The Best All-rounder

Chapter 959: for freedom

In fact, the word alliance has made several people's eyes brighten, and when they heard the name of Xia Xia, they made a decision in an instant.

"Okay!!" Tiger Lord was the first to say.

In any case, even if there is no war of destruction in the future.

It is also a good thing for him that he can create an alliance with these people.

Especially being able to bundle up with someone like Summer.

Before they fought with Xia Xia, although they recognized Xia Xia, in fact, in their eyes, other Venerables were the ones they wanted to make the most of, even if it was Thirteen, they would care more about Xia Xia.

But after the battle of the Golden Sword Gate.

They have completely understood.

Just be able to make friends until summer.

That is more effective than making friends with a few Venerables. At the critical moment, Xia Xia's loyalty is also displayed together with them.

They all understand who Summer is.

For the sake of loyalty, the kind of person who really doesn't want to die.

"So good." White Hammer nodded.

Although he had a little friendship with these people before, but this time they also experienced life and death together, and fought against the legendary existence together.

"No problem," Tie Xin said.

"As a person, I don't have too many ideas. It's better to be lively and lively together." Baichuan said.

at last.

Everyone turned to summer.

As long as the summer nods, their alliance is established.

"No!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


They were all very disappointed to hear the words of summer.

There is no summer.

Their alliance is like a soul without it.

"I can't join your alliance, but Thirteen can join, but I want to make one point, once the alliance is established, then you will become the target of other top powers, so at this time, your alliance, not only can't protect yourself, Instead, they will be targeted." Xia Xia now has a better understanding of the characters of the Celestial Clan people.

As long as you're not too strong, you haven't escaped their control.

Then they won't shoot at you casually.

But when they find out one day that you are going to get out of their control, or even want to fight against them, then they will spare no effort to find a way to kill you.

"So, this alliance can't be established yet!!" Sky King said with emotion.

"It's not that it can't be established. On the contrary, I support your establishment, and if you need anything from me, I will help, but I can't join. If I join, it will only bring disaster to you!!" Summer very clear.

The noise behind you will get bigger and bigger.

Maybe even hit the Celestial Clan.

By the time.

If these people are in the same league as him.

Those people will suffer too.

"What is the purpose and core of our establishment?" Baichuan asked.

"There are two purposes. On the one hand, it is for self-protection, preventing others from killing them casually, and taking care of each other in case of danger; on the other hand, I think we should also consider the power of the world. If we keep cultivating like this The power of the world, then I am afraid that our end will be death in the end, if we want to be less passive, we either cultivate the same method of Shenwei, or cultivate the cultivation method of the Four Hegemons, or find a new method, etc." Sky King said.

"I don't think it's a problem. After so many years, in fact, after we became Venerables, we have become lazy. We have lost the momentum of the year and the guidance of seeking the Way. This time is an opportunity to make us young again. Seek true freedom!!" Tiger Lord said directly.

"So good!!" White Hammer nodded.

"No problem." Tie Xin glanced at Xia Xia: "We can swear to Xia Xia here and let Xia Xia witness, and we will not be separated from each other in the future. If someone betrays others, then the rest of us will join forces to kill each other. ."

"No problem!!" Baichuan nodded.

"Also, I also hope that your alliance will get better and better in the future, bringing hope to the people of Shenzhou, just like what Tiger Lord said, giving the people of Shenzhou a real freedom." Xia Xia thought.

The way of practice.

It should be a path to freedom.

rather than the road controlled by man.

"The city lord is here, see you?" Tie Xin asked.

The mayor is waiting outside now.

Several people from Jindaomen are guarding outside, some people are healing, and some secret whistle are around.

"It's not good to have a city lord waiting outside, it seems that we are too big, and we are still the city lord of a big city, please come in!!" Xia Xia said.



The mayor came in from outside.

After coming in.

The city lord also bowed his hands to the people on the scene one by one.

All of a sudden, there are so many top experts here. How could he, the city lord, not come here, especially when such a big thing happened nearby, he also wanted to come over and ask what was going on.

Although the people from the Golden Sword Gate have reminded it before.

But the people from Golden Sword Gate didn't want to say anything at that See you gentlemen! ! "

"The city owner is very polite, come and have a drink together!!" Tie Xin pointed to the position next to him.

The city owner was not polite and sat down directly.

Although he is not a Venerable.

But his status is special. In this kind of place, he has an absolute status. Generally speaking, even the Venerable should give him face.

Of course.

is mutual respect.

"Gentlemen, there is a lot of movement at the Golden Sword Gate." The city lord asked tentatively.

He didn't ask directly.

If Tie Xin and the others answer him, then he can know what happened.

If Tie Xin and the others didn't answer him, then he wouldn't ask more.

After all, there are many things that the other person will say if you don't ask them.

"God guard and I have some grudges and led people to attack my Golden Blade Gate, but it is over now. Although we won, the Golden Blade Gate and all the surrounding areas have been destroyed." Tie Xin said with emotion.

"It's no wonder that there will be such a big movement. This time our losses are very heavy. If you didn't take action quickly, then my big city would not be able to keep it." The city owner toasted everyone with a glass of wine.

He is still quite talkative.

The crowd also raised their glasses.

"City Lord, rest assured, things have been completely settled now, and there will be no secondary damage, so you can rest assured." Tie Xin said.

"Okay, then I'll go out and make arrangements now." The city lord walked out.

"Report, there is an old acquaintance outside who is said to be Mr. Xia and wants to come in." said a disciple of the Golden Sword Sect.

"Old acquaintance?" Xia Xia frowned.

The old acquaintance who came here at this time is not normal.

"With a mask!!!"

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