The Best All-rounder

Chapter 924: Shenzhou master

"I was attacked by the Venerable, it was the guard of the gods, there was one **** guard candidate in his team, three outsiders of the **** guard, and thousands of black shadows, there are too many masters, I missed it , I couldn't get the old man back." Xia Xia looked at Tie Xin apologetically.

Hearing this, Tie Xin was also very grateful in his heart.

Xia Xia also began to treat his wounds: "Tie Xin, don't worry, since you know who the other party is, it's not a big problem, I left a mark on them, no matter where they run, I can find them, Let me fix it, and then we go to the rescue."


Hear the words of summer.

The White Dragon King was also stunned.

He and Tie Xin were both very pessimistic just now.

There was an irresistible feeling to both of them.

even despair.

But after Xia Xia came, with a few simple words, it was already studied to save people.

Even in the case of knowing that the other party is a **** guard, he has to save people.

Is this courage?

Or is there something wrong with your brain?

"What's your name?" the White Dragon King asked.

"Summer!!" Summer said.

"You are really a person who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. Since you know that the Shenwei people stole it, then you should know how difficult the Shenwei people are. They are called the four tyrants of the Tianwei. Heaven, the existence of three mountains, nine caves and ten scattered immortals can compete with the Celestial people, why do you deal with them?" asked the White Dragon King.

he thinks.

Summer is really a bit outrageous.

"Just because I'm Xia, I don't care what kind of guards he is, what kind of people from the Celestial Clan, I was born once, standing upright, never doing anything wrong, so why should I be afraid of them? Just because they are better than me? In this world , There are too many people stronger than me, do I have to give in when I see those people? Then what's the point of my life?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

"Why are you so arrogant?" The White Dragon King felt that Summer was really arrogant.

He actually didn't put the Celestial Clan and the Divine Guard in his eyes.

"Whether it's a Shenwei or a Celestial Clan, they are all human beings. As long as they are human, they have weaknesses. This time, his Shenwei person came to do things first, so it is reasonable for us to fight back. If we are lucky enough to kill each other, Could it be that Shenwei will take revenge? I don’t think Shenwei would do that, his skills are not as good as others, and he is killed, and then he takes revenge, then Shenwei will not be able to stand in China for so many years.” Xia Xia knew very well, These big forces have their own honor.

If Tie Xin asked ten venerables to deal with one person and kill the other person, then the guards would definitely not forget it, and revenge would be normal.

But if the Shenwei people are killed by Xia Xia and the Shenwei come to retaliate against Xia Xia and them, then Shenwei will not have to mix in Shenzhou after that.

It's just a shame to throw it home.

"You're really the most arrogant person I've ever seen. You haven't even reached the realm of a quasi-venerable person, yet you actually said you want to kill Shenwei." The White Dragon King really didn't understand.

"There are too many things you haven't seen. It can't be said that you haven't seen it and it doesn't exist. I've researched here. You've only been here for millions of years, and you haven't even left for millions of years. Well, now you can only see the sky above your head. What is the difference between the so-called frog in the bottom of the well? You are afraid of Shenwei and are willing to make way for Shenwei, but I am not afraid in summer, Tie Xin is my brother, If he dares to touch my brother's grandfather, then I will fight, either he will die or I will die!!" Xia Xia said very domineeringly.

"You actually look down on me so much, well, then I really want to see if you can succeed. Let's make a bet. If you succeed, I'll keep you going for thousands of years." The White Dragon King said directly.

"Ten thousand years? It's too long, five years, if I can do it, you will give me five years of driving. Of course, I don't use it in vain, five years, if I can't raise your strength to a level, you can always Kill me." Summer said again.

"A madman, you are really a madman. Do you know how many years I have not improved my realm? In two million years, you dare to say that five years will allow me to improve my strength." The White Dragon King didn't trust Xia Tian at all. if.

"That's why I said that you can only see the sky above your head, wait, wait until I rescue people, then I will take you to see the sky outside!!" Xia Tian glanced at Tie Xin: "Let's go, Jin You have to make arrangements for the sword gate."


Tie Xin nodded slightly.

He still had a lot of hesitation before, but after he heard Xia Xia's words, he no longer hesitated.

Obviously it's his business.

Xia Tian dares to go all out, and Xia Xia is not afraid of death, so what reason does he have to be afraid?

Originally, he didn't want to involve Xia Xia, but he also understood that Xia Xia's character could not be changed.


The four of them simply disappeared in place.

"What is the sky outside?" The White Dragon King glanced at the sky.

In the Golden Sword Gate.

at this time.

Almost all the disciples outside the Golden Sword Sect were on their way back. Since the war with the Three Bamboo Sect had ceased, the outside disciples would be meaningless.

There are still hundreds of people here at the Golden Sword Gate.

"Everyone obeys the order. From today, the Golden Sword Gate will be closed. The disciples who come back are not allowed to go out. This time I will go out. If I can come back alive, I will notify the opening time. In this year, Tie Yu will take over as Sect Master!!" Tie Xin was already determined to die this time.

he knows.

This time, the opponent is Shenwei.

Going out this time is really a life-and-death experience.

Although there are many means of their own.

But if the opponent is a **** guard, those means will be another matter. Even if the bloodline strength is enough to be reborn, in fact, it may not be of any use.

"Sect Master!!"

"Shut up." Tie Xin scolded: "Remember, the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect, do what they say they do, never mother-in-law or mother-in-law."


"Don't worry, I will bring your sect master back alive." Xia Xia comforted.

Everyone at Jindaomen bowed deeply to Xia Xia.

Summer may just be to comfort but they take this comfort as a promise.

"It seems that I'm under a lot of pressure." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Mr. Xia, we trust you!!" Tie Yu said respectfully.

"Okay." Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Prepare the wine and wait for us to come back."

"The best wine and the best dishes will be prepared every day!!" Tie Yu said firmly.

"Let's go!" Xia Xia said to Tie Xin.

Tie Xin looked at Xia Xia: "Let's go!!"

"Didn't you always wonder why we came so fast? I'll show you today!!" Xia Xia waved his right hand.

Space cracks appear.

"This...this is..."

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