The Best All-rounder

Chapter 853: Dongbatian arrives

at this moment.

No matter how united the Xing family is, how strong their morale is, they are now disintegrating.


These loose cultivators don't even know why they charged.

But they are going to charge.

Some people do it for the fairy crystal.

Some people hunt for treasures in order to kill people.

Some people rebelled against the rule of the Xing family.

and many more!

There are wars everywhere.

All kinds of news unfavorable to the star family appeared.

At this time, in the territory of the Xing family.

"Dead?" The head of the Xing family frowned.

He just heard that the people below came to report that Xingwangyu died in battle. He never thought that Xingwangyu actually died.

This is something he never dreamed of.

Although he felt that Xingwangyu seemed to have an accident before, in his opinion, Xingwangyu was trapped by the formation at most. Normally, Xingwangyu should not die.

But now.

Actually such a thing happened.

This was something he never thought of.

"It's not good, Patriarch, something happened to the ten elders." Someone from outside ran in.

"What?" Xingwangmu was completely panicked this time.

The tenth elder was sent out to save people, but now, the tenth elder actually had an accident. He never imagined that such a thing would happen.

"How could this happen?" Xingwangmu's face was full of puzzled looks.

"It's not good, Patriarch, the outside is completely chaotic now. The masters of loose cultivation we recruited have all stopped. They feel that this kind of battle is meaningless." There were battles everywhere.

Although his subordinates are numerous and powerful, compared with the number of enemies, they will be much worse.

"How could this happen?" Xingwangmu was completely stunned now.

He really didn't understand why this happened.

"The newspaper, the head of the family, and the people of the Three Bamboo Sect are also speaking out, and they are incessant with our Xing family, saying that our Xing family has captured their people, framed them and framed them, and they have evidence."


Xingwangmu smashed the table next to him.

at this moment.

He was completely angry.

He feels.

Everyone seemed to be targeting him.

Summer and Thirteen.

"This time, the Xing family is over. If they don't withdraw from the fire belt, they will be besieged by everyone in the fire belt." Thirteen looked at Xia Xia.

The longer he followed Summer, the more he admired Summer.

things done in summer.

It's really a feat.

Many things that were impossible to accomplish in his opinion have now been accomplished.

"It's not until the end, we can't relax, and this time, we have moved ourselves to the bright side. Before, there were only the Xing Family, the Three Bamboo Sect and the Shenwei on the bright side, but now, many people are hiding in the dark. People will also regard us as people on the bright side, and they will think that we are a big threat, if they don’t want to kill us, they will not be able to win the final victory.” Xia Xia also understands that at such times, Being placed on the bright side is not a good thing.

No one knows how many masters are hidden in these loose cultivators.

As long as they have the same goals as them, they may end up being their enemies.

Anyone could attack them.

Even the Heavenly Frost Palace Master was hiding in the crowd, not to mention there were many enemies they didn't know about.

"Then what should we do? Do we need to make some preparations?" Thirteen asked.

"Preparation is a must, but the more important thing now is to solve Dongbatian's problem first. Since Dongbatian has come, the good show we prepared will be staged." Xia Xia said directly.

"Yeah." Thirteen also had a smile on his face.

in a cave.

"If you fail, will you continue?" a guard asked.

This time it was Shenwei who came out in person, and Qiong Ying didn't know how to explain: "If there is a chance, continue!!"

"You can continue, but the task is no longer yours alone, and others have the right to take it, but our final goal is the firefly, as long as you can get the firefly, I still consider your mission successful." That guard said.

"Thank you sir." Qiong Ying said.

"You also need to do the aftermath. After all, those people are outsiders of our Shenwei. If they die, our Shenwei will definitely take care of them. After the things here are over, you can go. , make a promise to the forces where those few people are, you can't use the promise of the guards, but if there is something they can't do, the guards can help them do it." Shen guard said.

Hearing Shenwei's words, the other people also warmed their hearts.

"The matter of Nadong Batian..."

"Dongbatian is not a fool, and he will not be fooled by others." Shenwei said.



"What to do there in the summer, he is also a big trouble, because he is the person under special care from above, so I just investigate him temporarily, and did not shoot him, but if it continues like this, I am worried that he will do bad things, and now he The Xing family has already paid a lot, and his teamwork with Thirteen is not bad." Qiong Ying thought of Shenwei.

He didn't dare to touch Xia Xia casually, because Xia Xia was the one who looked at him, and if he didn't nod his head, he couldn't do it casually.

"You can kill, but before killing, you must be fully prepared. You should understand what I mean by being fully But before killing, you can throw an olive branch." Shenwei said.

"Yes, my lord, I understand." Qiong Ying said respectfully.


at this time.

A loud bang appeared.

at the same time.

Originally fiery swarms of fire.

Suddenly golden light flashed.

The powerful coercion seems to cover everything and can devour everything.

The sky and the earth change color, and everything becomes empty and bright.

Those who were fighting stopped their movements one by one.

in the sky.

A face appeared: "Stop it all for me, a minute later, those who are still doing it, kill Wushe!!"

"Your Honor!!" Qiong Ying was taken aback.

"It's not an ordinary Venerable, it's Dongbatian who has arrived." The guard looked outside.

The person who can make such a big noise is Dongbatian.

"He's here!!" Qiong Ying looked outside.

at the same time.

A voice appeared again: "I'll give you one day, people from Shenwei, Xia Xian and Shi Shi, and people from the Three Bamboo Sect, all come to Xing's place. If they don't arrive after a day, they will kill Wushe!!"

He said two consecutive killings without mercy.

It can be said.

Very deterrent.

Anyone would feel terrified when they heard about Sha Wushe.

Especially Dongbatian! !


He has already named him. If the person he named is not available, then it is really dangerous.


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