The Best All-rounder

Chapter 841: Xingwangmu's invitation

He's about to start fighting back.

he thinks.

With his counterattack this time, he will definitely be able to kill Xingwangyu quickly.

In this case.

Completed the task myself.


The thought of this made him even more excited.


Ghost King Zi's attack instantly smashed into Xingwangyu: "Now is your time of death."


A slight smile appeared on Xing Wangyu's face.

at the same time.

Countless thin lines.

Instantly stabbed at Ghost King Zi's body.

"Not good!" The ghost king's expression changed since then.

He was fooled again.


He also used all his strength to dodge.


His shoulder was pierced in an instant, Xingwangyu moved his fingers, and Ghost King Zizi's entire arm was cut off like this: "Damn, are you going to play these conspiracies?"

The ghost king is also very angry since now.

since the start of the war.

Xingwangyu has been plotting against him.

He has told himself in his heart that he has not listened, he must be careful, and he must not be arbitrarily calculated by Xingwangyu, but in the end.

He was still counted.

Every time Xingwangyu reveals his flaws, he can arouse the desire to fight in his heart.

"Idiots, you are the only ones who are worthy to fight against our Xing family. If it was a head-on battle, you would have been killed by our Xing family long ago. People who have been attacking our Xing family have dared to make calculations now." Xing Wang Yu said very disdainfully.

Star family.

The combat power is very terrifying.

Cohesion is equally terrifying.


There is no one who can compete head-on with the Xing family.

But the people of Shenwei have been attacking the people under their star family, attacking those with average strength.

The loss of the backbone of the Xing family was very serious.

If it's a head-to-head fight.

"Xingwangyu, I will never let you go." Since when has the ghost king suffered such a big loss, and now an arm has been cut off, this makes him even more angry.


He also wanted to run away again.

But how could Xingwangyu give him that chance.

Xingwangyu also killed it again at this time.


The ghost king, who wanted to escape, also hurriedly defended and was sent flying again.


Xingwangyu rushed up directly, wanting to make a combo.

Once hit the combo.

Since the ghost king wants to turn around, it is almost impossible.


Since the ghost king is also a ruthless character, he also took the damage this time abruptly, and then rushed into the ground.

"It's interesting, I'll see how long you can last." Xing Wangyu understood that since the Ghost King took his damage, the load on his body must be very serious in a short period of time.


Xingwangyu's attack instantly smashed a huge pit out of the ground.

The ghost king who wanted to escape was also bombed to the ground.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the ghost king Zi.

"You lost!!" Xing Wang Yu looked at the Ghost King Zi in front of him coldly. No matter how famous Ghost King Zi was, no matter what kind of ability Ghost King Zi had before, at this moment, Ghost King Zi has always failed.

"If I hadn't been careless and fell for you, you wouldn't be my opponent." The Ghost King has since refused to admit any counsel.

he thinks.

That's what I was careless about when I first started.

So you'll get caught.

"You really can't do anything, you are bragging about being number one." Xing Wang Yu looked at Ghost King Zi Zi with great disdain.

At this time, since the ghost king was still bragging to him, it really made him feel very speechless.


Xingwangyu didn't want to talk nonsense with the ghost king since.

Killed instantly.

Ghost King Zi's body also quickly retreated: "It's not that easy to kill me, and my reinforcements are coming soon. When my reinforcements arrive, it will be your death."


When hearing this.

Xingwangyu's movements have undergone some changes.


He slapped the ghost king Zi Zi.


The Ghost King thought he was going to die here, but he soon discovered that Xingwangyu's attack was not as powerful as before.

Ha ha ha ha!

"God helps me, your ability has finally reached its limit." The ghost king laughed excitedly since then.

He understands.

In this situation, Xingwangyu's attack has weakened, it is definitely not pretending, but the previous ability has ended, and the weak period has begun.

Of course.

Whether it's true or false, he won't rush to Xingwangyu anymore, he can't be fooled again.


The ghost king has since escaped so quickly.

Looking at the direction the Ghost King had escaped from, a smile appeared on Xingwangyu's face: "Everything is in the plan."

That's right!

Xingwangyu's power is not at its limit, he just deliberately let go of the ghost king since.

The purpose of him letting go of the ghost king Zi is very simple. He hopes that the helpers of the ghost king will come soon. These people are all proud, and they definitely don't want to fail the mission, so they will definitely attack him again. At that time, he can just take these Kill them one by one. Of course, it would be better if they could be caught alive. If they couldn't be caught alive, they would take their masks back.

The owner had the best plan.

And he already knew the plan.

It is to frame these people and bring the real people back, and the effect is the best. If the real people cannot be brought back, it can also be done with masks.


His last blow was not to kill Ghost King Zi, but to leave his coordinates on Ghost King Zi.

In this case.

No matter where the ghost king went, he could sense it immediately.

"Let's catch a few high-level officials of the Three Bamboo Sect first, and then clean them up." Xing Wangyu also planned everything perfectly.


He is also very confident in his own strength.

No matter how tough the enemy is.

He can handle it all.

In the summer, they have been silently investigating all this recently.

After Qu Xi and the others told Xia Xia about the news they had investigated, Xia Xia also told Qu Xi and the others what they knew, which shocked them very much.

Because the news of the summer is Tianshuang Palace Lord.

"Xingwangmu is looking for us." Thirteen glanced at the communication talisman.

"Looking for us?" Xia Xia raised his Well, he said that he wanted us to meet up together in order to resolve the misunderstanding between us and Feng Wen. " Thirteen said.


This is an invitation from Xingwangmu.

"It seems that he wants to do it." Qu Xi said with emotion.

They had already analyzed these things before, and they were still thinking about how Xingwangmu wanted to attract them, but now Xingwangmu actually used such an excuse to get them there.


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