The Best All-rounder

Chapter 923: summer return

"Wait!" Thirteen stopped Tie Xin: "It was made in summer!"

He still knows a lot about summer.

This kind of diamond wire may not be broken by others, but it must be possible in summer, so this is definitely the one that escaped in summer.


Thirteen released a communication talisman.


A message talisman flew back.

"He's fine, but he said that the disappearance of the old sect master is related to the White Dragon King!!" Thirteen said looking at Tie Xin.


Tie Xin looked at the White Dragon King. If it was said that he came for the summer before, he cared about his feelings, as long as the other party let the summer go, he would forget it, but now it is different, if the other party moves the old sect master.

That is, the other party doesn't care about feelings first, then he doesn't need to be polite.

"You should give me an explanation!!" Tie Xin looked at the White Dragon King expressionlessly.

If the old sect master was really taken away by the White Dragon King, then things would get bigger.

He will never give up.

"I didn't catch it," said the White Dragon King.

"I didn't ask if you caught it, I asked if it was related to you!!" Tie Xin looked at the White Dragon King like that.

This time, the White Dragon King was speechless.

That's right.

This time it's about him.

Although he didn't do it, he did know.

And the enemy also passed from him.

"I'm not the bodyguard of your Golden Sabre Sect, and you haven't given me protection money, why should I keep guarding you!!" The White Dragon King said directly.

That's right.

They stand on one side.

But Jindaomen has not given them any benefits, so why do they keep guarding this side for Jindaomen?

"That's good." Tie Xin didn't want to say anything.

For so many years, they have shielded each other from each other. Although no one has said it directly, both of them have always guarded each other like this.

And even if there is no Golden Sword Gate.

Nor can they allow others to cross their turf.

Now someone passed through them and attacked the Golden Sword Gate, which was obviously done with their consent.

The White Dragon King didn't say anything, just looked at Tie Xin like this.

this matter.

Although he said it very clearly.

But he also understands.

It's its own fault.

He was too embarrassed to say anything.

"Don't tell me, you don't know who passed through you!!" Tie Xin looked at the White Dragon King and said.

"Tie Xin, forget it, you can't fight them," said the White Dragon King.

"He caught my grandfather, you tell me this? Your grandfather was taken away, will you endure the humiliation and steal your life because you can't fight?" Tie Xin asked.

The White Dragon King did not speak.

"White Dragon King, although I have never said a word of thanks, but over the years, I have always respected you, I have never respected anyone in my life, and if you are one, I will ask you, if you were me, what would you do? ?" Tie Xin asked again.

The White Dragon King glanced at Tie Xin: "They caught my son, I have to let them pass, if I don't let them pass, my son will die."

"Who are they?" Tie Xin asked.

"God guard, shadow!!" White Dragon King said.

"Shenwei!!" When he heard this, Tie Xin was also taken aback.

That's right.

Just like what the White Dragon King said, he can't fight against the guards.

Thirteen glanced at Tie Xin: "Don't worry, there is summer."


Tie Xin sighed: "Let me find Summer safely, and forget about this time."

God guard he can not afford to offend.

Even if he wanted to get back his grandfather.

Neither can he.

If he is alone, he is not afraid of anything, but behind him there is the entire Golden Sword Gate.

He couldn't bring the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect into the crisis.

"I don't know where he went. Can't you contact him with a messenger? Just let him come back." It's not that the White Dragon King doesn't want to help Tie Xin find someone, but he really has no other way now.

Tie Xin did not speak.

Just stand there.


Thirteen released a communication talisman again.

"Right now!!" Summer's response was simple.

"Don't worry, he said he will be back soon." Thirteen was very confident in Xia Xia.

at this time.

They can only wait.

"Tie Xin, you and I are both at the level of Venerables. We have already stood at the top of China, but you and I should both understand that there are still people stronger than us. Loose immortals, these are not people we can provoke casually." The White Dragon King said with emotion.

Tie Xin did not speak.

It is impossible to say that he is not worried about his grandfather.

After all, his father and he guarded his grandfather for so many years.

His father died fighting to investigate what happened to his grandfather.

Now his grandfather was taken away from him.

How could he be worthy of his father.

"Shadow of Shenwei is a crazy guy. Back then, he swept the entire Beishan billions of immortal beasts alone, leaving no one alive." The White Dragon King knew how terrifying Ying was.

"When he challenged the Celestial Clan, I was there!!!" Tie Xin said.

"Then you should know how strong he is!!" said the White Dragon King.

"I admit that his realm is higher than mine, but I told me to do nothing, it's impossible." Tie Xin clenched his fist.

"Isn't the master of the Tianshuang Palace the master of your eighth party? Now that such a thing has happened, you should go to him. He should come forward and talk to the guards." The White Dragon King reminded.

"Palace Master Tianshuang has entered an ancient cave mansion, and he should not be able to get out for the time being," Thirteen said.

"Then there is no other way, even if you find a helper, it's useless, Shenwei is never afraid of others, and if you have too many people, it will be even more troublesome to lead other Shenwei out. ' said the White Dragon King.

to their realm.

You can't just rely on brute force to do things.

Instead, it is necessary to neutralize the current situation, consider how much power can be used on one's own side, how much power the other side will use, what support is there on one's own side, how much support the other side has, and so on.

"I'll find a way." Tie Xin had no good solution right now.

But he will never forget about this shuh!

at this time.

A figure fell in front of them.

summer! !

But at this time, Xia Xia was covered in blood and looked very tired.

"Are you alright!!" Thirteen hurried forward.

"I'm fine." With a flick of Xia's right hand, a white snake appeared in front of him: "This is yours."

"Son!!" The White Dragon King hurried forward.

"It turns out that this is your son. If you knew, you wouldn't save him, and let him fall into the crack of time and space." Xia Xia said very upset.

"What happened, how did you get hurt so badly!!" Tie Xin looked at Xia Xia.

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