The Best All-rounder

Chapter 856: I'm in no hurry

When he saw his move, the atmosphere at the scene instantly froze, no one knew what he was doing, what he was showing Dongbatian, and even Xingwangmu frowned.

Dongbatian took the jade slip.

Qiong Ying also walked back to his seat.


It seems that everyone is very nervous.

Dongbatian opened the jade slip.

The eyes of the two people from Sanzhujiao were erratic, as if they wanted to see the contents of the jade slip. Although it was impossible for them to see, they still made such small movements.

Although Xingwangmu pretended to be very calm and didn't seem interested at all, in fact, his fingernails had already fallen into his own flesh and blood.

Summer has been observing the details of these people.

Naturally, he also saw the contents of the jade slip.

In fact, the content of the jade slip is very simple.

Inside are the identities of the mask owners.

Recorded in great detail.

From the way they distributed the masks, what tasks they did with the masks behind them, and the specific identities of those people, it was all information that could be investigated.


Seeing the contents inside, they can clear their suspicions temporarily.

"It's your turn." Dongbatian crushed the jade slip in his hand.

He didn't go to tell everyone about the contents of the jade slip.


Xingwangmu believes that the biggest flaw is the video stone of Xia Xia. Although the video stone can't explain anything, the video stone can make many people doubt it.

People like Dongbatian.

It's not that easy to fool.

As long as there is any doubt, he will make it clear.

"I don't know the specific situation. Everyone was fighting at that time. I didn't see what abilities their guards were using, but Xia Xia's video stone can't be used as evidence." Xingwangmu still killed Xia Xia. The video stone is fake.

Just bite the bullet.

The person who guards the gods.

It's not clear to explain.

"Let's talk!!" Dongbatian looked at the two of the Three Bamboo Sect.

The two are one of the deputy leaders of the Three Bamboo Sect, and the other is one of the guardians of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"Sir, we are wronged. We Sanzhu Sect people have always been at the second and third entrances, and never came to the first entrance. Everyone knows this, and the few who died here at that time. Personally, we have always been at our third entrance before. Everyone at our third entrance can testify. A few days before the accident, our third entrance was suddenly attacked by a master. These people are all The people who were missing at that time have never died, and no one knows why they appeared here." The deputy head of the Three Bamboo Sect explained.

What he said was also very depressing.


This time.

The Three Bamboo Sect was indeed very depressed. Originally, it really had nothing to do with them.

In the end, they were pulled in abruptly.

"You!" Dongbatian glanced at Xingwangmu.

"You also said that your people were missing at the time and have never died. You said that he was missing, so is it possible that someone instructed them to pretend to be attacked, deliberately pretend to be missing, and come to us for a sneak attack?" Xing Wang Mu asked.


Although the Three Bamboo Sect explained it very well.

But those people are not dead after all.

but disappeared.

If it can be determined that those few people died at that time, then the Three Bamboo Sect can get rid of the relationship in this matter.

This is exactly where Xingwangmu is smart.

It is impossible for the guards of the gods to find witnesses to prove that they were not dead at the time.

But the Three Bamboo Sect can do it, and they can use soul search, so they can't do perjury at all, so if he wants a person who guards the gods, he can die, but if he wants a person from the Three Bamboo Sect, he must live at that time.

"We don't know this either, but according to the recollections of the masters there, when they were attacked, they were killed by a lot of thin lines. We also checked the wounds, and it was just right. Your Xingwangyu has fine lines. Such as the hair of an ox as a weapon," said the deputy leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"A thin line must be as thin as a cow's hair?" Xingwangmu looked at Xia Xia after saying that, "I finally understand how Xingwangyu died. It turned out that someone wanted to frame him, but was afraid of him. Was searched for souls and told the truth, so deliberately killed and silenced?"

He is very good at grasping the details.

Just a few words.


The guardian of the Sanzhu Sect slapped the table: "What do you mean? Do you think our Sanzhu Sect is easy to bully?"


When the voice of the protector fell.

A golden light flashed by his side.


Blood is flying.

The arm of the protector flew high.

The source of gold.

"I have the final say here." Dongbatian said with an expressionless face.

That Dharma protector was the third change of the prospective Venerable, but he didn't even have a chance to react, so his arm was cut off like this.

The guardian endured the pain.

Dare not to treat.

Dare to restore the arm.

"I apologize for his recklessness just now," said the vice-chief of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"Don't force me, if you force me, I will still have the patience to listen to your words. If you force me, I will let you decide your life and death here." Dongbatian said coldly.

His son died.

He was able to listen to these people so calmly here, he was already giving them enough face.

No one speaks this't you going to say something? "Dongbatian asked Xia Tian.

"You didn't let me say it again. I'm terrifying to say that I have an extra arm." Xia Xia said very casually.


The people around were all black lines on their faces.

In summer, what I said didn't show any respect.

from their perspective.

This seems to be asking for a dead end.

"Now you can talk." Dongbatian said.

"Don't worry, if I say it, you will watch a lot less dramas. Now the dramas here are not exciting enough, let them continue!!" Xia Xia said.


The few people around thought summer was crazy.

Not only did he talk to Dongbatian with this attitude, but he still didn't answer Dongbatian's words even at such a time.

"Are you forcing me to do it?" Dongbatian asked.

"First, I'm here not because I'm afraid of you, they're afraid of you, because they all have their own forces, and they're worried that they'll provoke you and won't be able to rest for the rest of their lives, but I'm different. I'm alone, without relatives or reasons, and I don't care about wandering around the world. ; Second, if I want to go, no one can stop me, including you; third, I said, I am here to watch a good show, and now is not the best time for a good show to play, if you also want to enjoy It's a good show, then wait slowly. If you don't want to watch it, you can shoot at me at any time, but I am a person in summer, one thing is very firm, no matter who shoots at me, it is my enemy. , I will never die to the enemy!!" Xia Xia looked at Dong Batian in front of him like this.


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