The Best All-rounder

Chapter 840: The strength of the star king jade

This is his law release, and usually he will not use it casually, because it will cause a lot of damage to himself after use, and there are side effects.

but now.

He wants to quickly deal with the person in front of him.

At this time, the ghost king was also very frightened. When he received this task, he always thought that he could easily complete this task, no matter what kind of ability Xingwangyu had, he could not be his opponent.

What's more, he also has a space king Falcon as a helper.

The cooperation of the two of them is simply an existence against the sky.

No one can be their opponent.

"Damn, why is he so strong!" The ghost king has always believed that a few of them are already at the top of the world, and everyone below the Venerable should be invincible.

But when he met Xingwangyu, he knew what a gap was.

at the very beginning.

He didn't feel anything either.

Although Xingwangyu's strength is good, he still thinks that they can handle it easily, but as the battle becomes more and more intense, he also sees the power of Xingwangyu.

When Xingwangyu was fighting, he often set traps for them. When they thought they could take down Xingwangyu, Xingwangyu would directly attack them.

Let them get hit multiple times.

And many times in a life-and-death struggle.

In the end, Xingwangyu took advantage.

After a simple fight.

The two of them played two against one, but Xing Wangyu had the advantage.

This made the two of them very unhappy with their arrogance. They also showed their desperate skills to defeat Xingwangyu, but just when they wanted to completely obliterate Xingwangyu.

problem occurs.

Xingwangyu beheaded the Space King Falcon in an instant.

Successful turnaround.

Although the Ghost King has been very unwilling since then, when the Space King Falcon was beheaded, he was completely frightened and even felt death.


He chose to escape for the first time.

"Why, aren't we the strongest beings below the Venerable?" Ever since the ghost king kept reflecting on himself on the road, he couldn't figure it out.

what on earth is it.


The ghost king has been wrong since.

The reason why the guards chose them is not because they are the strongest below the Venerable, but because of their potential.

They are still too young.

But just give them a hundred thousand years.

Two hundred thousand years.

half a million years.

Then even if they can't become Venerables, they can truly become invincible beings below Venerables.

Because at that time, they achieved true perfection both in terms of means and experience.

This is also the gap between them and people like Xingwangyu.

"But fortunately, I managed to escape, it is impossible for him to catch up with me." Since the ghost king is also very confident in his speed, he thinks that Xingwangyu's ability is good, but Xingwangyu must not be able to. catch up with him.

This gave him a lot of opportunities.


at this time.

He suddenly sensed a crisis.

This is the real crisis, the feeling of death.


The Ghost King never had time to think, and his body rushed forward quickly.


There was a huge explosion in the position he had just been in.

"What's the matter?" The ghost king sensed the person behind him for the first time.

It is Xingwangyu.

He couldn't figure it out.

How did Xingwangyu catch up to him: "How can this happen, why does his speed increase so much."


Xingwangyu fell directly in front of Ghost King Zi: "Do you really think that you can get rid of me?"


Xingwangyu's eyes are very cold now.

at this moment.

He was really moved to kill.

And it's not the desire to fight before, but the desire to kill.

"Xingwangyu, you're just catching up with me, do you really think you can kill me?" Although the ghost king was a little shy in his heart, he wouldn't admit defeat in terms of morale.

He considers himself to be very powerful.

Although the Space King Falcon died in the opponent's hands before, it was because they took the bait and hit the plot. If they fought steadily, then they would not be able to lose.

The Space King Falcon will not die either.


As long as he is careful, Xingwangyu has nothing to do with him.


Xingwangyu instantly killed the ghost king Zizi.

Countless thin lines stabbed at the ghost king ever since.


The weapon in his hand is also a famous weapon, but he is the same as Xingwangtong's big sword. His weapon is a thin line, countless thin lines, these thin lines are very fast, and their attack power is also very terrifying.

"You people deserve to die. You killed so many people in my Xing family. Now even Xingwangtong is in your hands. I will kill you all." Xingwangyu shouted angrily.



The ghost king has also discovered that Xingwangyu's attack has become different from before.

Before Xingwangyu's attack was very conservative, but now Xingwangyu's attack is very fast.

Even him.

Don't even dare to contend.

"It's you who dare to kill us. You should end up like this. The death of Xingwangtong is just the beginning, and the next step is your death." Ever since the ghost king heard that Xingwangtong was dead, Also very depressing.

They are all people of their level who take on the task.

The same two people took the task.

As a result, everyone has completed the task now, and one of them died, and the task has not been completed.


Now hearing this sentence, he also increased a lot of confidence.

He thought that since those two could do it, he could certainly do it too.


The ghost king has also launched his own attack in an instant!

boom! boom!

Attacked several times.

The ghost king has since found out that something is wrong: "Damn, you must have used some secret technique to temporarily increase your speed and strength, or increase your overall strength, and I'm actually stupid enough to confront you head-on!"

Back off!

The ghost king also began to retreat at this time.

The current Xingwangyu's strength is very terrifying, and the overall combat effectiveness is also very anti-sky. If he continues to fight like this, he can only suffer.


He wants to survive the bonus time of this star king jade.

As long as this time passes, the overall strength of the star king jade will decline.

even periods of fatigue.

"When you become weak, it will be my comeback period, and then I will definitely kill you." The Ghost King secretly said in his heart.

He gritted his teeth now.

persist in!

Don't go head-to-head with each other!

Swish! Swish!

The attack of the two is getting more and more The ghost king has also been retreating steadily since then.


Xingwangyu's body froze, and then the attack speed of the attack was significantly slower.

"It's now!" When he saw this place, the ghost king's eyes also lit up, and then he quickly killed Xingwangyu.


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