The Best All-rounder

Chapter 850: Star parent elder shot

"Could it be that something happened to Xingwangyu?" the elder guessed.

He believes that a master at the venerable level must have a sixth sense of his own. Although this feeling is not necessarily true, there are usually some signs.

"It shouldn't be. I know Xingwangyu's strength. Unless he encounters a master of the venerable level, it is impossible for him to have an accident. Even if he encounters a master of the venerable level, it is impossible to take him down. It's not that easy, the top geniuses of Shenwei were helpless against him before, and Xia Xian and Shisan are naturally impossible to be his opponents." Xingwangmu is still very confident in Xingwangyu.

He knew how powerful Xingwangyu was.

Before he was promoted to Venerable, even he could not win the Star King Jade.

Moreover, Xingwangyu's combat experience is richer than his.


He absolutely does not believe that Xingwangyu will have an accident.

"Send someone to take a look!" said the elder.

call out!

Xingwangmu released a communication talisman.

About half an hour passed.

no respond.

"Something happened." Xingwangmu got up.

"Patriarch, you can't come forward in person, your status is honorable, if you need to come forward in person for this kind of thing, then people outside will think that our Xing Family has no one." The elder of Xing Family said.

"Our Xing Family is at its weakest now, and all the people I organized have also been sent out. Now I have no one available around me." Xingwangmu said very depressed.


There are many masters under him.

But he didn't expect it.

Now, there is no one around him who can be used.

Star King Tong died in battle.

Most of the elders are outside, and the big star system is also dead. Those who are outside are outside, and those captains, squadrons and squad leaders suffered heavy losses.

Now that he wants to mobilize people, he doesn't know who to send.

Former star home.

It is a very strict place, and the number of experts is like clouds, but once a mistake is made, it will become like this, and the number of their masters will drop sharply.

"Patriarch, let me bring someone over there!" said the elder of the Xing family.


"Alright, you can bring more people over there. There is no communication from Xingwangyu, so he must be trapped by the formation. With his strength, even if he is trapped, there will be no danger for the time being, as long as you go over. Then there should be nothing to do." Xingwangmu always believed that Xingwangyu must have been tricked, so he would be tricked by the other party and temporarily trapped by the formation.

Not really in danger at all.

The strength of Xingwangyu can already go sideways in the eighth party of Shenzhou.

As long as there is no Venerable.

That is invincible.


And how many Venerables does Shenzhou have?

If the elders brought people over there, there should be nothing to do there.

As long as the elders and the others break the formation, then Xingwangyu can get out completely, and with Xingwangyu's ability, he will never be the other party's second time.

By the time.

Killing Shisan and Xia Xia is very easy.

"The one who has the last laugh must be our Xing Family!!" Xingwangmu's wooden pipe looked into the distance, in his heart, only he was the final winner.

Only the star family.

To be brilliant.

The battlefield.

The people from the Xing family in front of them are fighting back frantically. They have already received an order from the elders, saying that Xingwangyu is in danger, and let them save Xingwangyu at all costs.

"The people of the Xing family are really brave and not afraid of death." Even Xia Xia had to admit.

These disciples of the Xing family are all good.

When they knew that Xingwangyu was in danger, they really took their lives.

At the beginning, the scattered cultivators in front of them still had a great advantage.

But as soon as the opponent was desperate, they would directly defeat these loose cultivators.

Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen was not polite, and now they and the Xing family have gone to war.

That is the enemy.

The momentum of these loose cultivators has now fallen to the bottom. If he does not take the initiative to attack the opponent, then these loose cultivators may really be scattered, once they rush over to support Xingwangyu.

With Xingwangyu's ability, he can really get away.

"Whoever stops me will die!!" Thirteen shouted loudly.

The Law of the Stars!

Summer's body moves.

A huge meteor fell from the sky.

The law of light.

The powerful light also hit the people in front of the star family directly.

Sunder Armor, Blind! !

Red Phoenix strikes! !

The law of the sun, frozen.

The Heavenly Cold Sword was also swung out at the same time.

With the addition of Tianhan Sword, the power of Xia Xia's law has also become very powerful.

A large area of ​​ice appeared.


Coupled with Xia Xia's series of attacks, there was also panic in the Xing family's team. Although they all looked at death, panic was also their instinct.


A large number of people from the star family died here.


"I didn't want to kill you, but you insisted on forcing me." Xia Xia sighed.

He is also a person who appreciates these tough guys very much.

But war is like this, as long as the other side takes up arms, then the other side is the enemy.

"I can't control that much, let's fight them back first." Thirteen didn't dare to see if the other party was a tough guy. Now that the other party is their enemy, they should kill him.

"There are reinforcements on the opposite side, not far from us." Xia Xia reminded.


"Is Xingwangmu here?" Thirteen asked.

"No, it doesn't have that strong aura, but the one who came here is also a master." Xia Xia shook his head.

"As long as Xingwangmu didn't come in person, no one could save Xingwangyu." Thirteen said very confidently.

If Xingwangmu came over in person, he would be a little more apprehensive.

But if it wasn't for Xingwangmu to come over.

Then he doesn't care.

Whoever came.

Can't break through his line of defense.

Moreover, where Xingwangyu was besieged, there were more and more people, and that encirclement was not something that anyone could break through.

"No, no!!" Xingwangyu also let out an angry roar at this time.

He never dreamed of it.

One day I will encounter such a situation.

Although he is resisting with all his strength But now, it is not just him who resists.

He doesn't know how many people he has killed, but the people around him are endless. His current consumption is very terrifying, and the power of the law around him has collapsed. It is difficult for him to recover, especially the wound on his body. , the wound is getting bigger and bigger.

And the feeling of tearing is very obvious.

The attacks of those around him were equally unimaginable.

"Xiamen, don't let me leave here, or I will kill you with my own hands." Xingwangyu shouted angrily.


at the same time.

The elders of the Xing family led hundreds of masters to reach Xia Xia and Shi Shi. When they saw the overwhelming encirclement in front of them, they finally understood what Xing Wang Yu was facing: "Save people!!"

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