The Best All-rounder

Chapter 887: should come

The battle on Qiong Ying's side has ended, and they have returned at this time. If they return to help, then there will be no problem.

at this time.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master would definitely not come forward to attack directly.

The three divine soldiers will not be exposed at this time.


The people who can come to sneak attack should be the masters selected by the Tianshuang Palace Master from the loose cultivators.

The promise of the Tianshuang Palace Master is still very useful to the loose cultivators here.

Especially those top-notch loose cultivators.

They all think this time is a good opportunity to make friends with the Tianshuang Palace Master. If there is a Tianshuang Palace Master to help them, then they will definitely be able to flourish in the future.

Even surpassed his current state.

"Don't you have to go take a look?" asked the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"No, I have to believe in my brother. This is a battlefield. On the battlefield, things are changing rapidly. If you make a wrong decision, you will lose everything." Xia Xia is not the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect who doesn't believe in it.

But he thinks.

Tianshuang Palace Master is too mysterious, no one knows what he will do suddenly.

Especially his identity.

And there are also three divine soldiers.

If these people suddenly came to attack the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect, it would be dangerous.

The people of the Three Bamboo Sect are not as cohesive as the Xing family.

Once the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect has an accident, the Three Bamboo Sect will become a mess.

He's here.

There is a little more protection.

Although he is not the opponent of those venerables, his Wuji and Tianquan are both top-notch abilities, and both of these abilities can save lives. If the other party attacks together, he can also keep the Three Bamboo Sect. bishop.

You won't get hurt if you come up.

"Afraid that I will be raided?" asked the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"Although the chances are very low, we still have to guard against it." Xia Xia said.

"It's okay, there are not many people who can raid me. You also said that the Tianshuang Palace Master definitely wants us to lose both. If I go out directly, then the Xing family will have an absolute advantage." Sanzhujiao The priest is also very shrewd.

"Don't forget the three gods!!" Xia Xia said.

"The Three Divine Soldiers are the trump card. Since the Tianshuang Palace Master invited them, they will be used at a critical time, not now." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also understood that the later battles would be more difficult.

But from the moment he chose summer, he was ready for it all.

He understands.

The current Three Bamboo Sect.

Outside are street rats.

It is impossible for him to invite the other top ten masters.

And the people below His Holiness, no matter how much they invite, they are only people who will run away depending on the situation.

only in summer.

is his best candidate.

It can also be seen from the recent performance of the summer.

Xia Xia is definitely a person who can transport the atmosphere to the sky, and Xia Xia may have many skills that he does not know.


Choose summer.

It was the biggest gamble in his life.

"It should come, it will come after all. Right now, you two are competing to see who will die less, although there are no loose cultivators on your side to attack, and you can use the fairy crystals to quickly defeat the Xing family, but Xing Xing Those people at home are really too troublesome." Xia Xia also understood that this level of battle is definitely not so easy to solve.

"Sect Leader, we were breached right in front of us," a senior said respectfully.

"What's going on?" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect asked inexplicably.

Normal pull said.

They should have an absolute advantage.

Moreover, after the Xing family fought with Xia Xia and Shenwei, the masters suffered very serious casualties.

"They formed a death squad. The other two sides of the defense line were all dead, and only the middle was breaking through. They wanted to kill a passage." The high-level explained.

The head of the Three Bamboo Sect frowned: "They seem to be coming at me."

"Well, this tactic is only suitable for the Xing family. Although the number of people on both sides has decreased and the number of masters has decreased, they are not afraid of death, so the two sides will not collapse directly. The middle is all of them. The breakthrough line of the masters, even if you mobilize all the masters now, it is too late, and your people are not as hard as the people of the Xing family." Xia Xia knows very well that this move of the Xing family is definitely the Tianshuang Palace. the Lord's way.

Because this is a way of burning jade and stone.

This battle.

Although the Xing Family will directly break through, greatly increasing their morale, and the surrounding loose cultivators will also be involved, but in the same way, all the backbone of the Xing Family will be depleted.

"Is there no way to do this?" asked the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"Yes!" Summer said.

"Do you have a solution for this?" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said in surprise.

In his opinion, this is the time when there is absolutely no countermeasure.

But there is still a way in summer.

"Let your people retreat in an orderly manner from the front, you only need to use long-range attacks to continuously consume the opponent, the people on the second step protect the people on the first step to retreat, the third step protects the people on the second step, retreat in turn, don't mess around , everyone retreated in an orderly manner, and then let the expert teams join on both sides, quickly defeat the enemy teams on both sides, and form an encirclement to gather and annihilate them." Xia Xia said.

"My troops don't seem to be enough to surround and kill." The leader of the Sanzhu Sect brought a lot of people this time, but overall, the number is not as many as the Xing family, especially the Xing family has a foreign aid team, those foreign aid Although the team is now sitting on the mountain to watch the tigers fight, if his team is surrounded, it will be very thin, and those people will be directly wrapped up from the outside, which will be troublesome.

"You have to be willing to spend money, let loose cultivators rush in front first, wrap all the people in it, and directly hit the attack inside, don't let your people think about how many people you kill, how much credit you get, and how many trophies you get. Let the loose cultivators inside see the seriously injured people of the Xing Family, and let them see the benefits and spoils, in this case, your people are enough." Xia Xia said directly.

"I really admire you more and more, how did you come up with so many ways." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect bet everything on Xia Xia before, but he didn't know how much Xia Xia was capable.

But when he and Xia Xia really got along, he realized that Xia Xia's ability is really omnipotent in all aspects.

"Don't be too happy. If you fight like this, the Three Bamboo Sect will definitely win, and the Sanzhu Sect's losses will certainly be minimal, but the enemy will kill here." Xia Xia looked at the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.


He backed down.

Then the enemy will kill you head on.

Although his people will win.

But in front of him became a blank space.

"The last time I died in Tie Xin's hands, I learned a lot. People at our level rarely take action, and we don't have enough experience. This time, I have a lot of experience." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect smiled slightly.

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