The Best All-rounder

Chapter 950: the man who controls the battlefield

Summer is constantly trampling on the dignity of Shadow.

A divine guard has no dignity in front of Xia Xia.

The main thing is.

Shadow still has no way to take summer.

"Tie Xin, don't rush for success, consume slowly!" Xia Xia saw that Tie Xin's attack began to become fierce, as if he wanted to consume more shadows.

He does so.

Obviously to make others less dangerous.

But he does.

Your own risk will increase.

And if one person makes a mistake, the whole game is lost.

"I understand." Tie Xin said.

"His combat experience is very rich. He is gradually taking your rhythm. He wants to control the battlefield and let you follow his rhythm. In that case, you will gradually make mistakes." Xia Xia reminded loudly.

These people only understood at this time.

They are also top players.

Usually they also like to dominate the battlefield, like to lead others' rhythm.


At one o'clock in the summer, they all understood.

Ying didn't know how many times he wanted to kill Xia Xia. Now, he didn't want to say anything anymore. He had to admit that Xia Xia was really terrible.

He has encountered many opponents in his life, but Xia Xia is definitely the one that makes him feel the most terrifying.

He no longer underestimated summer.

Although the realm of summer is not high.

But he now regards summer as an existence on the same level as himself.

"It seems that he has acquiesced in your strength, and it is remarkable to be recognized by a divine guard." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"It's really worthy of being a divine guard, not only is his strength strong, but his temperament is also extraordinary. Before, he always wanted to kill me, and when he thought I was trash, he would make mistakes and mess up, but now, he will I treat him as an equal and recognize me, then he won't be chaotic, and he will be even more difficult to deal with." Xia Xia knew very well, although they had already controlled many of Ying's methods.

But the strength of the shadow.

Still too strong.

If he is also a person from the cultivation world, it will be much easier for these few people to deal with him.

But he is not the power of the cultivation world.

It is the pure power of cultivation.

The power of special protection is the power of the world that directly suppresses them.


The overall strength of the shadow is still very strong.

war of attrition.


It is the war of attrition between Ying and these four masters.

And summer.

Has become the man who controls the entire battlefield.

On the Shadow Clan's side, there are two masters of the venerable level joining the battle, plus the masters of the Golden Sabre Sect are powerful.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of enemies here.

But it's been dying continuously.

Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen's attack is also fully opened: "These Shadow Clan people were severely injured by their shadow's indiscriminate attack before, but now they are fighting to death."

"The people of the Shadow Clan are like the people of the Xing family. They are the kind of people who rush up and have no intention of turning back. Therefore, although they are seriously injured, they are still dying by suicide. This is foolish loyalty." Baichuan said with emotion.

They are now beheading these ShadowClan people.

Also very easy.

"Let's fight quickly, Xia Xia seems to be very difficult, and Ying's strength exceeds our imagination." Shisan glanced at Baichuan and said.

"I didn't expect that I would fight alongside you again, and it would be here." A smile appeared on Baichuan's face.

He and Thirteen are old friends.

Between them, there is no need to talk too much nonsense.

But the love for each other is already there.

This time he came here, not for any benefit. In fact, Thirteen didn't tell him any benefit.

Because between the two of them.

No need for so much nonsense, Thirteen just needs to say, I need you to work hard, and Baichuan will naturally come.

The battle here is very fierce.

But it was an almost overwhelming victory.

the other side.

In the summer their battle is evenly matched.

The two sides fought each other, all of which were very serious.

"Be careful, his power has not weakened!!" Xia Xia originally thought that Ying's unblocking power would gradually weaken, but after so long, Ying's power showed no sign of weakening.

This kind of thing really surprised him.

"It seems that Shenwei's ability is more powerful than we expected. This is just one of the Shenwei. How strong are the Celestial Clan people who can compare with Shenwei?" Xia Xia's enemies are Celestial Clan people.

With the continuous growth of his strength, the sky he can see is also getting bigger and bigger.

The Shenzhou he could see clearly was getting farther and farther away from him.

"If we can catch them alive, we can understand the world faster, and we can also have more opportunities for cultivation." Hongfeng reminded.

That's right.

If he can throw the shadow into everything.

Then there will be a chance to torture the shadow.

"Okay, then our confrontation this time is just a shadow, and I don't know if it will be successful." Xia Xia's face was full of anticipation, although he also understood that such a thing was almost impossible.

But he also thinks.

There must be dreams.

What if it does happen.

that's it.

It only took a little over a day.

All the helpers that Ying has brought have been taken care Baichuan, White Dragon King and Thirteen have already rushed back.

The other Golden Sword Sect disciples also rushed back.

"You people, go to evacuate all the cities around you that can be evacuated, whether it's using a communication talisman or running, and if you see people, let them run, try your best." said the man.

"Mr. Xia, we can also participate in the war. Now our physical condition is not serious..."

"Didn't you hear what Xia Xia was talking about?" Tie Xin's figure instantly fell beside Xia Xia.

He also scolded very sternly at this time.

He said it before.

this war.

It's all about summer.

As long as it is a summer order, it must be implemented as soon as possible.


"Remember, all those who can be evacuated will be evacuated. Whether it is a fairy beast, a human being, or a demon clan, if they are disobedient, they will be forcibly expelled. If they are too strong, they will be left to fend for themselves." Xia Xia said again.


The disciples of the Golden Sword Sect all dispersed.

at this time.

Several masters also all fell on the side of Xia Xia.

"Did you notice something?" Thirteen asked.

Tie Xin also looked at Xia Xia: "You let them go to protect them, right?"

"I always feel that he hasn't used his full strength!!!" Xia Xia said.

Haven't used your best yet?

When they heard this, everyone looked at Xia Xia.

Isn't this the full power of the shadow?

If it weren't for the summer, even if they played four against one, they would have been completely defeated long ago.

"Xiamen, I'm starting to be interested in you now. Maybe I don't want to kill you, but want to live. If you're willing to come with me now, I won't embarrass them and the Golden Sword Gate, how?"

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