The Best All-rounder

Chapter 951: Shadow's full power


Shadow opened a condition to summer.

But obviously.

Everyone understands.

If Xia Xia leaves with Ying, Xia Xian will be dead as well, but before he dies, Ying will peel Xia's skin and cramp a little bit and study Xia thoroughly.

"Needless to say, Tie Xin is not an ungrateful person. In this case, even if Xia Xia agreed, I would not agree." Tie Xin directly rejected Ying's request.

He's not going to hand over summer.

Summer has done so much for him.

Paid so much for the Golden Sword Gate.

Now if he handed over the summer.

Is he still human?

"Xia Xia, I'm waiting for your answer. I heard from people outside that you are the most loyal person. At this time, you should know how to choose, right?" A smile appeared on Ying's face.

It was as if he wanted to see Xia Xia slap himself in the face.

summer now.

If you choose to go with him, it will be a sign of loyalty.

But everyone knows.

The result is death.

But if Xia Xia didn't go with him, the rumors that Xia Xia was outside together would be ruthlessly trampled on by him.

From the beginning of the war to the present.

But Xia Xia has always been trampling on his dignity, and now he wants to trample on Xia Xia's dignity.

He also wants to give summer a taste of this now.

"I want to give it a try, the glory brought to me after killing a guard, I should not only be famous in the eighth party, right?" Xia Xia answered Ying's words very simply.

If you want to play language with him, the other party is really a lot worse.

He is summer.

It is impossible for him to go with the shadow.

Because he has more important things to do.

Once the shadow left.

Then what happened after him was over.

Although he has many means.

But Shadow has more means to seal him.

At that time, even if he does not die, he will not be able to go to the Celestial Clan within five years.


He can die here, but he cannot be taken away by the shadows.

"It seems that your Xia Xia reputation is nothing but that. I thought that you could give up yourself for the sake of the Golden Sword Sect and for the lives of the venerable people in front of you." Ying's face also showed a sarcastic expression.


Summer's answer is already good.

But he still uttered the words that had been prepared for a long time.

"Just be happy." Xia Tian gave the other party a self-entertaining look.

Shadow is no nonsense.

His eyes swept across the eight people in front of him.

Six Venerables.

a summer.

a thirteen.

Qiansi beast has been integrated with summer.

"Among the eight of you, only you, Xia Xia, are qualified to let me use all of my strength." Ying did not hide his praise at all.

From the start of the war to the present, the pressure he really feels is all from Xia Xia.

The others are all Venerable though.

But it didn't put pressure on him.

"Then I should feel honored." Xia Xia looked at the shadow very casually.

He also understands.

Shadow now.

Back to the beginning calm.

Because he was completely awake.



They are no longer fighting as four.

Instead, there are two more Venerables and a Thirteen.

"Since you guys want to fight, then I'll let you guys see what the real unblocking is!!" Ying's body moved.

An endless blood-red aura erupted from Shadow's body.


Beast, complete body! !

For a moment.

Shadow's body began to undergo tremendous changes, and the phantom behind him before reappeared.


This time, the phantom began to materialize gradually.


Shadow's body began to grow wildly.

"Back up!!" Summer's body began to retreat.

The bodies of the others began to recede as well.

ten feet!

Hundred feet!


Ten thousand feet!

A million feet!

Thousands of feet! !

"Is the old man settled?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's settled, but if he grows to such a huge size, no matter how good it is, it's useless, but the old man is now in a semi-awake state, so it's not a big problem." Tie Xin explained.


Xia Xia nodded slightly, then looked at the White Dragon King: "Where are you?"

"No problem, I have an emergency response mechanism there. After so many years, the people in our place are not idle. The plants I plant in my place are of great use. In such a dangerous time, all our fairy beasts will They all fled to the ground, and there are those plants blocking it, unless the shadow keeps attacking a place, it will not be a big problem." The White Dragon King said very confidently.

He had been in that abyss for so long.

That kind of place has long been laid out by them as a natural fortress.

The last time Shadow broke through there and captured his son, he also used special means.


That kind of thing won't happen a second time.


You can still ask them this in summer.

It also made their hearts very warm.

"Okay, since there is no worries, then we plan to fight a battle next. You are all people who have seen the big scene. Although it is the first time to see the ancient monsters of tens of thousands of ~But I should have seen big fairy beasts before." Xia Xia said.

"Of course, my brother is not too small." The White Dragon King said directly.

"Then you should all know that the bigger the size, the bigger the weakness, but the overall strength will also become stronger, the attack will become more rapid, and the surface defense will become very terrifying." Xia Xia said directly.

"We all know this," said the White Dragon King.

"In his opinion, he has released the body of the ancient demon clan this time, plus his strength bonus, the power is infinite, and in my eyes, he is all weak now, but he has become rough. The flesh is thick, and there is a very large law armor around the body. This is something I can't break. The next thing you have to do is to attract his attention on the one hand, and on the other hand, give his law armor to I broke open, and then I watched my performance." Xia Xia said directly.

"This is no problem." Everyone nodded slightly.

"Let's be prepared. His current law armor is tens of thousands of feet thick. The skin inside the law armor is harder than all kinds of rare ores. Our weapons attack him, and the damage caused is insignificant at all. Yes." Summer reminded.

"Don't worry, even if the skin on his body is harder than the famous weapon, now he is just a living target." Everyone was extremely excited.

"They seem to underestimate the current shadow!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"It doesn't matter, they just need to let go, and I'll do the rest!!" Xia Xia said directly.


Xia Tian let out a long sigh: "Brothers, we fought back for the last time. If we lose this time, we won't have a chance to come back."

"Let's go together!!"

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