The Best All-rounder

Chapter 894: give you a present

In fact, the people of the Xing family know in their hearts that what Xingwangmu has done is true, so they are justified in this matter, including that they want to kill Xia Xia now, saying that they are avenging their own people.

But if it wasn't for them going head-to-head with Xia Xia for no reason, would Xia Xia kill their people?


In a place like China, being famous is very important.

If it weren't for the fact that the Tianshuang Palace Master had been relying on his reputation to suppress these loose cultivators.

Then these loose cultivators have already taken action to destroy the Xing family.

Xingwangmu is smart.

The design wants to kill Feng Wen.

The result was not only unsuccessful, but also set up so many enemies for himself.

In the end, Shenwei, Xia Xia and the Three Bamboo Sect joined forces to deal with him, and all the shameful things he did were spread out. People outside were also very shameless towards him, and the loose cultivators almost attacked him directly.

If not the first appearance of Dongbatian.

At that time, the loose cultivators could beat the Xing family very badly.

Later, the Tianshuang Palace Master came forward to ease the situation of the complete collapse of the Xing family.

"Come on, let me see what is so mysterious about your Xing family's swordsmanship." Xia Xia's body moved.

The Law of the Stars.

in front of him.

There appeared one after another who looked exactly like him.

They also all held the Tianhan Sword in their hands.

Go straight ahead.

"Twenty, the limit." Hong Feng said.


"Twenty is enough. Twenty distractions at the same time, and it is not easy to control it perfectly." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

The twenty figures were killed like this.

"What?" The people from the Xing Family opposite were also stunned.

a summer.

Just turn them around.

Now there are twenty summers at the same time, how do they deal with it.

"Everyone, don't care, only one is true, the others are false, and the false ones hardly hurt!!" the commander shouted loudly.

puff! puff!

When his voice fell, those who were fighting Xia Xia all had wounds on their bodies! !

"It's all true!" someone suddenly shouted.

Maybe he wanted to report the situation here, but when he said these words, all the people on the scene were very shocked.

There was even a trace of fear in the people around the star family.

Although they all understand that it can't be all true.

But at that moment.

They instinctively had fear. Although this fear was only a moment, his fear at this moment was the key to Xia Xia's victory.


Those people are attacking each other with summer.

Action every summer.

All are perfect.


Not only dodge their attacks.

And his attacks are real.

"Of course it can't be true. Only my body is the law of Tianhan sword and the attack of Tianhan sword. The others are clones transformed by the law of the stars, and the weapons used are all attacks by the law of the stars. However, their current attacks are all swordsmanship, these are the swordsmanship I use, and their reactions are also controlled by my sea of ​​consciousness." Xia Xia likes the current scene very much.

at this time.

Twenty him.

It caused quite a shock to the people here.


These people are now beginning to have a fear of summer in their hearts.


More than 8,000 people have an absolute advantage over 20 people.

But at this time, they all seemed to think that if there were 20 summers, it was absolutely impossible for them to win.


Summer's body moves.

Directly killed a star family.


The opponent blocked his attack.



The second round of Xia Xia's attack directly killed the opponent.

"This is true here, his attack is different from others." A commander has been observing all summer changes.

When he saw the first lethality of the summer.

He can be sure.

This person is real.


The people around them all attacked Xia Xia's body.

Xia Xia's body also disappeared in place: "You are very smart, I am the body."

Summer didn't deny it either.

"Do your best to deal with the main body, don't worry too much about the rest..."

puff! puff! puff!

As soon as his voice fell, those summer clones around him started killing people.

Their movements are very subtle.

Although they are not as strong as the summer body.

But their movements and attacks, as well as their reactions, were made in the summer.

"Besiege those fake ones!!" Another commander shouted.

There are still three commanders here, but they are all newly elected commanders, and the old commanders of the Xing family are almost dead.


A large number of people killed the fake clones.

Those fake clones are also constantly fighting against the people of the Xing family.



Someone from the Xing family found the problem: "No, he is using the swordsmanship of our Xing family."

Although the swordsmanship of almost everyone in the star family is different.

But the foundation of swordsmanship of all Xing family members is the same.

Even the head of the star family.

When I was a child, I also started to practice from the basic swordsmanship of the Xing family.


When they were fighting with Xia, the foundation of swordsmanship used by Xia was actually the foundation of their Xing Family's swordsmanship, and their next changes seemed to be seen through Xia.

Attack early.

puff! puff!

Several more people were shot.

At the same time, Xia Xia also began to use the swordsmanship of the Xing family.


A few stars were thrown away by summer.

"The Xing Family's swordsmanship contains changes in the Law of the Stars. It seems that among the older generation of the Xing Family, the person who created the Xing Family Swordsmanship should be a master with the Law of the Stars." Xia Xia used the Xing Family Sword When it comes to the law, it is also handy to use.

that's it.

He used the swordsmanship of the Xing family.

Use the Law of the Stars.

Kill the people of the star family.

"Two hundred and fifty!!" Xia Xia said lightly.

The speed of lethality has been greatly increased.


The battle between the two sides also became more intense.


The avatars of Xia Xia have become stronger and stronger one by one. They seem to have completely seen through the swordsmanship of the Xing family, and they are more lethal, but they also left a lot of wounds on their bodies.

He was beaten badly by the Xing family.

"No, everyone, don't use swordsmanship to attack those fake ones, use the power of law to crush them!!" The commander finally understood what was going on. Xia Xia was not only stealing the swordsmanship of their star family.

And they are quickly figuring out how to restrain their Xingjia swordsmanship.


The power of the powerful law keeps coming!

It directly hit the nineteen and the nineteen clones turned into rays of light in the end, killing those around them.

Although these rays of light have limited lethality, they still injure all nearby people.


The clones were all shattered.

However, at one time, more than seven or eight people around were injured.

"It seems that the people under your Xing Family are all good, but the people in command are really stupid." Xia Xia said with great disdain.

This commander commanded several times.

As a result, his people died each time more miserably.

"Summer, don't be too arrogant, there will be a big gift for you later!!" The commander said coldly.

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