The Best All-rounder

Chapter 854: kill without mercy

Dongbatian gave everyone a countdown time. The meaning of this countdown is very simple. If Xia Xian and Shisan don't go, Dongbatian will keep chasing Xia Xian and Shisan, and everyone related to these two people. .

It can be said.

At that time, even if his son's death has nothing to do with these two people, he will kill these two people.

Because this is the glory of the strong.

The dignity of the strong is not to be trampled on by others.


If the outsiders of Shenwei do not come, then Dongbatian will kill the outsiders and candidates of Shenwei after seeing them. Although he will not kill Shenwei directly, he will kill these candidates for Shenwei. There is no problem with the outsiders of Shenwei.

He has been in China for so many years.

He still has this ability.

And if the people of the Three Bamboo Sect don't go, then he will definitely destroy the Three Bamboo Sect.


He gave the three parties time, just to make it clear to the Xing family that if the three parties really joined forces to deal with his son in the end, he would definitely not let them go.

But if not.

Then he is not a fool.

It is not so easy for Xingwangmu to deceive him.

The interior of the star's house.

Do not!

Xingwangmu exhaled.


He is a Venerable, but even he is a little nervous now, after all, the other party is Dongbatian.

A person like Dongbatian is not something he can imagine.

The owner of the source of gold.

It is said to be immortal.

An existence that even people from the Celestial Clan would not dare to provoke.

"I finally waited for this day." Xingwangmu's eyes were full of excitement at this time.

Although he was a little nervous.

But he also understood.

This is an opportunity.

What he prepared at the beginning was to use a knife to kill.


This knife appeared, as long as he used it well, he could remove all obstacles.


A figure fell in front of Xingwangmu.


at this time.

Dongbatian has arrived.

He just appeared in front of Xingwangmu.

"Meet Senior Dongbatian!!" Xingwangmu said respectfully.


His voice was full of respect.

It was as if he had really met some big man worthy of his respect.

Dongbatian didn't speak.

He walked directly to a seat next to him, then sat down, closed his eyes, and sat there quietly.

Xingwangmu didn't bother Dongbatian either, but just stood beside Dongbatian without saying a word or sitting down.

The head of a family is very humble.


The battle outside the battlefield has stopped.

The moment Dongbatian appeared, he forcibly separated all the fighting people. At the same time, his powerful coercion and aura also caused the two sides who were fighting to stop.

It can be said.

He alone shocked everyone.

No matter what happened before.

No matter what those people fought for before.

Now they dare not make a move.

"It's amazing, I worked so hard to prepare for so long to get the two sides to fight like this, but as soon as he appeared, he resolved all this." Xia Xia said with emotion.

At this time, he didn't know what to say.

Dongbatian is really unusual.

Such a thing.

It is also to let Xia Xia see the world of the Venerable.

For the time being, it is not something he can set foot in casually.

"Dongbatian is the ceiling of Shenzhou and the owner of the source of gold. We are the people who have the source of soil. You should be able to understand how powerful the people who have the source of gold are, although the power consumption of using the source is also Very big, but he is different from us, he is a person with the full power of the source of gold, and his strength is very terrifying, so..."

Thirteen knows summer too well.

So he also understands that this summer will definitely go.

to the star's house.

But summer's temper is too hot, who is used to it in summer?

By the time.

If there is really any friction, it will be troublesome.

"Don't worry, I am measured, as long as I turn my face, I will definitely have a way to get out of my body, but you should also pay attention, as long as my hand is on your arm, you will relax all your senses, Don't resist, I'll take you away, I can take you into a space, and then use the traceless teleport to escape, although he has the origin of gold, but we also have the origin of soil, he will definitely not be able to find it by teleporting a few times. Our place." Xia reminded.

He has to be fully prepared.

Although he has already figured out how to deal with the head of the Xing family.

But many times.

He also had to figure out a way out.

After all, a person like Dongbatian doesn't know what his personality is like.


"If it wasn't for the fight, then I wouldn't have to be so nervous." Thirteen was also very nervous before, because he knew Xia so well.

So he was very worried that there would be a fight at that time.

Once it hits.

Then he didn't know what to do next.

But even if he knew he would die.

He will definitely go too.

"Life is like a play, and it all depends on acting. Next, let me enjoy Xingwangmu's performance!" Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense, and just walked forward like this.

Walk towards the direction of Xing's house.

"Who is it?" People from the Xing family yelled loudly when they saw someone coming.


Two simple words.

But when I heard the name.

The guard in front also directly killed Xia Xia: "Killing him is because he killed our Xing family so dozens of figures directly killed Xia Xia.

Poof! puff! puff!

Summer didn't make a move.

But countless golden lights appeared.

Those who rushed to the summer, their bodies were cut to pieces like this.

The golden light flew over one by one.

Those people watched helplessly as their bodies were cut open.

The scene was very violent.

Only then did they remember what the face in the sky had said before.

"Stop, no one can do anything casually and let Mr. Xia in." A captain shouted hurriedly.

Although the summer went to war with them.

But now is the time for a truce.

And Xia Xia is also a famous person now, they must also have a proper attitude towards Xia Xia.

Xia Xia and Shi Shi walked in like this.

Xia Si has long since merged with summer.

It's just for emergencies.


The two walked all the way up like this.

along the way.

When the people of the Xing family saw Xia Xia, their eyes were full of resentment.

"This is war, there is no right or wrong, and they were the ones who attacked me first. I was just fighting back, but they all hated me so much." Xia Xia shook his head.

He now finds it very funny.


He also didn't want to settle this matter calmly with the Xing family.

"You can see Dongbatian soon." Xia Xia said with emotion.

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