The Best All-rounder

Chapter 935: Murderer must kill

Summer is also boosting morale.

Although these people are all masters at the venerable level, no matter what kind of masters, they will become timid when faced with the choice between life and death.

If morale is low.

That's probably going to go wrong right from the start.

The back is even more wrong, step by step!

But at this time, all these people on the scene were all very excited.

People like them.

One by one, they all look like they are not afraid of the sky.

They also want to try it.

How big is the gap between himself and the existence in the legend.

"These are the medicinal pills of our Golden Sabre Sect. Although the effect on the Venerable is not very big, it is still good for everyone to prepare some." Tie Xin distributed the medicinal pills to everyone.

He also understands.

This fight.

If you lose.

Then he lost everything.

So he can take out all the things he can take out now.

There are not many people in Jindaomen.

When their people distribute supplies, everyone distributes a lot of supplies, so that they can also minimize losses during battles.

Tie Xin went to directly condolences to each of the brothers.


A loud voice appeared.

When they heard this voice, everyone put down the wine in their hands.

coming! !

Shadow has arrived.

Tie Xin glanced at Summer.

"Let's go!!" Xia Xia walked out with Tie Xin, Shisan, and Xia Si, and the others began to ambush according to the positions they had prepared before.

They also understand.

Deal with people like Ying.

If there is an opportunity, they must seize it and not miss any chance.

The entrance to the Golden Sword Gate.

Shadow stood there alone.

He glanced at Xia Xia, then looked at Tie Xin: "Tie Xin, I'll only say it once, if you hand it over, I won't embarrass you!"

Directly to the door to ask for someone.

This can be said to be really deceiving too much.

all the time.

The gods do things.

very few people know.

But they really haven't heard of Shenwei coming directly to ask for someone.

If it was someone who came to ask for themselves, then of course it was nothing.

But Shenwei is the grandfather who came to ask for someone.

This is the problem.

"You Shenwei is deceiving people too much, right? Go to my Golden Sword Gate and ask me to hand over my grandfather. This kind of thing, where can I justify it?" Tie Xin responded directly.

Tie Xin has always been strong.

It was the first time he had been treated so strongly by others.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Your grandfather? Who can prove it? He is the remnant of the battle of the immortals. If you hide him here, he will be yours?" Although Ying is a guard, he is not casual about robbing people in public. Anything can be done.

He insisted now.

The old man and Tie Xin have nothing to do with each other.

Anyway, the old man has been sitting for hundreds of millions of years, and everyone who can testify is dead.

"My Tie Xin has always been strong towards others in my life. I didn't expect that I would be so strong today by others. This may be regarded as retribution, but you remember, murderers, people will kill them. Your killing in this life is not low. , sooner or later you will also have such a day." Tie Xin said coldly.

He now thinks all this is really a bit ridiculous.

"So, you don't plan to make friends?" Ying asked directly.

"You hand over your mother, lend it to us, and we'll pay it back!!" Xia Xia saw that Tie Xin was very capable, but his mouth was not very good.

this time.

If you don't scold people, it's really frustrating.


Shadow's eyes instantly turned to Summer.

For many years, no one dared to disrespect him, let alone scold him.

Now Xia Tian dares to insult him like this: "I didn't intend to let you go. Even if you agreed to befriend someone, I would kill you. Now you still dare to provoke me."

"Since I scold you or not, you will kill me, so why can't I scold you?" Xia Xia asked.

He absolutely.

The opponent's theory is flawed.

If he does not scold, the other party will not move him, then he may not be able to say anything.

But since he will kill Xia Xia if he is scolded or not, will Xia be used to him?

"It seems that you still don't understand the fear of death." Ying's eyes were all murderous when he looked at Xia Xia.

Normal people only need to see his eyes.

will feel terrifying.

"What are you looking at? Small eyes, you don't talk, I thought you didn't open your eyes to talk to me." Xia Tian said directly.


"What are you? It's not your fault that you have small eyes, and it's not your fault that you're ugly, but if you look so ugly, and you come out to scare people, you're wrong. As the saying goes, people want faces, and trees want bark. I see you I really don't want your face." Xia Xia interrupted Ying's words.


"What am I? I'm your wild father? You don't even borrow your mother's medical treatment, you're still so stingy when you're a guard!!" Xia Xia interrupted Ying again.

He simply didn't give Shadow a chance to speak.

Ying tried to speak several times, but he directly choked him back.


A mass of power flew out of his hand.

at the same time.

At a glance, the black man in black flew up from behind like this.

They are very fast.

"Big money, there are more than 200,000!!!" Thirteen said with emotion.

All in black.

These men in black are a little bit on themselves.

Then one by one became ShadowClan.

"It turns out that Shadow Clan people are also a kind of human beings. It's just that their coats have special devices, so they have the characteristics of Shadow Clan." Tie Xin also understood what happened to the Shadow Clan at this time.

"They also have the characteristics of Shadow Clan people in their appearance, and the black robe should be regarded as a kind of armor." Xia Xia explained.

"Tie Xin, I'll give you one last chance. If you don't make a deal, I'll wipe out your golden sword gate." Ying shouted loudly.

This time he was determined to win.

"Sweeping said very lightly, I can tell you responsibly, today, as long as you dare to come over, I will do nothing in my life, see one and kill another, and I will fight you all my life. It's up." Summer said directly.

"Your whole life ends today." Ying said directly.


Four figures came out from different directions.

They all suddenly appeared around Summer.

It was the Iron Spirit King and three outsiders.


When their attack hit Summer.


Countless silk threads appeared around Xia Xia's body, directly blocking their attacks.

Xia Xia also looked at the shadow in front of him with disdain: "You don't think you can kill me with these little guys?"

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