The Best All-rounder

Chapter 849: 1 ominous foreboding

boom! boom!

Xing Wangyu is fighting back as much as he can, and at the same time he is trying to notify the people outside and let them save him.

The children of the Xing family are still very loyal.

When they saw that there was a situation in Xingwangyu, they rushed up immediately.

Don't care about your own life or death.

"Those guys want to come and save people." Thirteen saw what the Xing family's children wanted to do when he saw the Xing family's children rushing over.

They must have wanted the savior Wang Yu.

"They are not strong enough, try to block them, and leave the rest to Xianjing!!" Xia Xia once again took out a large number of Xianjing and began to spread it forward.

There are enough people surrounding Xingwangyu.

Now for the other loose cultivators, let them deal with the people who rushed over from the Xing family in front of them.

at the same time.

Thirteen's attack also hit out.

Haotian Mirror.

The law of the day.

The power of Xia Xia's law is also attacking those who are in front of the Xing family.

They will not give those people a chance to rescue Xing Wang Yu.

"Damn, why haven't my Xing family disciples come to save me." Xing Wangyu is also very depressed now. In his understanding, the people of his Xing family should know that he is in danger.

It's the first time to come and save him.

But now.

There was no one here to save him.

If you continue to fight like this, it will be troublesome.

He can't communicate the information here yet.


A sneak attack hit Xingwangyu's body.

Xingwangyu's body was torn abruptly.

"Damn, you dare to hit me." Xing Wangyu instantly killed the man.


He successfully wounded the man, but soon he found out that something was wrong: "What's going on? I just wounded a lot of people, why can't I find them at all, and I should have killed some people too, theirs What about the corpse?"

To test your own ideas.

He wounded a man again.


When the man's body fell on the ground, his body instantly disappeared in place.

"The ground here is weird." Xingwangyu's eyes lit up.


He attacked one after another.


Those who were injured fell to the ground one by one.

disappeared on the ground.

"It turns out that the ground here is different. That is to say, although I can't kill it, I can use the ground here to get out of this encirclement. As long as I leave the encirclement, who else can help me?"

A thought here.

Xingwangyu also instantly fell on the ground.

He really felt the extraordinaryness of the ground.

"He took the bait." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

"You really succeeded." Thirteen felt very speechless. The purpose of using the source of soil in the previous summer was to save those who were injured and send them out using the source of soil. In this way, a large number of loose cultivators could be saved. life.

Thirteen didn't say anything.

But in fact, Thirteen is resistant. He believes that the life and death of those loose cultivators has nothing to do with them. There is no need to use the source of soil to save those people in the summer. After all, the source of soil will also be consumed. You will discover the origin of the soil, so if you can not use it casually, it is best not to use it casually.

Xia Xia also saw Thirteen's thoughts at that time, so Xia Xia told Thirteen directly at that time, which would not only save people, but maybe even count Xing Wangyu.

"He is very anxious now, and after finally seeing the life-saving straw, he will definitely be clever and think he can escape from the ground." Xia Xia seemed to have seen through Xingwangyu's mind.


When Xingwangyu's body fell halfway below the ground.

The ground, which was originally like sea water, instantly became extremely solid.

"What?" When Xing Wangyu felt his body freeze there, he was completely panicked. He never thought that such a thing would happen suddenly.

He couldn't control his body anymore.

The ground that was still very soft just now has actually become harder than any weapon.


Just when he wanted to use his own strength to pull away.

The overwhelming attack smashed down.


He felt that many kinds of laws appeared from the ground.

Frozen power.

The power of fire.

The power of light, the power of water, etc.

Various forces had a strong impact on his body.


Various attacks continued to fall.

"As thin as a cow's hair!!" Xingwangyu shouted loudly.

at the same time.

It was as thin as a cow's hair and instantly gathered into an umbrella, helping him block the attack from above.


The solid ground shattered in an instant: "If you want to kill me, Xingwangyu, you are still a long way off."


A streak of blood ran across Xingwangyu's chest.

"What's going on?" Xing Wangyu was shocked.

at the same time.

Xia Xia fell in front of Thirteen: "It's done."

"If you really have, this can be successful, is he a fool?" Thirteen shook his head helplessly.

"At that time, all his attention was only on the top, and he thought he could resist the impact from below. When he gave up the defense against the bottom, as long as I took the opportunity, I would instantly hurt him. The best time." Xia Xia is the person who can best seize the opportunity to fight.

He has just been looking for opportunities.

When he saw that Xingwangyu was controlling everything as thin as a cow's hair with all his heart.

He also shot instantly.

The cooperation between the golden knife and the Tianhan sword is too fast.

In addition, at that time, Xingwangyu didn't care about the impact force at all.

So he will be hit.

"He's injured, kill him!!" When the people around saw the long scar on Xingwangyu's body, they also felt that victory was not far away.


Just when Xingwangyu wanted to quickly recover his wound, he suddenly found that the wound had opened wider, and his body was being attacked by a force.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"how so!!"

He didn't even want to understand why there were so many changes.

Originally, he was a person with very rich combat experience. He also thought that if he made his own shots, he didn't need nonsense at all, and he could easily deal with them in the summer, but he didn't expect it.

From the moment he started to play against Xia Xia, changes kept appearing.



His body is gradually becoming weaker: "Patriarch Come and save me!!"

He can only pray that his owner will come to save him when he hears the situation here, otherwise he doesn't know how long he can last.

Among the stars.


Xingwangmu suddenly widened his eyes.

"Patriarch, what happened?" an elder asked.

"I don't know, I suddenly have an ominous premonition." Xingwangmu frowned.


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