The Best All-rounder

Chapter 893: kill star elder

"Not good!!" The expression of the elder of the Xing family suddenly changed.

Behind him is a crack in time and space.


He wanted to control his body.

But the same force struck, so his body didn't get involved in the space-time crack, because the space-time crack didn't have the blessing of his power.

Gradually disappear!


The originally chaotic scene was instantly quiet.

The elder of the Xing family died.

And he died under such circumstances, no one expected such a thing to happen.

"Fifty-six!!" Summer said lightly.

They only reacted when they heard Xia Xia's voice.

at this time.

They are also killing summer.

"Xiamen, I must kill you!!" Xingwangmu also shouted angrily when he saw that his elder was dead.

Now he can't wait to rush up to kill Xia Xia by himself.

He never dreamed of it.

Such a thing could actually happen.

His elder was actually beheaded like this.

"Fighting with me, you still dare to lose your mind." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also seized the opportunity.

Directly pumping Xingwangmu's body out.


Xingwangmu's body slammed **** the ground, and the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also began to pursue.

Summer there.

"Summer, we will definitely kill you." All the masters of the Xing family came over.


At the same time, the cold air dissipated.

This coldness is nothing to the people here.

"Don't worry, you are all going to die!!" Xia Xia's body turned into dozens of ice flowers and flew around.

On top of these ice flowers.


The strong fire element slammed into the ice flowers instantly. This time they wanted to use the fire element to smash all the summer ice flowers and not give the summer ice flowers any chance to get close to them.

water vapor.

When ice flakes turn into water vapor.

The previous cold air directly cooled the water vapor.

Instantly condensed into water droplets.



When water drops fall on that person and those people.

Summer comes in an instant.

Flashes again and again.

Kill! !

"What?" The people around them were all dumbfounded. They were also well-informed, and the power of various laws was countless. But when they played against Xia Xia today, they saw it. What is real? tough.


Those people's attacks also all hit the summer's position.

The Law of Light!

at the same time.

Summer's body disappeared at the last little speed.

The few people beside Xia Xia were beheaded by their own people.

"Finally got enough of one hundred." Xia Xia said lightly.

a hundred!

More than eight thousand people.

deal with a person.

As a result, they have now been beheaded by the other party to kill 100 people. This kind of thing, no matter what, makes them very uncomfortable, and Xingwangmu and Sanzhu Sect's main fight is completely irrelevant.

Various forces can often hit here.

Take these opportunities every time in the summer.

cause them the most damage.

"Don't be afraid, his consumption must be very high, as long as we seize the opportunity, he will gradually show his defeat, and everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, his attack is strong, then the defense must be him The short board!!" A commander shouted loudly.


They are led by an elder here.

But the elder just died in the hands of Xia Xia.

Now the managers here are the leaders.

They couldn't capture summer's figure for the time being, but they thought.

Nor is the power of summer endless.

it's here.

All will consume.

Summer is no exception.

Now the summer action is leak-proof.

But it's different after that.


The foothold in the summer was attacked by more than a dozen people at the same time.

There is no hard resistance in summer.

Rather quickly disappear.

The battle on the side of the Tianshuang Palace Master was not difficult. He didn't want to decide the winner too early with these two people. The strength of these two people is not weak. He wanted to protect himself from any harm.

at the same time.


Now if he directly defeated these two people, it would not be very good for him to watch the play on the side.


He has been observing the movement here in the summer.

At the beginning, he thought that eight thousand people could deal with one Xia Xia, even if Xia Xia had more skills, the result should be the same.

It is impossible for him to withstand the attack of 8,000 people.

At that time, people from the Three Bamboo Sect or Shenwei will come to support.

Or run away in summer.

But he didn't expect it.

Summer actually started to fight back.


And killed so many people.


The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand also blocked the attack of one of them.

Eighty percent of the weapons used by the people of the Xing family are swords!

They are a family of swordsmen.


Everyone's sword skills are also very strong.


After the Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand blocked the opponent's several attacks, he counterattacked in an instant, directly breaking the long sword in the opponent's hand, cutting open the opponent's body, and retreating at the same time.

The moment he backed away.

There was an explosion at that location just now.

blew up.

That person, knowing that he was going to die, blew himself up at the moment he was alive.

This is the star home.

"No wonder the Xing family is called the most special family in the eighth party. The education of their Xing family is really unimaginable. Although many outside forces have been in the Xue Xing family over the years, they can go to the Xing family. , I am afraid there will be no second one, there are so many people in the Xing family, everyone is like this, this time I am the most terrifying." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"It's very difficult to do. If it is other forces, kill a few leaders and deter them, and there is almost no fighting spirit, but now, each of them is like death, I am afraid that I have killed all the leaders here. The rest of the team will fight as hard as me until the last person." Xia Xia also knew that these people were very troublesome.

Eight thousand people.

Incomparably powerful.

Although he has killed hundreds of, these people are also getting smarter.

Next, if he wants to kill these people, it will naturally become more and more difficult.

"Summer, if you have the ability, you can fight with us upright and open." A commander shouted angrily.

"Fair and fair? Are your Xingjia worthy of these words?" Xia Xia asked.

"Our star family is bright and upright, what's not worthy of it!!" the commander asked.

"Your Xing Family Patriarch deceived me into your encirclement, and then killed me directly. Don't tell me you don't know about this kind of thing, and don't tell me it's fake news, it's true or false, it's in your own heart. Don't you think it's ashamed that you have eight thousand of you against me now, and let me fight you head-on?" Xia Xia looked at these people in front of him with disdain.

The scattered cultivators around also thought the people of the Xing family were very ridiculous.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, kill him!!"

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