The Best All-rounder

Chapter 960: The guards come to the door


When they heard this, everyone at the scene became nervous.

They have been very sensitive to masks lately.

"Let people come in!!" Xia Xia knew very well that at this time, the person who came was definitely a guard.


A man in a mask walked in.

The messenger of death.

Although the other party was wearing a mask, he recognized the other party's identity at first sight.

The person who saw it was Shenwei.

The others were also all nervous.

"Relax, acquaintance." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Then made a please gesture.

Soul Seduction was also not polite at all, and sat directly in the position of the city lord just now.

"Isn't it just a reminiscence here?" Xia Xia asked straight to the point.

At this time, Shenwei came over, as long as he was not stupid, he would understand what was going on.

"Shadow is dead?" Hook Soul asked.

"Forget it, you should know that I didn't resurrect him." Xia Xia said.

"It's really hard to believe that the eight of you can actually kill the shadow!!!" The soul-hunting eyes swept over the people at the scene one by one.

This kind of thing made him feel a little weird.

No one knew Ying's strength better than him.

"Why can't we kill Ying after only eight of us?" Xia Xia asked.

"That's right, I and I just felt a little surprised. Although Shadow's strength is relatively low among the guards, in normal terms, he faces ten venerable masters by himself, and it's okay to return the whole body. It's a problem." Hunhun said very directly.


When they heard this, the people at the scene were even more surprised.

With such a powerful strength, Ying is only at the bottom of the guards?

"I'm not here just to show off the power of the guards?" Xia Xia asked.

"Of course not, and I'm not here to take revenge. If Ying loses to you, it can only be regarded as his own incompetence, and Shenwei will not take action for him, but I need to warn you a little." Gouhun glanced at everyone: "Since A few of you know some of the methods of Shenwei, then this news is your secret, don't tell anyone except you, otherwise our Shenwei will definitely do things, maybe it won't embarrass you, but who do you tell, Our Shenwei will definitely kill this person, and if you spread the news, then you are provoking Shenwei."


His words were very simple.

Although it is a warning, in fact, it is already a threat.

However, these people at the scene were all relieved.

The words of ecstasy represent.

The shadow thing is over.

As long as they don't talk nonsense in the future, Shenwei will not care about this matter.

"No problem!!" Xia Xia naturally wouldn't provoke the majesty of Shenwei.

Although they killed a shadow, he knew very well that he was able to win the shadow. That was because there were many opportunities and opportunities for the shadow to underestimate the summer, and in the end, the shadow could not control the ancient demon clan, otherwise, It is absolutely impossible for them to win in the summer.

He believed.

There is definitely someone in the guard who can control the complete body of the ancient monster.


They don't want to provoke existences like Shenwei again.

"That's good." Gouhun nodded: "By the way, Shenwei welcomes you!!"

He was talking about summer.

He had given Xia Xia a chance before, and wanted to pull Xia into the ranks of the guard candidates, but Xia refused.

"Forget it!!" Summer smiled.

"If you are here, you don't need to do the task, the shadow just died, and there is a vacancy, we can let you fill it, and our guardian will give you the best resources to train you in the shortest possible time. A top expert." Eccentric threw an olive branch.


Summer is still shaking his head.

Although what Xia Xia needs most now is strength, Shenwei can indeed train a person into a master in a very short period of time.

But their very short time.

At least decades, hundreds of years.

Summer doesn't have that much time.

And once he became a guardian.

That is a bondage.

In the future, he will have to bear the reputation and everything of the guardian of the gods. At that time, he will not be able to let go of the people of the Celestial Clan.

"Okay, let's go!!" Ecstasy came fast and walked fast.

No **** at all.

Warning once.

No need to say anything harsh.

This time I'm a real person and don't talk much.

"This is good news." Thirteen said with emotion.

"As expected, the power of Shenwei represents the entire Shenzhou. If their people go out to find trouble and are killed, and they have to find a place, how will Shenwei be in Shenzhou in the future? Who else will? Serve them?" Xia Xia knew from the very beginning that Shenwei would definitely not retaliate.

But this time, the ghost came.

It really made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about revenge from the guards in the future, just drink one!!" Tie Xin said.

There were smiles on everyone's faces.

this battle.

It will definitely spread.

The Hook Soul came this time, not to stop them from spreading the, but to remind them what to say and what not to say.

these people.

Killed the guard.

Will be famous.

In the future, in the circle of the Venerable, he will also become the top existence.

"The matter of the alliance is settled like this. It just so happens that our Golden Blade Gate will be rebuilt. Why don't we make the position of the Golden Blade Gate the position of the Alliance!!" Tie Xin suggested.

"no problem."

Everyone nodded.

They gathered here this time because of the iron heart.

just wanted to create an alliance.

"If it's the location, I'll ask the Monkey King first." Xia Xia released a communication talisman.

"Don't you think..."

"There should be a good place near him. If you create an alliance near him, it can be regarded as a help. I still have some friendship with the Monkey King. If you really encounter any trouble in the future, he can also support him as soon as possible. "Summer said.


Everyone was stunned.

At this time, they also admired summer more and more.

Even the existence of the Monkey King has friendship with Xia Xia.

And even go to the Monkey King to ask for a place in summer.

That is to say.

Although Xia Xia did not join their league, in fact, Xia Xia was secretly helping them all the time.

"By the way, your grandfather has calmed down a bit. Would you like to invite him out for a drink?" Xia Xia asked.


Tie Xin had a black line on his face: "You won't directly attack us, will you?"

"I don't know, if you do it, you will control him as soon as possible." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Then try it!!" Tie Xin said.


Summer's right hand waved.

An old man appeared in front of everyone.

Iron-hearted grandpa.

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