The Best All-rounder

Chapter 861: insect

Qiongying's biggest depression is that he thinks that it is impossible for him to win Xia Xia and Shi Shi. Although he is very confident in his own strength, overall, Xia Xia's ability is not small.

Especially when Xia Xia faced Dongbatian at that time, he also said that as long as he wanted to leave, even Dongbatian couldn't keep him.

After recent events.

He no longer dared to underestimate summer.

That is to say.

He believed that what Summer said was true.

It is impossible for me to keep summer.

Then if you want to deal with summer, you have to take a long-term plan.

"You look at it, but No. 2 has moved." The guard said.

Number two.

When I heard this.

Qiong Ying was also very nervous.

There have only been three candidates for Shenwei for so long, and he is No. 3.


Number two moved.

That represents.

This task does not belong to him alone.


If he can't complete the task, then he will really be farther and farther away from the guards, unless there is an accident with three guards at one time.

Otherwise, it would never be his turn.

"I understand." Qiong Ying also started directly.

Xia Xia and Shisan were also on their way at this time. Now not only the three of them are on their way, but everyone outside is also on their way.

The speed is all fast.

No one attacked the Xing family anymore.

The people of the Xing family are no longer stationed, and even the people who guarded the teleportation formation before have not stayed, but all followed the large army.


Even if they leave a group of people, it's useless.

Their star family no longer has so much influence and deterrence.

If there are few people left.

That would be impossible to defend at all. If there are many people left, then their main force will not be many.

Most of the loose cultivators who had followed them before had left.

Even if there are people from the Celestial Clan.

Many of them don't believe in the Xing Family anymore.

They thought that the head of the Xing family did not have the ability to complete the task, so they would not benefit from following the head of the Xing family.

There is a lot of friction in the process of rushing.

But it's still pretty good.

Seven light days later.

They passed through the outer area of ​​the fire zone and came to the central area. Because they were all very fast, not many people came here, although some people came earlier.

But most of the weaker people are on the periphery.

And the stars they passed by were not very peaceful. Along the way, there were many treasures, fairy beasts, and some monsters.

But these humans are extinct.

Almost all the good things that could be encountered were wiped out by them.

"What's the situation with the three of them now?" Thirteen asked.

Now their team is divided into two parts, the three of them will walk together in the summer, and the three of them will walk together in Quxi.

The two teams did not meet for the time being.

In the summer, he didn't take any action against other teams.

Because for the time being these teams have reached a balance.

Including the outsiders of Shenwei and the star family.

At the beginning, the combined combat power of the thirteen members of the divine guard was extremely terrifying, and it was simply unimaginable for normal people.

The Xing family's team is even larger, not counting the loose cultivators outside, the number of masters they have obtained by themselves is already very terrifying.

Plus the experts they recruited from outside.

It adds up to a behemoth.

but now.

Whether it is from the Shenwei or the Xing family, they are already toothless tigers.

"They have gained a little bit there. Now they have investigated some important news, but the news is not very clear. When they were on the road, they also sensed the existence of a bug." Xia Xia is still connected there.

They are now communicating through messengers.

"Insect? That's the third of the reincarnators back then, right!!" Thirteen said.

"Yes, it's him, but the worm seems to be avoiding them on purpose. When they found the worm, the worm must have found them. Normally, the worm should come to join them, but in the end, the worm The sense of feeling disappeared." Xia Xia said.


"There is a problem, this worm, there is definitely a problem." Thirteen said.

"Well, there should be a problem, but for the time being we can't be sure what the situation is." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

If the other party hides.

Then there must be some special meaning.

"It seems that the real war is finally coming. Although Dongbatian, the biggest trouble, has been solved, there are only three masters at the venerable level that we know of for the time being, and there are quite a few other masters. If you want to **** the firefly, it will probably be a big battle." Thirteen said with emotion.

He understands.

Under normal circumstances.

If he wants to **** those people head-on, it is almost impossible to succeed.

But he believed it.

Summer must have his own way.

"No, we don't need to **** them head-on, we just need to catch the person who grabbed the firefly in the end, kill the opponent at all costs, and grab the firefly." Xia Tian's meaning is very simple That is to deal with the last person to **** the firefly.

"But if the other party has a lot of ability to escape, then it will be very difficult for us to catch up with the other party." Thirteen said.

"There are countless talents and masters here. Even if someone **** the firefly, it will definitely attract everyone's attention. It is almost impossible to escape among so many people, and I will leave behind on everyone. The traces of the golden feather, so no matter who grabs it, I can hunt down the other party as soon as possible, and now we have to consider those existences that may become accidents." Xia Xia said.

"You're talking about worms..."

"Yes, this worm may be an accident, and the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect, he must have some important cards to be resurrected in such a short period of time. This person should also pay attention. Although Xingwangmu is a Venerable, But he is too high-profile, such people don't need to care, the rest is the Tianshuang Palace Master, of course, we also have other imaginary enemies, only in this way can we be foolproof." Xia Xia cannot fail.

Because the lives of Dibo and Shenwu are in his hands.

if it fails.

The two of them would lose their lives.


A communication talisman fell into Xia Xia's hands.

"What's wrong?" Thirteen knew something was wrong when he saw Xia Xia's expression.

"The insect attacked Dibo and Shenwu, and they were both injured." Xia Xia's body moved and disappeared directly in place.

Thirteen also disappeared quickly.

The worm appeared.

But he didn't come to cooperate, but wanted to kill the other two survivors.

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