The Best All-rounder

Chapter 920: immortal

"I'm curious how long he lived," Xia said.

"I don't know how long he has lived, but he has only been sitting here for 100 million years. He has been sitting here before the eighth party." Tie Xin said helplessly.

When Xia Xia heard 100 million years, his fingers paused slightly: "This number is a bit scary, sitting for 100 million years, motionless, not dead!!"

"Yes, I'm not dead, I often come to check, and my people are stationed here all the year round, checking the situation here every day, whether he is dantian or soul, there is no problem, and his vitality is normal, as if he is not dead. It’s the same as being destroyed.” When Tie Xin said it himself, he would feel incredible.

"What's the point of such immortality?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yeah, he didn't even know that his only son died, and he never opened his eyes. Sometimes I wonder if this catastrophe was just to free him, if it wasn't for you. , I'm ready to start worshipping him." Tie Xin shook his head.

He often thinks.

Let his grandfather die.

Maybe it is happiness.

"Fortunately, you didn't let him die. If he dies, there will probably be a million worms in his body. At that time, your entire Golden Sword Sect will be miserable." Xia Xia explained.

"It's so serious." Tie Xin said in surprise.

"Well, by the way, you can find some containers, see what container can put them in, and then carefully study what it is and what his nemesis is, so that it can be solved in the future." said.

it is good!

Tie Xin also asked his subordinates to send over hundreds of containers.

They are all made from different materials.

Summer is also a try!

In the end it all failed.

These containers simply cannot trap the venom.

"What exactly is this, it's so domineering." Tie Xin is considered a well-informed person, but even he has never seen such a thing before. He thinks that this thing is like a heaven-defying existence.

"It's not the first time I've seen it. You can ask your men to think of ways to get more containers and try any materials." Xia Xia said.


Tie Xin nodded.

"Isn't there another five brothers? Go and bring them here." Xia Xia said.

it is good!

Tie Xin also took action personally. Others can't contact those five people at all now, not even indirect contact. His world power can contact them indirectly.


Five people were brought over.

"See Mr. Xia!!" The five said respectfully.

Their actions are still natural, but in order to avoid infection, they dare not move.

"How are you feeling now?" Xia Tian asked.

"It feels very painful inside the body, and it seems that something is flowing. Dantian has been attacked. Although our Dantian has a strong defense, we are not sure how long we can resist, and the spirit is dissipating little by little."

"I feel like my body is bloated!!"

"I feel like my vision is fading little by little."

"I feel like my senses are disappearing."

"I feel like I'm dying."


"Don't worry, with me here, I won't let you have an accident. You just need to calm down and stay here. After I treat the old sect master, I will treat you." Xia Xia said.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." The five said respectfully.

Summer is also a quick cure for old door owners.

After a full day.

The summer action just stopped.

At this time, he was also sweating profusely. This consumption is more serious than his battle, and his eyes must be very careful.

Only in this way.

In order not to miss any trace of insects.


When he took out the last bug in the summer, he suddenly found that the wounds on the old sect master had healed in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Tie Xin asked.

"Look!!" With a wave of Xia Xia's right hand, a long hole was directly cut into the old sect master's body.

But soon.

The old sect master's body began to heal itself.

The speed of self-healing is very fast.

Less than half a minute.

The wound on the old sect master recovered.


Tie Xin was stunned.

"Can it still be like this?"

"Haven't you studied it before?" Xia Tian asked.

"Who would be free to study his grandfather's body, especially attacking his grandfather's body." Tie Xin cast a glance at Xia Xia.

"That's right!" Summer smiled.

"This is the new container I brought you. I brought all the things that looked like containers in the Golden Knife Gate." Tie Xin took out thousands of containers.


Summer is also starting again.

A container-by-container test follows.


A thousand containers are also almost eliminated.

Just when Xia Xia thought that he was going to fail completely this time, the last container actually succeeded: "What material is this?"

"This is not any special material at all, it's just ordinary wood!!" Tie Xin said.


Xia Tian's eyes turned to a branch next to him.


He waved his right hand.

The branches were instantly shattered and turned into tens of thousands of thin needles.

These fine needles flew directly to the five.

"Don't resist!!" Xia Tian reminded.

The fine needle stabbed the five people directly.

puff! puff! puff!

Hit those bugs exactly.

The bugs disappeared one by one.

"Success." Xia Tian's eyes lit up: "Woo, their nemesis is wood!!"


The iron heart is also used for pulling with both hands.

The surrounding wood flew over.

"Not so much!!" Summer clapped his hands.

Those wood turned into flying needles and stabbed the five people's bodies again.

that's it.

The insects on the five people were beheaded one by one.

at last.

In the summer, he also caught hundreds of live bugs, which he trapped in wooden boxes.

"You five cultivate for a few days, eat some supplements, and you will be fine in a few days." Xia Xia said.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." The five said gratefully.

Before they thought they were dead.

Xia Xia also got up, and at the same time he glanced at the old sect master sitting there, then turned and left the hall.

Thirteen is also researching bugs.

They are all wood next to them now.

Thirteen was also playing with a wooden needle: "Such a small thing has such great power."

"Brother Xia, did you find anything?" Tie Xin asked.

"No, no, let's go to the old sect master!" Xia Xia hurriedly got up.

Although Tie Xin didn't know what was going on, he got up instantly when he saw Xia Xia's nervous look.

They flew directly to the place where the old sect master was.

When they came to the place where the old sect master was.

They were all shocked.

The old sect master is gone! !

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