The Best All-rounder

Chapter 863: Strong alliance

There are some opportunities.

If you miss it, there will be no more.

Some people, once provoked, there is no turning back.

In fact, he has been thinking about how to deal with summer.

But no matter what he thought, he couldn't win the summer, which made him very depressed. If he didn't want to win the summer, he would not be able to complete the final task.

He would rather face Xingwangmu.

I don't want to face summer either.


Xia Xia took the initiative to ask for cooperation, which is a good thing. Although he knew that it might not be easy to talk about cooperation in Xia Xia, even if the agreement was not reached in the end, it would be better than being an enemy.

At least don't be an enemy now.


The place where the two met was very hidden.

In a pool of fire.

"Come down to the bubble!!" When Xia Tian saw the eagle's arrival, he also waved his hand.

There is still lava bubbling in the fire pool.

Various flames kept churning.

As if to swallow everything up.

"I didn't see it, you still have this hobby." Qiong Ying's body moved and fell into the pool of fire.

He attached a layer of law power to the surface of his body, which easily resisted the temperature of the flame.

"It's not a hobby, mainly because it's been a little troublesome recently. The temperature of this flame can avoid the enemy's detection." Xia Xia said.


Qiong Ying looked at Xia Xia with great interest: "Mr. Xia, you are someone who even dares to threaten Dong Batian, so will you get into trouble?"

Although he was joking about summer.

But what he said was true.

At that time, Xia Xia's conversation with Dong Batian made him feel terrified even when he heard it.

He can say very responsibly.

He wouldn't dare to say that to someone like Dongbatian.

"I'm not kidding you, I have indeed encountered some troubles recently, and it also makes me feel that the water here is very deep." Xia Xia said straight to the point. Genius one second to remember 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

He doesn't like going around in circles.

Since he brought the guards of the gods.

Naturally, it is necessary to talk to the guards of the gods.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with the guards here.

"Tell me!" Qiong Ying also said with great interest. starter

"I won't talk nonsense anymore, the purpose of your coming here should also be Firefly!" Xia Xia said.

When he heard the word Yinghuo, Qiongying was also stunned. He had guessed what Xia Xia was doing here, and even sent people to inquire, but Xia Xia never said much or revealed anything.

but now.

Summer said it himself.

"I don't know what you mean, Mr. Xia." Qiong Ying said.

"Don't understand?" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face, and then he said: "Forget it, when we haven't met, I think I should find other people to cooperate, Sanzhu Sect, or Xing Family, I don't know if they welcome me."

He leaned directly there and closed his eyes.

As if enjoying the temperature of the fire pool.

"Mr. Xia, I didn't mean that..."

"Then what do you mean?" Xia Tian asked.

"Okay, I admit, I'm here for Yinghuo." Qiongying didn't want to see Xia Xia cooperate with those two forces, otherwise, they would be enemies.

And people like Xia Xia became enemies.

The result was not very good.

we can even say.

He will be the object of calculation.

"You don't seem to be sincere." Xia Xia wanted to talk about something just now, but now, he doesn't seem to want to talk anymore.

The Eagle understands.

Summer is such a temper. Once provoked, there may be no chance for cooperation.

"I definitely have sincerity, but I don't know how Mr. Xia plans to cooperate. If Mr. Xia wants me not to **** Yinghuo, it is impossible." Qiong Ying also said directly.

"Of course I don't want you to give up Firefly. My purpose is actually very simple. Before we grab Firefly, we have been working together. After we grab Firefly, we can see what we can do?" Xia Xia asked.

"No problem!!" Qiong Ying said.

"In that case, can we exchange information with each other now?" Xia Xia asked.

"Of course there is no problem. Where does Mr. Xia want to hear it?" Qiong Ying asked.

"I want to know everything you know now. Only in this way can we cooperate better, and we can find a way to grab the firefly. Of course, I will tell everything I know, but your information It can be non-detailed, but you must not lie to me. If I find out that you lied to me, then I will not only terminate our cooperation, but I will not hesitate to list you on the list of my enemies. I don't need to say more." The attitude before the summer was obvious.

Who if he is an enemy.

That is to never die.

Everyone who becomes his enemy will not end well.

"Okay, I trust Mr. Xia, so I'll just say it first." Qiong Ying looked around: "I count me now, and there are five people. I can't tell you their identities, but they are fighting. When they were there, they were good players.”

"I have six, including me, you can meet them all," Xia Xia said.

"You still remember the cover you gave me, that cover is used to catch Yinghuo, Yinghuo is a very terrifying fairy beast, it is impossible to capture normally, but that cover is a treasure, And it is specially used to capture top fairy beasts like fireflies." Qiong Ying said.

He also started to tell his own I have seen Firefly once, but the strength is too strong, we can't take it down. " Xia Xia also revealed his intelligence.


When he heard this, Qiong Ying's eyes also lit up. He didn't expect that he would actually see a firefly in the summer.

But now is not the time to be surprised.

It is time for them to exchange information with each other: "The team to **** the immortal beast is not as simple as it seems, the number of masters is more than we imagined, I have a list here, and the people on the list are hidden in the loose cultivator. Master."

"I found a Venerable among the scattered cultivators. He is the master of the Tianshuang Palace, and it is precisely because of his existence that your people can kill Xingwangtong." Xia Xia said.

at this time.

Qiong Ying suddenly discovered.

Although the information I said is pretty good, compared to the information I said in Xia Tian, ​​my own information seems to be nothing.

This gave him a kind of crisis.

All the information that Xia Xia said was unknown to him.

And they all surprised him when he heard it.

If he doesn't reveal some valuable information next, I'm afraid Xia Xia won't feel his worth.


He has to tell some really valuable information next.

"It seems that I have to say that thing. Although I don't want to expose it, I still have to let Xia Tian see my sincerity." Qiongying secretly said in his heart.

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