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Chapter 848: he is dead

Chapter 10487 He is dead

Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen also used the Haotian Mirror to attack.


Part of those thin-line attacks were repelled, while the other part bypassed the Haotian Mirror and charged directly towards Xia Xia and Shi Shi.


Xingwangyu's attack is very flexible, and there is no possibility of any defense.



Countless filaments appeared, directly blocking Xia Xia and Shi Shi.


The attack in front of Xia Xia and Shisan was directly blocked.

"Thousand Silk Beast!!" When Xingwangyu saw this defense, he understood what was going on.

"Protect Your Excellency!!" Those from the Xing family wanted to rush up.

"No one is allowed to come, no one needs to come, I can handle it myself." Xing Wangyu killed him again.

at the same time!

Thirteen's attack strikes again.


Xingwangyu also began to dodge constantly.

"So troublesome guy." Thirteen felt that although his attack was fast, the opponent's attack and defense were more flexible, making it difficult for him to hit.


He has the dark night.

The speed is very fast.

With his own speed and Haotian Mirror's attack, it can be said to be very defiant.

but now.

However, Xingwangyu's weapon is very flexible and does not give him a chance.

"Battles aren't like this." Xia Xia waved his right hand.

For a moment.

in the sky.

Immortal crystal rain began to fall.

Looking at the immortal crystals flying in the sky, the people around seemed to be crazy.

rushed straight up.

at the same time.

Summer and Thirteen began to retreat quickly.

"I want to escape!!" Xing Wangyu saw Xia Xia and Shisan retreating, and he killed him immediately.

Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen's Haotian Mirror knocked down instantly.

This time.

There are people around, and the space becomes much smaller.

Xingwangyu didn't have time to dodge at all.


His body was directly smashed down, and his attack was blocked by Xia Si at the same time.

"Just like that?" Thirteen asked in confusion.

"Yes, make this space into a battlefield and don't let him come out, then what he will face is the continuous attack of those around him." Xia Xia explained.

when fighting.

Summer was very able to take advantage of the situation.

Use the changes in the battlefield and the changes in people's hearts to fight.


He is using the scattered cultivation here to fight.

Xingwangyu's strength is very strong, if Xia Xia and Thirteen go together, there will be a lot of trouble, especially because there are too many people here, and there will be too many changes.


Summer simply used the people here as the basis of the battle.

Use billions of immortal crystals as a reward to deal with the star king jade.

"Whoever kills him, I will reward 10 billion immortal crystals." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

Originally, the people around were very tempted. Looking at the Xianjing Mountain in front of them, they were about to start. Now that they heard Xia's words, they suddenly became even more excited.


For a moment.

Countless attacks hit Xingwangyu.

boom! boom!

The famous weapon in Xingwangyu's hand is also constantly resisting the surrounding attacks.

Although these attacks did little damage to him, once they were hit all the time, it would become very troublesome.

"You must get out of this encirclement." Xing Wangyu also discovered that there are more and more people around, and more and more attacks around. If you don't leave this encirclement, it will be really troublesome.


He also wants to break through quickly.


Thirteen instantly appeared in front of him.

Haotian Mirror!

An attack came down, and Xingwangyu was directly repelled again.

Xingwangyu fell into the encirclement again.


Xingwangyu also started to kill frantically, deliberately killing a passage, and then trying to break out from this passage.


A powerful attack appeared.

Xingwangyu was also beaten down again.

The surrounding encirclement became more and more terrifying.


Xingwangyu suddenly found out.

Although I am constantly killing people around me, there are more and more people around me, and I can no longer open this encirclement: "Not good!!"

Look at the situation ahead.

There was also a smile on Xia Xia's face: "He is dead."

"You can still fight like this!!" Thirteen suddenly discovered that Xia Tian was refreshing his new world every day.

"A person's strength, no matter how strong, how strong can you be? Unless you are really a venerable person and have your own world power, you can come out of this encirclement. As long as you are not a venerable person, you can't rush. Come out, there are tens of thousands of layers of encirclement here, how long does it take him to kill one layer? The people outside are endless, and even if he uses some devastating ultimate move to kill a way, I will It can be found at the first time, and then the two of us will shoot together and hit him back. After a few times, he has no ability to break through, only defense, and at that time, his death period will come." Xia is creating stars. Wang Yu's death fear.

Although there are still many people from the star family ahead.

But those people of the star family are also being attacked frantically.

They simply have no way to come to support Xingwangyu.

If there are still a group of masters here, they can rescue Xingwangyu, and they can also delay Xia Xia and Shisan.


Xingwangyu was arrogant and arrogant, and did not let the people from the Xingwangmu faction keep up.

In his opinion.

Defeat Shisan and Xiaxia by himself, that is still a matter of hand.

But he didn't expect it.

Summer actually used the scattered repair here to deal with it.

Use these loose cultivators that he usually doesn't even bother to watch to deal with him.

"Damn, can't kill these people? Why did I kill so many, still in the encirclement." Xingwangyu shouted angrily.


He was really depressed.

The situation here is completely beyond his imagination.

Seeing that there were more and more attacks around him, his defense also showed a little flaw, which made Xingwangyu even more anxious. He was not thinking about killing Xia Xia and Shisan anymore.

Instead, find a way to get out.

Thin as a cow's hair!


He also launched his strongest attack.

puff! puff!

The powerful attack instantly killed tens of thousands of people.

Can be the same.

He was also almost desperate.

Because of the darkness, there is still no edge.

"Get out of the way, or I'll kill you all." Xing Wangyu's eyes were red at this time, and he shouted angrily.

The power here is too complex.

He can't even let go of the Kill him, or we will have no way out. "The people in the front are all working hard now, and they all understand that they have no way to retreat, and there are people behind them, and it is impossible to retreat.

Can only bite the bullet and move forward.

As long as they can kill Xingwangyu, the 10 billion immortal crystals will be theirs.


Although their strength is far worse than that of Xingwangyu, they are all trying their best.

Also very scary.


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