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Chapter 934: Ares Guard

"Although you are Venerable, but over the years, you have become accustomed to being pampered, you have become accustomed to your current cultivation, your current realm, your current honor, and the news that you can usually hear and inquire about, It is also the news that the Celestials want you to hear, and your current state is exactly the state that the Celestials like the most." Thirteen said with emotion.

He has been with Xia every day recently, and he has gained a lot of knowledge.

Heard a lot of this stuff.

"You mean, the Celestial Clan people have given us a goal, so that we won't make trouble casually, and it has also given us the opportunity to cultivate, let us strive towards this goal, work hard toward this goal, but all this is given by the Celestial Clan people. The cage we have planned, the more we cultivate, the deeper we enter the cage, and when we cultivate to the back, it is almost difficult to break through, even if it is a rare genius among hundreds of millions of people, it is difficult to break through. And everything is not absolute, there will always be some people who will break through that cage, at this time, we will enter the second cage, right!!" Tiger Master understood what Thirteen meant.

"Probably this is what you mean. From the day you choose the method of cultivating the Celestial Clan, your destiny has been controlled by others, but isn't all this what you are after? Countless people have sacrificed their lives in order to cultivate to the Venerable. At the cost of imagination, it can be said that you have fulfilled your dreams back then. If you think so, you should be grateful to the Celestial Clan people. If there are no Celestial Clan people to spread the world’s cultivation, many people may not be able to cultivate in their entire lives. Venerable, you can only wait until your lifespan reaches the limit and die." Thirteen said.

What he meant was simple.

The Celestial Clan people still helped many people to fulfill their dreams.

At the very least, they all became Venerables.

If there were no people from the Celestial Clan, 90% of the Venerables in Shenzhou would no longer exist.

even more.

"If we are only for the dream of the Venerable, the people of that day will help us, and if we want to cultivate to a higher realm, that is, if we become greedy and want to get out of the control of the people of the heaven, that day The clansmen do not need to take action in person at all, the seeds of death have long been buried on the road of our cultivation, and we will die because of cultivation." King Kong Tian said.

"Yes, and the Celestial Clan people have the means to destroy the power of the cultivation world, so when the Celestial Clan people want to resist the Celestial Clan people, the Celestial Clan people have many ways to kill you easily, and it is precisely because of this that Shenzhou is so Although there have been many ambitious people and many powerful people over the years, none of them have shaken the status of the Celestial Clan people." Thirteen explained.

"Hey, you can be a Venerable all your life." White Hammer said with emotion.

He is comforting himself.

Because he has no choice.

"The biggest charm of a world is that there will be many unpredictable people and unpredictable things. No one can rule a world forever, and no force will not fall." Xia Zhi Lu came out on his own.

He never thought that the Celestials would not fall.

Many times, those real powers are destroyed in the hands of those little-known people.

"Your thoughts are always different from normal people." Tie Xin said with emotion.

Although the other people have not known Xia for a long time, they believe that Xia is really a person who dares to think and say anything.

It was as if he was going to kill Ying this time.

This kind of thing is normally something that others don't even dare to think about.

But Xia Xia was actually studying how to do it.

"Sect Master, a large number of people in black are gathering at our Golden Sabre Gate, and they are all sent from all directions." A subordinate reported.

"How many people are there?" Tie Xin asked.

"The number of people who have been found temporarily exceeds 100,000." The subordinate said.

"It should be a member of the Shadow Clan, and possibly the subordinates of those outsiders. Tell the brothers, if you encounter someone from the Shadow Clan, you must be careful of your soul, and don't be hit by the opponent's soul attack. Also, be careful about the opponent's movement, pay attention to defense, and don't focus on rushing to kill." Xia Xia reminded.

"Have you heard it, go and tell the brothers that this battle is about the life and death of our Golden Sword Sect. No one can be careless." Tie Xin said very sternly.

"Yes!!" The subordinate stepped back.

"It seems that our preparations are no problem. It seems that Ying doesn't intend to let us go, but fortunately he didn't know that you were here, so you don't come forward for the time being. When you make a move, try to do it as soon as possible. Repression." Xia Xia understood that these people were definitely not as simple as passing by.

Not just casually watching the fun.

At times like this.

Kill these people.

It was here to attack the Golden Sword Gate.

And now.

The one who has hatred with Jindaomen is Sanzhujiao and Ying.

The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect has already ordered that the Three Bamboo Sect and its subordinate forces are not allowed to provoke the Golden Sword Sect again.

Then the person who came here must be the shadow person.

He is a guardian.

This time, he also brought the Iron Spirit King, who ranked first among the candidates for the divine guard.

There are also three outsiders.

His revenge was no joke.

"This time, I'm going to show off my skills. I haven't had such an exciting battle for a long time." White Hammer's face also showed an excited look.

these venerable ones.

There are very few opportunities to do it.

Even if it is an occasional shot, it is to bully ordinary people.

Killed at will.

Like this time.

He didn't even dare to think about the battle directly against the guards.

"To be honest, I'm still a little scared, but this feeling seems to bring me back to the feeling I had when I was young." Hu Ye didn't hide his fear of Shenwei at all.

Chinese people.

The fear of Shenwei and Tianzu people is deeply rooted.

Even in their hearts Shenwei is the ceiling of Shenzhou.

An existence that dare not touch.

But this time.

They are already thinking about **** the guards.

"I really want to see how big the gap is between us and him." Sky King said lightly.

"Yeah, he is the ceiling of Shenzhou. Fighting with him can make us recognize ourselves better." Baichuan said.

"You humans are really troublesome, but being able to fight side by side with human masters, I really never thought about it." The White Dragon King said.

"Fight, this time either he died or I died." Tie Xin said firmly.

Thirteen looked at Xia Xia: "With you here, I believe that we will succeed."

"Brothers, come on, prove our time has come."

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