The Best All-rounder

Chapter 888: 100,000 points of the power of the spike law

The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect is also very much looking forward to it now.

The collision of the venerable level.

Coming sooner or later.

The last time he played against Tie Xin, he was in a very bad state and was consumed a lot by the Monkey King and the King Niu. In addition, Tie Xin seized the opportunity, so he was killed.


That battle.

It also gave him a lot of insight.

Fighting opportunities at this level are very rare.

"It seems that you have a plan." Xia Xia likes the confident look of the leader of the Sanzhu Sect.

When fighting to the death.

If your own people are cowardly.

Then you lose half.

"People like the Tianshuang Palace Master will never take action at first, that is, let me and Xingwangmu duel, even if they are the same Venerable, there are also strong and weak points, the power of my law is originally compared to the stars Wang Mugao, plus I have the experience of fighting to the death with the top Venerables, but he doesn't, so no matter how you look at it, he can't be my opponent." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said very confidently.


If the strength of the two is compared, it is indeed the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect who is superior.

"The Xing family is not easy, don't be careless, and don't think about winning. You must know that the Tianshuang Palace Master will still be watching, and our goal is not to kill Xingwangmu, but Firefly!!" Xia Tian reminded road.


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said and nodded slightly: "I understand."

"I asked your people to withdraw from here, because the next battle here will be the venerable level. Your people are here, and your next battle will be very passive, but if this place is full of people from his star family, Then you can attack unscrupulously and destroy unscrupulously." Xia Xia said.


The head of the Three Bamboo Sect also shines.

It was only now that he understood what was going on.

It turns out that Xia Xia also has this meaning: "Brother Xia, I have written down the relationship this time, and I won't say anything more."

He also didn't know how to express his gratitude to Summer.

"Needless to say, if you fight against me in the future, I promise you will be worse than the Xing family." Xia Xia said very casually.


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also had a black line on his face: "Don't dare, don't dare, I'm really afraid of you. I'd rather go to **** with two venerables, and don't want to be your enemy."

Going desperately with other Venerables, at least he still has hope.

But fighting with summer.

There is really no hope at all. You only know that next, you will suffer terribly heavy losses.

Just wait to die.



A huge explosion sounded.

"It was so quick to kill." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Our Three Bamboo Sects now add up to less than 100,000 people, and the Xing family's people add up to about 120,000 people. Now my people are retreating step by step, and the front is Yi Ma Pingchuan, and the surrounding loose cultivators are watching the fun outside. , the speed of flying over is still very fast." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said with emotion.

Both of them.

Now the number of people has become very small.

It can be said.

Come here this time.

The loss of their Three Bamboo Sect is also very terrifying.

But fortunately there is Summer. Before Xia joined his team, there were only 120,000 people in his team, while the Xing family still had about 200,000 people, plus the number of loose cultivators, there were 700,000 to 800,000 people.

But under Xia Xia's calculations, those scattered cultivators were all neutral, and the 200,000 people in the Xing family had died.

He exchanged 20,000 people for the lives of 80,000 soldiers of the Xing family.

It's still very profitable.


Dozens of figures rushed from a distance.

Directly to the summer.


The two top guards around Xia Xia were also killed instantly.

Although there are only two of them.

But the two of them are usually the guards of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect, and they are very powerful.


Xia Xia waved his right hand.

The Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.

"I killed him." Xia Xia's eyes were also on the person in front of him.


These people in front of him at this time.

They are all masters of the star family.

Everyone's strength is also incomparably strong.

After such a long battle, most of the people who survived had more than tens of thousands of law powers.

"The head of the family has an order to kill Xia Tian, ​​the name can be engraved on the star tablet, and the reward is tens of billions of immortal crystals!!" A commander of the Xing family shouted loudly.

When I heard this order.

All the people in the Xing family rushed forward frantically.

for them.

Star monument.

is fame.

A lifetime of fame.

Ten billion immortal crystals are benefits. Killing Xia Xia can not only gain fame, but also gain benefits. For them, this kind of thing is simply the coolest thing.

How could they not do it.


For a moment.

Hundreds of people from the vanguard unit fought towards Xia Xia.

Hundreds of people.

They are all people with more than 50,000 points of the power of the law.


Summer's toes are a little above the ground.

The cold ice instantly froze the hundreds of people in front of him.


The black bamboo swept across.

Hundreds of people's bodies instantly split into two.

The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect took action.

This is the skill of His Holiness.

For the Venerable, although the number is also a big trouble, the people who rush up like this and are frozen by Xia Xia are living targets.

His damage can easily break these people.

"Good ability!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Being able to freeze so many people in an instant, your law of the sun is the strongest among the people I've ever met." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect praised.

He is not flattering summer.

But the higher the law.

The more difficult it is to practice.

The level of the Law of the Sun is very high.

The power of such laws is also very terrifying.

Once grown up.

It is also very defiant.

In summer, a person can freeze so many people in an This originally represented the ability of summer.

Of course.

Summer's current law power is 80,000 points.

But the Tianhan Sword added 40,000 points to him.


The law power he released was 120,000 points.


A person with 100,000 points of law power instantly killed Xia Xia. He came here by surprise, and his speed was very fast.

"I'll take your head." The man shouted loudly.

Seeing that his attack was about to cut off Xia Xia's head.

at this time.

Summer's body disappeared in place.

at the same time.

Summer appeared behind that person.

The law of the sun.


The Law of Light.

Break Armor.

The law of water.

Second twist.

The Law of the Stars.


The red phoenix strikes!

Tianhan Sword!



That person's dantian was pierced by Xia Xia in an instant.

The power continued to flow into the Kaijue.

Instant kill!

A person whose power of law exceeded 100,000 points was instantly killed by Xia Xia.

"What a skill!!" The head of the Three Bamboo Sect also lit up.

Xia Xia's ability really made him feel strong.

Xia Tian looked into the distance: "They are here!!"


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