen people, there are only eight people left here, five people are missing, of course, only four died, and the fifth person did not die.

"No. 5 and No. 11 have failed. No. 11 is fleeing now, but Xingwangyu is in hot pursuit. It is difficult for him to escape in a short time. No. 5 is dead." Qiong Ying told the news.

No. 5 is the space king Falcon.

No. 11 is the ghost king ever.

In other words, the one who died was the Space King Falcon.


The people at the scene nodded slightly.

This news caused the morale of the team to drop a lot.


they think.

Two people shot together to deal with the masters of the Xing family, it should be a sure thing.

But now.

The ghost king and the falcon actually failed.

"No. 4 completed the mission and killed Xingwang Tong." Qiong Ying said again.

That's still good news.

Because this is enough to prove that the enemy is not invincible.

The strength of Xingwangtong and Xingwangyu are similar.

When one side completes it, it can only be said that the other side is not strong enough.

Their failure and death are doomed.

"It was No. 2 and No. 4 who completed the mission together." Zhong Hun said with a blank expression.

As soon as he said these words, everyone understood what he meant. Obviously, Zhong Hun wanted to ask for some dignity for the dead person.

Of course.

They can only say codenames.


They don't even know who is dead.

They only know that these people are similar in strength to their own.

"Okay, No. 2 and No. 4 completed their tasks, No. 2 died!!" Qiong Ying said again.


Zhong Hun didn't say anything else this and No. 9 talk about how their mission was accomplished!!" Qiong Ying looked at Gravity King Xiong Yi and Zhen Wang Jixi.

The two of them are tasked with investigating the hag.

"We investigated the details of the hag, and it can be said that he is a very ordinary person, and can only be regarded as one of the many ordinary masters, not even a top master, and even before she was not in the realm of a quasi-exalted person, but Before she came to the band of fire this time, she suddenly broke through and became a quasi-venerable one without warning."


A sudden breakthrough?


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