The Best All-rounder

Chapter 922: canyon

Tie Xin and the three of them rushed down directly.

They were very violent when they came down.

"I'm Tie Xin, the sect master of the Golden Sabre Sect. I have something important to do. If I stop me, I won't be merciful!!" Tie Xin shouted loudly.



The three of them rushed straight down.

The role of the word iron heart is still very large.


No immortal beast rushed out to stop Tie Xin.


These fairy beasts all know Tie Xin.

"It seems that this place is not very dangerous." Thirteen said with emotion.

"If you don't have me to lead the way, you will know how dangerous it is. This is the biggest natural barrier of our Golden Sabre Sect. Even if the Venerable wants to pass here, it is not so easy, but they all know me, and both of us have There are some small rules, so this little face will still be given to me, but I don't know what's going on at the moment, so I can only go down and watch." Tie Xin also understands that summer will not rush into this canyon casually. inside.

Unless something is discovered in the summer.

If this is really the canyon doing things.

Then next.

There is bound to be a battle in the canyon.


They landed very smoothly at the lowest end of the canyon.

"It's so quiet here." Thirteen glanced around.


"Don't look at the quiet here, there are murderous intentions here, everything here is the most terrifying, you see these plants, they are all the most lethal fairy beasts, those insects are very small, but they are poisonous enough to make a law of power of 100,000 The person at the point died instantly." Tie Xin explained.

He is still very familiar with this place.

Obviously it's not the first time he's here.


The reason why he was able to make peace with Jindaomen here.

It was all typed out.

"Look here, there are signs of ice, this is summer's ability." Thirteen checked the surroundings.


Tie Xin also began to rush forward.

He is also worried that something will happen in the summer.

Although he doesn't know what will happen in front of him for the time being, he is very worried that some unforeseen things will happen next.

in the canyon.


"White Dragon King, I'm Tie Xin, aren't you going to come out and explain?" Tie Xin shouted loudly.

His voice spread around.


A three-meter-long white snake appeared in front of them: "Tie Xin, you broke into me casually, is it illegal?"

"I didn't come to talk to you about the rules, where is my friend?" Tie Xin asked.

"Your friend? Are you talking about that arrogant kid? He injured more than 2,000 of my subordinates. Do you think I will let him go? In order to catch him, all of my four big kings came forward. "The White Dragon King said lightly.

"He's my brother, if you dare to hurt his life, I'll sweep you away." Tie Xin said expressionlessly.

His character has always been so domineering.

Everyone out there knows.

It's just that when he is usually with Xia Xia, his personality is more docile.

This is his true character.

"Are you threatening me?" The White Dragon King also looked cold.

This is his place.

He knew Tie Xin's character.

But in his territory, Tie Xin said that he would be swept away, but he was very unhappy.

His White Dragon King is not easy to mess with either.

"You can think so." With a flick of Tie Xin, the big ring knife appeared in his hand.


at this time.

His eyes were so icy looking at the White Dragon King in front of him.

this person.

It's just that people don't talk much.

Do it if you don't like it.

"Tie Xin, this is my territory, not the place where you go wild!!" The White Dragon King's expression turned cold, and at this time, layers of white scales appeared on his body.

The momentum of the two sides collided.


The mist above them was split in half in an instant! !

Collision between the Venerables.

"No wonder you said that even the Venerable is difficult to pass here. It turns out that the Immortal Beast King here is also at the level of the Venerable." Thirteen finally understood what Tie Xin said before.

Now this moment.

He was the one who truly understood what Tie Xin said.


Tie Xin's body moved.


When two Venerables meet, if there is any conflict, give each other face, give each other a step, and this matter will be forgotten.

But Tie Xin has always been different from others.

He likes to use violence to solve everything he does.

in a canyon.

A war broke out between the two Venerables.

"Tie Xin, you are arrogant!!" The White Dragon King's tail twitched.


The two attacks collided.

Thirteen also hurried back.

The Yu Wei of the collision between the two is also very big, and it is simply not something normal people can handle.


The powerful lethality dissipated.

the plants around.

Those little bugs.

disappeared instantly.

Canyon here.

Instantly became much cleaner.

"Tie Xin!!" The White Dragon King saw that he had become like this, and his face was also angry. This is his territory, but if there is a fight here, it is also his place that will be destroyed: "We have the ability. Go to your golden sword gate to fight!!"

he thinks.

If you go to Jindaomen to fight.

That's different.

The Golden Sword Gate is the territory of Tiexin. If the two of them fight, the destructive power will be very serious.

Once hit.

What was destroyed was the Golden Sword Gate.

But he thought again.

What is there to destroy at the Golden Sword Gate?

The Golden Sword Gate can be destroyed and rebuilt.

Not like him here.

Even a single grass has grown for tens of thousands of years, a hundred thousand years.

"If you don't make friends, I will sweep you here!!" Tie Xin said very rudely.

He didn't fight the White Dragon King at all.

He's just going to fight here.

Destroy the White Dragon King's territory.

Let's see who loses in the end.

"Tie Xin, don't force me, I have guarded your Golden Sword Gate for so many years, yet you treat me like this!!" The White Dragon King shouted angrily.

Iron man.

Eat soft not hard.

His words hit the iron heart's weakness.

That's right.

The people of the White Dragon King have guarded the side of the Golden Sword Gate for so This is also a sentiment.

Tie Xin also put away the golden knife: "White Dragon King, you hand in someone, and I will compensate you for the loss here!!"

The White Dragon King also frowned.

Then nodded slightly: "Come on! Bring that human out."


"No, Dragon King, that human has run away!!"

"Run?" The White Dragon King was stunned: "Isn't he already entangled with diamond wire? Even if it is a famous tool, when it is bound, it can't cut the diamond wire, how can it escape?"

"I don't know, the diamond wires are all broken, and the others are gone," said the fairy beast.

"White Dragon King, I've given you enough face. Are you cheating me by acting here? How can he run away under the tying of the spider king's diamond wire?" Tie Xin's expression turned cold again.

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