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Chapter 919: Insect poison

They have been in China for so long, and this is the first time they have encountered such a thing.

"How many people were infected?" Xia Tian asked.

"Five, now they are all sealed in the back mountain." The man said.

"Take me there." Xia Xia said.

"No, Mr. Xia, you are our honored guest, that kind of place is too dangerous." The man said hurriedly.

"I won't invade a hundred poisons, I'll be fine!!" Xia Xia said.


"But what, I have a way to save them, hurry up, if the time is delayed, those brothers may have an accident." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, it just so happens that the sect master is also there, let the leader speak!" The man nodded.

Thirteen and Xia Si did not pass.

The two of them are not invulnerable.

And Thirteen thinks.

If there is summer, no matter what kind of danger lies ahead, it should be able to be resolved perfectly.

The back mountain.

"Why are you here?" Tie Xin was taken aback when he saw Xia Xia.

"I already know what happened, let me see the old sect master and the five brothers first!!" Xia Xia said.

"Did you say that I asked you to look at Mr. Xia, you brought him to me, do you need to clean up?" Tie Xin scolded.

"Sect Master, Mr. Xia said he has a way to save people, but I can't stop him..."

"Don't make trouble, go back, the situation here is not easy." Tie Xin said.

"Don't worry, I didn't make trouble with you, I really will be fine." Xia Xia said.

"You said there was no trouble, so don't look at what's going on now." Tie Xin wanted to pull Xia Xia.

But Xia Xia looked inside: "I found it!!"

"I know you have strong perception ability, but it's really not a joke. I have checked it, and even the Venerable can't handle it." Tie Xin reminded.

"When did I joke with you, although I'm not sure if I can save them for the time being, but I'll definitely be fine!!" Xia Xia said.

Tie Xin looked at Xia Xia's firm gaze and nodded slightly: "I'll go in with you."


Summer goes straight ahead.

Tie Xin also instantly enveloped the power of his world on Xia Xia.

Although summer says no.

But he still used his strength to protect Xia Xia.

It's not that he doesn't believe in summer, but he feels that this time things are really not easy, he can't be careless, otherwise a lot of unforeseen things may really happen.

"This is the old sect master!" Xia Xia glanced at the skinny old man sitting in front of him.

what is has been confirmed is.

This old man definitely didn't sit here after being poisoned.

It was sitting here a long time ago.

It should be a long time.

The seat below him has been jaded because of sitting for a long time.

"Well, he's my grandpa!!" Tie Xin said.

Xia Xia also walked in front of the old door owner and touched the old door owner's body with his hands.

Tie Xin wanted to remind something.

But it was too late to stop it.

Summer has been wiped on the body of the old door owner.


Ice appeared on his fingers, but the ice did not stop the opponent's invasion.

"Oops, you're infected." Tie Xin's expression changed.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm fine, I did it on purpose, I just wanted to see what happened." Xia Xia waved his hand and sat in front of the old sect master at the same time: "The old sect master must have a lot of Tell me a story."

"Is it really okay?" Tie Xin asked nervously.

"Don't worry, it's still under control." Xia Xia pinched the fingers of his left hand against his body.



"Famous weapon armor..." Tie Xin was taken aback.

"How to forget this thing." Xia Xia's fame armor has a passive defense, even if he does nothing, it will be activated instinctively.


He also hurriedly shut down the instinctual defense of the famous armor: "I'll explain it later."


He directly pierced his body with his fingers.


A transparent bug similar to a needle appeared in Xia Xia's hand and was bound by a force in Xia Xia's hand.

The power of the King of Kings! !

"Is that what?" Tie Xin looked at the bug in Xia Xia's hand.

"Yes, this is the thing, its penetrating power is very strong, even the power of the law and the defense of its own body can't stop the invasion of this insect. At first, I thought about using the power of the law to catch it, but Failed." Xia Xia's right hand squeezed hard, directly smashing the transparent bug.

"You really have a way!!" Tie Xin also believed in summer at this time.


Xia Xia glanced at the old sect master in front of him: "How long has he been recruited?"

"It's been ten days!!" Tie Xin said.

"The kind of bug you saw just now, he has 100,000 in his body, and he is about to be eaten into a body now." Xia Xia said.

"It's so serious!!" Tie Xin said in surprise.

"Fortunately, come a little bit, by the way, you haven't told me the story of the old sect master." Xia Xia said.

"My grandfather experienced the Immortal Rebellion created by mankind. Since then, he has been sitting here. My father participated in the Battle of Heaven and Night in order to unlock the secrets of my grandfather, and finally died in the battle." Tie Xin explained. .


Summer is also a direct start.

100,000 bugs, even if he were to catch them, it would take a lot of energy.


Now he has no other way than to use the power of Kaiwangjue.

So it won't be too fast.

"I've heard of the Battle of Day and Night." Xia Xia said.

"The Battle of Heaven and Night was an earth-shattering battle caused by Tianlong. In that the people of the Tianzu established their status in Shenzhou. Since then, the people of Shenzhou have never dared to rebel against the people of the Tianzu. The people who rule, even the guards have acquiesced in all this." Tie Xin said.

"I heard that a lot of people died, even the masters of the venerable level died a lot." Xia Xia said.

"A lot, a lot, the whole Shenzhou was involved. The battle was very terrifying, and the scope of the battle was unimaginable. The number of Venerables who died was also very terrifying. My father was finally beheaded by a Celestial Clan." Tie Xin said.

"Do you know who it is?" Xia Tian asked.

"I don't know, I only know that my father has a plum mark on his body." Tie Xin explained.

"What about your grandfather? Didn't your father go to investigate your grandfather's affairs, did he get any results? And what is the immortal rebellion?" Xia Xia asked again.

"I don't even know what the Immortal Rebellion is. It is said that people who know either die or become like my grandfather. No one knows how many years my grandfather has been sitting here. When my father found my grandfather, My grandfather is already sitting here, without saying a word, just sitting here with his eyes closed, but he is not dead yet!!" Tie Xin said.

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