The Best All-rounder

Chapter 846: summer fight back

Chapter 10485 Summer's Counterattack

"Video stone, when did you get it?" Thirteen said in surprise.

"Be careful when you go out. With this video stone, the next thing will be very exciting." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face, and it was this kind of scene that he liked the most.

"But the video stone can be forged, and the copied video stone will arouse everyone's suspicion, and people outside may not think it is real." Shisan explained.

Although the video stone has many functions.

But it's not as useful as evidence.

So if Xia Xia wanted to use this evidence to bite Xingwangmu to death, it would be impossible.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you let the news out, people outside like to watch the fun, even if they know the news is fake, they will pass it on as true, because it is very cool to slander a Venerable. , Over time, everyone says this, people outside will think it's true, this method, the first time you use it, the effect is the best, for these celebrities, the effect is even better." This method in summer relies on It's the hype on earth.

This kind of hype is useless against ordinary people.

Nor will ordinary people lose anything.

But the effect of dealing with those famous people and the forces of fame is very great.

Because what they lose is reputation.

More people want to see their jokes.


This time.

Things will get out here.


The star's reputation will plummet.

This kind of thing is so embarrassing.

If the Xing family wants to deal with Xia Xia, they can deal with it directly, instead of cheating Xia Xia and killing Xia Xia directly.

Such a person does not deserve to be the head of the family, let alone a famous master.

Although Thirteen did not know what the result would be, he was sure that it would be very interesting in the end.

He has a large number of fairy crystals on him.

He has not used these immortal crystals much, and now is the time to use them.

He scatters one billion immortal crystals at a time.

This made the video stone released in large numbers.

There are billions of scattered repairers here.

Recently, the people of the Xing family have been very domineering. These scattered cultivators have long been unhappy with the people who watched the Xing family. After seeing this video stone, they had no doubts at all, and immediately began to promote this kind of thing everywhere.

less than three days.

This thing spread.

"Patriarch, this matter has been completely spread outside, almost everyone outside knows about it, and the children of our Xing family also know about it. Now the morale of the children in the family is very low, and the outside There are more and more people who are attacking us, and even many people are fishing in troubled waters and attacking the people of our Xing family in the name of upholding justice." A Xingtong said very depressed.


Xingwangmu crushed the video stone in his hand.

His face was very ugly. He never thought that Xia Xian would make such a move. The key is that this move has already hit his weakness, and there is another problem with the content of this video stone in Xia Xia, that is, they The scene where the Xing family attacked Xia Xia and Shisan was also there, and this was what he was most worried about: "You guys go to forge some video stones, overturn the content in Xia Xia's video stone, act realistically, and play Xia Xia as a heinous person. people."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it!!"

"Is there any news from Dongbatian?" Xingwangmu asked.

"It hasn't reached the eighth party yet, as long as he arrives at the eighth party, we can get the news as soon as possible."

"Okay, pay close attention, and also, the guards are also keeping an eye on me." Xingwangmu said.

"The Shenwei side has already found a position, and they haven't moved them for the time being, but the Sanzhu Sect has made a lot of moves recently. They also know what's going on here and understand that we did it, so they seem to be making big moves too."

"Find out the location of Xia Xia and Shi Shi quickly, they must be the first to die." Xing Wangmu's eyes were full of murderous intent.


He has planned everything.

But because of Xia Xian and Shisan, his perfect plan went wrong.


He can't wait to swallow Xia Xia and Shi Shisheng alive.

"No, Patriarch, another big star has died." An elder said anxiously.

"What's the situation?" Xingwangmu has heard bad news the most recently.

Different bad news comes out every day.

"Originally, there were many large-scale scattered cultivators in the vicinity to deal with the people of our Xing family, but the people of our Xing family are more cohesive and stronger, so during the battle, there are no people in our Xing family at all. Any loss, or even completely crushing those loose cultivators, they did not have much cohesion and were immediately scattered, but Xia Xia and Shisan suddenly appeared, they took the lead to kill, they deliberately shot our people's storage equipment and weapons , those loose cultivators in the back are just picking up bargains, and more and more people are picking up bargains. Those people really think that if they kill people, they will have treasures, so there are more and more people who kill them, although they and our stars The children of the family can’t be compared, but in the end, there are really too many people, in order to control the scene, Da Xingtong led the master to come forward in person, but in the end, Xia Xia and Shisan joined forces to kill them.”

The elder explained the specific situation again.

At this time, he was also very unhappy. Although they were beaten badly by Xia Xia this time, he was very unconvinced. In his opinion, the children of their Xing family were stronger in combat.


Xingwangmu's expression turned completely cold.

"Patriarch, our side is now suffering heavy casualties, and more and more loose cultivators are starting to kill us in the name of eliminating harm for the people. Now we are facing more than 100 million loose cultivators everywhere at the same time, and so on. If you do, the scene will be uncontrollable." The people of their Xing family are very strong, but now there are too many enemies.

And the number of enemies is still increasing.

This is terrifying.

"Xingwangyu, I'll give you fifteen quasi-venerable cultivators, and thirty people with a power of 100,000 points. Go kill Xia Xia and Thirteen for me." Xingwangmu shouted loudly.

"Patriarch, did Thirteen also kill?" the elder next to him hurriedly asked.

"Kill, he first shot at our Xing family, even if Baichuan comes, I don't care." Xingwangmu's current anger is also completely up.


Xing Wangyu took a step forward: "Kill the two of What helper should I use, I can go by myself."


After he finished speaking, he also disappeared directly in place.

He is the star king jade.

Who has he been afraid of over the years?

Even the so-called masters of Shenwei were killed by him one by one. One summer, one thirteen, he did not pay attention to it at all.


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