The Best All-rounder

Chapter 847: self-inflicted

Chapter 10486 Self-inflicted

"Patriarch, do you need someone to follow you?" an elder asked.

"No need, let the masters of loose cultivators I recruited lead people to fight against other loose cultivators, they don't need to kill all of them, they just need to delay for a while, Xia Xian and Shi Shi Yi died, those rabble Naturally, they dispersed, and we can take revenge on them any way we want, and as long as we take out the names of people from the Celestial Clan, those people will definitely be honest." Xingwangmu said very confidently.

Celestial people's name.

In China, it is definitely the most useful.

For ordinary people.

As long as the names of people from the Celestial Clan appear, no matter what excuses the other party has, they will not dare to mess around.


The masters of the Xing family joined the battle, and they quickly stunned the surrounding loose cultivators.


Summer and Thirteen are the main battlefields.

"Are you still throwing it away?" Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia.

"Throw, Xianjing and these trophies are foreign objects, you don't need to care about it at all, those scattered cultivators in the back see the benefits, one by one will go crazy and attack the Xing family team, as long as the two of us don't fall, they will It will become an existence like a beast." Xia Xia is good at taking advantage of the situation.

at the very beginning.

They fought against the people of the Xing family, and they threw out many immortal crystals and combat power items themselves. After they killed the people of the Xing family, they deliberately smashed the storage equipment of the people of the Xing family.

In this case.

Those people in the back will also have red eyes for treasures.

"I just received the news that the Xing family has moved. They forged a batch of video stones. The content in it has turned you into a despicable villain, and the Xing family has been described very tall." A smile appeared on Shisan's face. .

at this time.

He also admired Xia Xia very much, because Xia Xian had expected all this.


The second round of action in the summer is already ready.

"Let them start!" Summer nodded slightly.


That's right.

What Xia Xia has to do is very simple, that is, let them release a large number of video stones that they have prepared in advance. Those video stones, of all kinds, are all fake and fake, and they are also used to slander Xia Xia. , and it's very fake.

"It's already done. According to what you said, it's very fake. People outside will know it's fake." When Shisan heard the idea of ​​Xia Xian, he almost died of laughter.

No matter how realistic the Xingjia's work is, mixed with a hundred fake ones, everyone will think it is fake, and it will be very ridiculous.

It will even look down on the star family even more.

It can be said.

They did this, not only could they not slander Xia Xia, but they won a lot of popularity for Xia Xia, and even more damage to the Xing family's reputation.

"The entertainment industry in my hometown is much more chaotic than this. Compared with those people, my approach is weaker." Xia Xia believes that on earth, the entertainment industry is the most chaotic, and the expensive entertainment industry is the best.

The Xing family is now completely disgraced.

Even the disciples of the Xing family felt very ashamed. When those loose cultivators were fighting against the children of the Xing family, when they mentioned this kind of thing, those children didn't even dare to refute.

And Xingwangmu also recruited some subordinates.

There are also many people.

At the beginning, these people also worshiped Xingwangmu very much, and thought that they might develop with Xingwangmu in the future.

After all, there are people from the Celestial Clan behind Xingwangmu.

But these people are different now.

"Come on, I don't want to die here, I don't have any value at all. The people in front are what kind of enemies, everyone is just a loose cultivator. If I die in battle to **** treasures, I won't say anything. I'm really not interested in being beaten down for despicableness."

"That's right, I'm not here either. If I die here, who will remember me? A despicable person like him must just be treated as a piece of trash. Do I have to fight for his life for such a person?"

"If it weren't for the reputation of the Celestial Clan, I would have joined the other side's camp long ago, and I would have never had a chance in my life to mix with such a despicable person."

Those loose cultivators, no matter what their strengths are, none of them want to fight for Xingwangmu.

When they came before, they all had high fighting spirit.

But now.

All they have is disdain.

The same scene happened everywhere on the battlefield.

Many people even had conflicts with the Xing family.

The people of the Xing family wanted to use these loose cultivators as cannon fodder to stand in the front, but these people were not easy to bully, and no one stepped forward. Those who were forced to come forward all took off their own representatives of the Xing family. Badge, joined the opposite camp.


It's been less than half a day since the war started.

The scene was messed up.

"I really convinced you. Obviously, there are no subordinates. As a result, a team of hundreds of millions of people has been pulled up, and the number is still increasing." Thirteen also looked at Xia Tian with admiration.

in his eyes.

Summer is really tough.

It can be said.

in China.

Even the people of the Celestial Clan couldn't pull up a team of hundreds of millions of people so quickly.

"Since time immemorial, those who have gained the way have more help, and those who have lost the way have little help. This is why you good-faced people have to take justice in fights. smiled.

at the same time.

He threw a lot of fairy crystals at the Xing family team.

Immortal crystals are falling from the sky.

The loose cultivators in the back rushed forward like crazy.


at this time.

An extremely powerful attack smashed directly into the crowd.

Thin line.

A lot of thin lines flew directly to those people.

The bodies of those loose cultivators were directly penetrated in this way.

"As thin as a cow's hair, Xingwangyu." Thirteen looked blankly at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Star King Jade.

The same existence as Xingwangtong.

They are all top guards of Xingwangmu.


Xingwangyu also single-handedly killed the outsiders of the four divine guards.

Incomparably strong.

Look at the scattered repairs who rushed over.

Xingwangyu's body moved.

For a moment.

The rapier in his hand turned directly into long lines.

Continue to penetrate the body of those loose cultivators.


Thirteen blocked the attack that rushed towards them.

This is an indiscriminate attack.


When he blocked Xingwangyu's attack, Xingwangyu also sensed the existence of a master here, and at the same time, his eyes also looked over.

"Thirteen, summer!!" When he saw Summer and Thirteen, he was very excited.

He came here.

Just for Thirteen and Summer.

Now that he has found Xia Xia and Shi Xian, he will not be polite in the future.


Xingwangyu also rushed directly to Xia Xia and Shi Shi.


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