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Chapter 857: Who am I afraid of?

Thirteen though is very aware of summer.

He also knew that Xia Xia was a very tough person and would not agree with others, but when Xia Xian said these words, he was in a cold sweat.

He at this time.

He relaxed his body, just waiting for the summer to take him to escape.

The few people around also all widened their eyes.

Xia Tian actually dared to talk to Dongbatian like this.

That is Dongbatian.

Even the Venerable is a polite existence when he sees it.


The scene was extremely quiet in an instant, no one dared to move, even the Venerable Xingwangmu stood there quietly, motionless.

As if worrying that if you move, you will make mistakes.

Too tough.

The toughness of summer also surprised Dongbatian.

He never thought of it.

How dare someone talk to him like that.

How many years has it been.

Even the real guards and people from the Celestial Clan would not dare to talk to him like that.

She didn't even dare to threaten him casually.

Can be summer.

He was just threatening him.

"For how many years, even people from the Celestial Clan have not dared to threaten me, but you dare to threaten me." Dong Batian felt very ridiculous and very interesting.


He didn't care much about summer.

Although recently summer's fame is not small.

But he has seen too many passing things.

I didn't care too much.

But now.

Summer successfully caught his attention.

"I'm not from the Celestial Clan, so you don't have to use the Celestial Clan to measure me. Although I have been afraid of it all my life in summer, I am afraid of losing my beloved, and I will never be afraid of any enemy. Maybe, your current strength is more than I am strong, but one day in the future, I will definitely surpass you, so I am not threatening you, but telling you that life is often a choice, what you choose will have what kind of consequences, just like now Just like a smart idiot here, he thought he did it perfectly, but when he calculated me, his fate was doomed." Xia Xia said very casually.

Even in front of him, there is a legend.

Dongbatian Feng Jin.

The same is true.

He came, which means he respects the other party.

But if the other party wants to touch him, then think about getting revenge by him.

This is also an explanation.

But his explanation is very strong.

"That's right, you said it well, since you said there is a good show to watch, then I'll see what kind of show you can let me watch. If I'm not satisfied, I can guarantee that I, Dongbatian, will do my best. I can destroy you and everything related to you." Dong Batian said directly.

He also expressed his attitude.

He is Dongbatian.

Only he threatens others.

Someone wanted to threaten him.

It's not that easy.

He doesn't move about Xia Xia now, he just wants to see what kind of good Xia Xia has for him to watch.


He also sensed it to see if Xia Xia was preparing to escape.

But in the end he felt nothing.

In summer.

The sword pointed at Xingwangmu, so the members of the Sanzhu Sect and the Shenwei members all looked like they were ready to watch a good show.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

This is doomed.

After Xingwangmu heard what Xia Xia just said, he was in a very bad mood. Although he didn't know what would happen next, or what the good drama Xia Xia was talking about, he always felt that things didn't seem that simple. .

But he didn't show it.

on the surface.

He sat there, still looking calm.

But it was like a secret battle in my heart: "What is the good show that Xia Tian said? Is there something wrong with my plan? Or, what went wrong in the middle?"

He was speculating about this kind of thing.

Various guesses.

He didn't know what was going to happen next.

But he must kill the good show of summer in the cradle.


His toes tapped on the ground.

Very light.

Lighter than a feather falling to the ground.

No one else could find out what he did.


However, he had already done a good job here.


He is also a subpoena for his subordinates, asking him to check everything around him, everything, including his own people. He wants to know if there is an enemy ambush nearby.

or something happened.

"Let me tell you!" Qiong Ying looked at the people around him: "To put it simply, I think that this incident was planned by Xingwangmu, and he designed a trap to frame us. , His purpose is very simple, it is to use Feng Wen's death to lure you over and let you kill us all, so that no one here will **** the last thing from him."

Just now they were very euphemistic.

but now.

He began to directly collide with Xingwangmu directly.

"Nonsense, anyone knows how much I respect Mr. Feng Jin, and also respect Feng Wen. When Feng Wen was here with me, all kinds of treatment were better than myself. How could I harm him?" Xing Everyone knows that Wang Mu treated Feng Wen well before.

It can be said.

He let Feng Wen live a drunken life with him.

"This is your cleverness and your performance, you do this on purpose, just for others to Qiong Ying said.

"Nonsense, evidence, come up with evidence!!" Xingwangmu said.

"The evidence is very simple. You, Xingwangmu, are also a Venerable now. Who can kill Feng Wen in front of you, this is simply impossible. Even if our people want to attack, then our people are How did they infiltrate? If there is no internal response from your Xing Family, how could they come in, and the location is so good." Qiong Ying said.

"Everyone outside knows that the people of your Xing family have core strength, and it is impossible for anyone to turn against any one of your Xing family, let alone someone who can arbitrarily arrange the position around you, and there are so many enemies. Hidden in the surroundings, don't you, Venerable, have not found it at all?" said the deputy leader of the Three Bamboo Sect directly.

They all think.

It was Xingwangmu who framed them.


Now they can be considered to be united to denounce Xingwangmu together.

"We don't have any grudges with Feng Wen, why do we want to kill him? Even if we really want to kill him, we will kill him outside, not at your place, and we are guilty of killing him in order to kill him. But did you provoke Mr. Dongbatian?" Qiong Ying said directly.

"This may be your genius, you just think that normal people won't do this, so you do the opposite, deliberately do it, the three of you joined forces to make Feng Wen have an accident with me, and although You and Feng Wen have nothing to do with each other, but Xia Xia and Feng Wen have a festival, everyone knows that Xia Xia said that he was going to kill Feng Wen." Xingwangmu also rekindled the war on Xia Xia.


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