The Best All-rounder

Chapter 862: mysterious bug

Originally, I wanted to leave in summer, so there are more opportunities, and he and Thirteen are too famous now, and they are easy to be discovered. Keeping the other three hidden in the dark can also play a crucial role.

But now.

He has to go too.

Because of the appearance of this worm, and this worm wants to kill Shenwu and Dibo.

Now that the other party has made a move.

That summer will also make a move.

In a flaming cave.

"How is the situation?" Xia Xia asked.

"Both of them are fine. Because of my sudden attack, the other party didn't seem to want to expose himself, so he left quickly." Qu Xi said.

Although she is not very powerful, she is also a quasi-venerable person, and her law of **** is also a very rare ability. The other party must be worried about revealing her identity.

So they will escape.

"Have you seen the appearance?" Thirteen asked.

He is a well-informed person. If Qu Xi can tell him what the other party looks like, he can almost know the other party's identity.

"He's wearing a mask, but he is dressed as a man, but when he fights, he is a woman." Qu Xi shook his head.

She didn't see his face clearly.

At that time, she was also very curious about who the other party was.

However, the opponent's action was too fast.

"What is the law of the other party? What method and weapon did he use?" Thirteen asked again.

If he knows some details, he can also make guesses. After all, the opponent who can sneak attack on the three of them will not be unknown.

Just analyze one by one.

You can almost know something.

"It was too fast, I didn't see anything, the other party's speed was so fast that we couldn't keep up. If the other party wasn't worried about exposure, the three of us would definitely die in his hands." Qu Xi also had lingering fears about the situation at that time.

She is a very afraid of death.

He is also a person who does not want to die.


The situation at that time made her feel terrible in retrospect.

Of course.

She didn't run away directly, but went to protect those two people, which is enough to prove how much she has changed since she met Xia Xia.

"It's troublesome if you don't know anything. Now you only know that the other party is a woman wearing men's clothes. It's hard to guess." Thirteen could only shake his head.

Although he is knowledgeable.

But such a feature is simply too simple.

No matter what he thinks, he will never think of the other party's identity.

"The other party is a reincarnated person, so hermaphrodite is a normal phenomenon, there is nothing to say about this," Xia Xia reminded.


A reincarnated person can be hermaphrodite.

Of course.

It is also possible to change during cultivation, or to retain the main characteristics of one-sex and a little bit of bi-sexual characteristics.

Just like a terrestrial.

He has been reincarnated too many times, so the characteristics of a woman on him are almost gone.

But even in Kaguyuki's lifetime, there were almost no female features in him.

"This is troublesome. It's very difficult to find the other party." Thirteen looked at Di Bo and Shenwu: "Do you have any special feelings? Can you roughly know the identity of the other party?"

"No." Di Bo was also very depressed.

"One thing is certain for the time being, that is, the range of your perception of each other is different, and the other party's range is wider than yours, so the other party can sense you little by little, finally determine your position, and even suddenly shoot at you. " Xia Xia analyzed.

"It should be, he should have used the elimination method to figure out that it was two of the three of us. At the moment when he killed him, he sensed that it was the two of us, so he shot at us." Deborah said.

"Well, since the sensing range is wider than yours, it is almost certain that the other party's realm is higher than yours. Of course, from the fact that he shot at you, it can be seen that the other party's strength is good, and the other party may be I haven't gone far, but I'm still waiting nearby." Xia Xia said.

he thinks.

Since the other party didn't succeed.

Then maybe there will be a second shot.

And for the second shot, the opponent will definitely be fully prepared to kill with one hit.

"Are you trying to lure snakes out of their holes?" Debor seemed to understand what summer meant.

"Yes, I just want to lead the snake out of the hole, but from your analysis, it seems that it is not so simple to determine the identity of the other party. Although the strength of the few of us is good, it seems that it is not enough to win the other party for the time being." Xia Xia said.

"What do you want to do?" Thirteen asked.

He understands that no matter what time of day it is in summer, there must be a way.

"Didn't the people of Shenwei always want to cooperate with us? Then cooperate." Xia Xia said.

"Qianying and the others?" Thirteen was stunned.

"Yes, it's them." Xia Xia said.

"They are divine guards." Thirteen believed that to cooperate with them was to seek skin from a tiger.

"In the past, there were thirteen of them, and they were definitely the strongest existences. We didn't dare to provoke them, and they looked down on us, but now, there are only five of the thirteen people left, and they no longer have the arrogance they had before, and they Now more than anyone else, we want to be successful, as long as we have a common then we have the opportunity to cooperate, if we cooperate, it should not be difficult to deal with that bug." Xia Xia believes that now It is the best time to cooperate with those people from Shenwei.

"Well, what you decide, I won't say anything."

Although Thirteen still has some scruples, as long as it is something decided by Xia Xia, he will not say anything.

He absolutely trusts Summer.


A communication talisman flew out.

Feiling's messenger.

When this communication talisman fell into Feiling's hands.

Fei Ling was also extremely excited.

He found Qiongying immediately: "Sir, Xia Xia finally agreed to cooperate, but he said he wanted to see my boss."

"Be careful." Zhong Hun said.

"Yeah, you still have to be careful. Xia Xia is a very dangerous person. Otherwise, I will meet him in the past. I will say that I am your boss. Anyway, he doesn't know the truth." Air Cannon King Ye said.

"Forget it, I'll go there in person. He has seen my mask. You went, and he also knows it's fake. Xia Xia's temperament is eccentric. If he angers him, it may destroy the cooperation. Our enemy cooperates, that is the fatal danger." Qiong Ying looked into the distance.

Collaborate with Summer.

He had to come forward in person.

Because he knows how difficult summer is.

"Sir, let's all go!!" Zhou Yu said.

"Alright, since we want to cooperate, let's go together, but you don't have to come out for the time being. We'll talk about it after we talk."

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