The Best All-rounder

Chapter 918: 19 red phoenixes

Red Phoenix!

He succeeded.

He successfully merged four jewels and ten quasi-jewels.

"After the fusion, there are a total of nineteen special feathers on my body. Among them, the feathers transformed by the four treasures are the most powerful. Now, who can withstand a blow from my Hongfeng?" Hongfeng was very excited. said.

This time.

He really got the biggest growth.

his overall strength.

Earth-shaking changes have also taken place.

In this case, he will be able to play the biggest role in battles in the summer.

His biggest dream is.

You can always accompany the summer to fight.

"This is my communication talisman. I have met you. If you need anything in the future, you can contact me." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Here is the eighth party.

It's where he stands.

it's here.

One more friend is better than one more enemy.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." The Fire City Lord bowed slightly.

He has heard a lot about Xia Xia, especially Xia Xia's reputation and loyalty. He has heard all about it.

He was more excited to be able to obtain a communication talisman from Xia Xia than to know those Venerables.


The two directly teleported away.

that's it.

After a few transfers.

The two went out of town.

Since getting the source of the earth, distance is not a problem for summer.

"Your speed is too fast." When Tie Xin saw Xia Xia and Shi Shi, a smile appeared on his face.

He was usually a very cold person.

Normal people rarely see a smile on his face.

"Fortunately, I'm not in a hurry to meet you." Xia Tian also smiled.

"Please come in!!" Tie Xin said.

In the living room of Jindaomen: "You are in a hurry, and you don't have time to prepare anything, just these simple wines and dishes."

"Just have wine!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, of course there is, nothing will be missing from your wine." The sect master of the Golden Knife Sect knows Xia Xia's character very well.

"That's good!!" Summer also picked up the wine.

The three drank.

Xia Si sat aside, neither eating nor drinking.

But everyone is used to it.

"How are you thinking?" Xia Tian put down the glass.

"I already understand what you said, and I also know that you are doing it for my own good, but you have already declared war. If you suddenly stop, how will I behave in the future?" Tie Xin declared war on the Three Bamboo Sect at the beginning.

It can be said that it has mobilized all the people in the entire eighth party.

Let the entire Eighth Party be in chaos.

Now that he said he quit, he quit. After that, how could he have a foothold in the eighth party.

"You can't let the brothers die in vain for the sake of face, and you can push everything on me, just say that the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect helped me a lot and saved my life, you can only be with the Three Bamboo Sect for my sake. A temporary truce, but if the Three Bamboo Sect dares to offend the Golden Sword Sect again in the future, you will definitely fight to the death, and things will be simple. The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect will only cooperate with you and will never do anything. ' said Summer.

"Put you out, no, this is absolutely impossible!!" Tie Xin shook his head, he thought that he couldn't take advantage of the summer, it would be a bit despicable to do so.

"It's okay, what reputation do I have, I have discussed this matter with the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect, so let's do it, and you should also find that the current Shenzhou, especially the eighth party is very turbulent, you also Think about it for the brothers and try to protect them, instead of letting them continue shopping with the Three Bamboo Sect in order to fight for a breath." Xia Xia said.


Tie Xin sighed: "That's what you said to me. If I were someone else, I would definitely fight to the end."

He gets along a lot with Summer.

And he has seen with his own eyes what summer is like in status.

He's also been hearing something about summer recently.

Brothers like summer.

He doesn't want to lose.

"I know you give me the most face." Xia Tian raised his glass.

"It's obvious that you are thinking about my Golden Sword Sect and trying to save my Golden Sword Sect, but you seem to be begging me." Tie Xin felt that a benevolent and righteous person like Xia Xia was really rare.

He also has nothing to say.

"Looking at my brother's accident, I couldn't get past my own level, so I really came to beg you." Xia Tian smiled.

"Stop talking, drink!!" Thirteen raised his glass.


Tie Xin nodded.

The three of them drank directly.

On the Three Bamboo Sect leader's side, when he received Xia Xia's communication talisman, he also directly ordered: "The order goes on, from now on, we will truce with the Golden Sword Sect, and no one from the Three Bamboo Sect and the following forces can provoke Jin. Daomen, let alone provoke Xia Xia and anyone related to Xia Xia."

"If anyone does not obey, they will be killed without mercy!!"

He is very aware of Summer's character.

If you don't provoke summer, summer will never come against you.

But if you shoot against summer, you are doomed to be destroyed by summer.

Just like those before.

Those who want to kill summer.

Each one seems to have failed.

There were so many examples of facts out there that he couldn't help but believe it.

And as long as the summer event came out, he believed it to be true.

Because he has seen so many incredible things with his own eyes.

He was a man whom the venerable admired.

"By the way, when I came here, I saw that the people here seem to be very nervous, what happened recently?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's a little thing!!" Tie Xin said secretly.

"Did something happen?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's okay, come, drink!!" Tie Xin obviously didn't want to say.

Summer didn't say anything.

They drank for a full day, and finally the first thirteen couldn't hold it, so they stopped.

Tie Xin also went out because something happened suddenly.

"Tie Xin seems to be in trouble." Thirteen said.

"I knew you weren't drunk!!" Xia Xia said.

"I saw that I wanted to leave a few times in the middle, but I was too embarrassed to leave, so I deliberately pretended to be drunk and gave him a chance to leave." Thirteen slowly got up.

Xia Xia also got and walked to a disciple of the Golden Sword Sect: "Did something happen?"

"Nothing, Mr. Xia!!" The man didn't seem to dare to look directly at Xia.

"Tell me, is there an accident? You also know the relationship between me and your sect master. I really encountered something. I can't help a lot, but I can still help a little." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"The old gang leader is poisoned, and his life is not long now!!" The man hesitated for a long time, but finally said it.

"Take me to see." Xia Xia said.

"No, Mr. Xia, the contagion is too strong, and several brothers have been recruited. Even if the sect master uses the power of the world to resist, it will not last long." The man said.

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