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Chapter 842: Depressed 8 elders


"Yeah, as we expected, he intends to attract us, then kill Feng Wen and frame us." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

"It's true that there are wolves in front and tigers in the back!!" Di Bo said with emotion.


"At this time, if we pass, we will definitely be calculated. If we don't pass, he will find someone to pretend to be us. Although there will be some risks, on the whole, as long as they calculate well, and we There is not much action here, let everyone know that we are here, then he will almost succeed." Thirteen analyzed.

he thinks.

The people of Xingwangmu.

do this kind of thing.

Really very cheap.

But the same.

He does so.

It's been really good to get through it.

No one would have thought that the patriarch of the dignified star family, a master at the venerable level, would actually do such a despicable thing.

"What should I do?" Qu Xi looked at Xia Tian.

They all understand.

At this time, be sure to listen to summer.

"Go, of course, but now is not the time. In a few days, we will deliberately release the news of our location, and then let them come to the door, and we will go again." Xia Xia said.


Everyone nodded slightly.

Although they don't understand what summer means, since summer has made a decision, they can just listen to summer's arrangements.

"Palace Master Tianshuang's behavior is also very strange. A person like him will not come out to loot, let alone kill people and steal treasures, and he came here by himself. I am worried that he is also here for Yinghuo. If it is really aimed at Yinghuo, and he is still hiding in the dark, then there may really be a lot of trouble." Di Bo said.

People like Tianshuang Palace Master.

Incomparably powerful.

If he hides in the dark, he must find a way to deal with him first, otherwise, when everyone is fighting to lose, there will be no one to deal with him.

"Palace Master Tianshuang is indeed a trouble, but it's not impossible. Isn't the Xing family trying to plot against all of us? It just so happens that when he plots against us, it's fine to bring Palace Lord Tianshuang. At that time, not only can Exposing the existence of Tianshuang Palace Master can also make Tianshuang Palace Master a lot of trouble. He is now hiding in the dark and is a great threat, but if he is moved to a bright place, he will not be so scary. These When the strength is fighting each other, he will also be counted in it." Xia Xia also thought about using the strength of other people here to deal with the Tianshuang Palace Master.

Although the people in their team are very powerful.

Everyone's fighting power is not simple.

But compared with people like Tianshuang Palace Master, they are really much worse.



What they have to do is to use the strength of others to deal with the Tianshuang Palace Master.

"Since Xingwangtong was attacked by the guards, then Xingwangyu's side will also be attacked by the guards, but the difference is that there is no help from the Tianshuang Palace Master on Xingwangyu's side, so the people there are afraid It won’t be successful, and it will even be killed by Xingwang Yuquan.” Di Bo said.


"Xingwangtong and Xingwangyu are very powerful, and their combat experience and means are really too rich. People like them are all real top fighters, not geniuses outside the guards can deal with, so The team here may be beheaded very soon, in this case, the thirteen people of the Shenwei should also die a lot, and the remaining people will not have such a big role." Xia Xia also Weighing the strength of these people.

He must strike a balance between these forces.

And no one is too strong.

Only then, in the final fight.

They will have more opportunities.

"It's really exciting, I didn't dare to think about this kind of battle before." Thirteen's face showed a smile.

"Everyone has recharged their energy. I'm afraid there will be a big battle, a real tough battle. At that time, the number of our enemies will probably be countless." Xia Xia's face also showed an excited look.


He is also a fighting maniac.

And is a natural warrior.

He desires power more than anyone else, and to gain power, he must fight between life and death.

The growth of the King of Kings is like this.

Only Xia Xia is really desperate, and there are more insights between life and death.

He can really grow.

About ten days passed.

The Xing family found Xia Xian and Shi Xian.

Qu Xi and the three of them have been hidden again.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Thirteen, I am the eighth elder of the Xing family!!"

"Oh!" Summer nodded slightly.

"I'm here this time to help Mr. Xia," the eighth elder said directly.

"Help me? I don't seem to need help from others. What class?" Xia Xia asked the eighth elder.

Do not!

The eighth elder shook his head: "You need my help. To put it simply, you and Feng Wen have already had a lot of trouble. If our Xing family doesn't show up, you will surely die!!"

His attitude was very strong, as if he wanted Xia Xia to kneel down and beg him for help.

"Really? Before, many people said that I would definitely die, and it was the other party who died in the end." Xia Xia said very casually.

Is he afraid?

Of course not afraid.


The eighth elder was stunned for a moment. In his thoughts, when Xia Xia heard about Feng Wen, he would definitely be very depressed and hesitant, and finally asked him for help.

But now.

Xia Xia has such a strong attitude, which makes all the languages ​​he prepared earlier useless.

"Mr. Xia, you have to think about it, Feng Wen is Dong Batian's son, can you provoke such a person? Dong Batian is a very violent person. If he takes action, he will not let go easily. Anyone, even the three gods, apologized back then." The eighth elder wanted to tell Xia Xia the powerful relationship here, hoping that Xia Xia could understand his current situation.


Xia Xia looked at the eight elders in front of him very plainly: "So what?"

This is the attitude of summer.

"I mean, you will die, and Dongbatian will kill you!!" The eighth elder also said very depressed.

"Kill us? Come on then, I'm waiting." Xia Tian said directly.


Now the Eighth Elder is completely He doesn't know how to describe his mood.

Summer is really a fearless guy.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Thirteen, have you really thought about your consequences?" the eighth elder asked.

He keeps emphasizing.

The horrific consequences they will suffer in the summer.

But summer has been so casual.


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