The Best All-rounder

Chapter 961: 0 billion years ago


He became much older than he had seen before.

sit there.

His eyes looked at everything around him.

As if to do it at any time.

"Don't do it, we are not demons, of course, you can also treat us as demons, but we don't mean to harm you." Xia Xia said immediately.

Hear the words of summer.

Tie Xin's grandfather nodded slightly: "It seems that my inner demons are heavier this time, and I haven't survived this disaster until now."

Watching my grandfather become like this.

Tie Xin's heart was also very uncomfortable.


Now the suffocating energy on Tie Xin's grandfather has made Xia Xia wear out in the crowd, so he dared to release Tie Xin's grandfather.

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to take the risk.

After all, this is the city.

If it really fights here.

The consequences would be unimaginable.

"Senior, I'm curious, how can you be sure that this world is not real, but your inner demon?" Xia Xia asked.

He said it was very polite.

Just to prevent Tie Xin's grandfather from breaking out.

"Why, you can't be hard, start being soft, let me be a person of this world, and then trap me in this world of inner demons forever?" Tie Xin's grandfather said with great disdain.

He has already decided that the world will be demons.

"Is your son okay?" Tie Xin asked.

"Of course, my son is already the king of the fairy world." Tie Xin's grandfather said very proudly.


Tie Xin nodded: "It is indeed a very good world."

He also misses his father very much. If he falls into that world, maybe he doesn't want to wake up.

he thinks.

After his grandfather woke up, although his lifespan had increased a lot, he was infinitely close to the limit. Rather than letting him know the truth, it was better to let him live in his own world.

At least.

In his world, he is happy and happy.

"Father, can you tell us about the battle of the immortals? Anyway, we are demons. Even if we know about the battle of the immortals, it won't do you any harm, and I can find a way to send you back to yours. World, how about you wake up?" Xia Xia asked.

Battle of the Fairies.

When hearing this.

Everyone is bright.

"Have you heard of the ancient three immortals?" Tie Xin's grandfather asked.

"I've heard of some, is it the master of the spiritual world?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, at the very beginning, Shenzhou was not a fairyland. At that time, there were many worlds that could receive heaven and earth fairy energy, but there were three biggest ones. The Shenzhou we were in was one, and the other was the master of the spiritual world. In fact, the realm of the three masters of the spiritual world should be the strongest among the three immortal worlds, but later, our ancient demon clan and ancient witch clan in Shenzhou cooperated to fix other large and small immortal worlds, including the spiritual world, to get those After the world, Shenzhou has become the only fairy world, and the fairy energy of the whole world will only flow into Shenzhou and not into any other world." Tie Xin's grandfather did not specifically explain how to deal with those fairy worlds and spiritual worlds. .

"When did this happen?" Xia Tian asked.

"Ten billion years ago." Tie Xin's grandfather said.

"The battle of immortals happened 100 million years ago, right?" Xia Xia asked again.

"That's right, the so-called battle of immortals established the status of human beings in Shenzhou. That battle created the prosperous world of the Celestial Clan, and human beings finally had their own status, and it was because of that battle that I became the last The Immortal King." Tie Xin's grandfather has become the Immortal King, the master of the Immortal Realm in his own world.

And in his world, that battle, he got the greatest benefit.

But in reality.

That battle.

He failed.


He prefers to believe that the world in which he succeeds is real.

"I heard that the battle of the immortals was fought to create a world of Shenzhou and give mankind a life. It is precisely because of that war that human beings have completely become the masters of Shenzhou." Tiger Lord said.

"This is impossible. Even if I have become an immortal king, humans are still not the masters of Shenzhou. How big is Shenzhou? The place where humans live is less than 1/1000000000 of Shenzhou. Compared with beasts, we are far worse in terms of numbers and inheritance, but it was that battle that gave humans a home of their own." Tie Xin's grandfather said.

"In the battle of immortals, who was fighting against whom? Or, how big a war broke out at that time?" Tie Xin hurriedly asked.

What he wants to ask most is the process and details, and what happened in the past.

"The battle of the immortals, there were the descendants of the witch tribe, the guardians of the gods, the people of the heavenly tribe, the five origins, the immortals and the loose cultivators. To put it simply, it was because of a big secret back everyone I want to master that big secret, so the battle broke out, and the person who wins is the owner of China in the future." Tie Xin's grandfather has become much more patient now.

Because he hadn't said that to anyone for a long time.

"What was the final result?" Tie Xin asked again.

"I represented Xianxiu at the time, and the final victory was the alliance of Xianxiu and the Celestials. The descendants of the Wuzu were almost wiped out, and the remaining ones who survived created the Demon Sect; the guardians of the Protoss survived. People created Shenwei; the five origins fell; scattered cultivators were killed and injured, but in the end I unified Shenzhou and canceled everyone's grievances. Although I majored in immortality, everyone has their own choices. What everyone chooses is everyone's own. right." Tie Xin's grandfather said.

"Where are the people from the Celestial Clan?" Sky King asked.

They are more curious now.

In the world where Grandpa Tie Xin lives, what happened to the Celestial Clan people in the end.

"At that time, the people of the Celestial Clan wanted to let the whole Shenzhou have their world power, so as to achieve the effect of controlling the world, but they were defeated by the Immortal Realm led by me, and they only became a branch of cultivation in the end." In that world of Tie Xin's grandfather.

He is the biggest winner.

"What is that secret? What is Xianxiu?" Xia Xia asked.

"The so-called immortal cultivation is to cultivate the power of immortals, pure immortal power. The grades can be divided into: immortals, little immortals, great immortals, golden immortals, immortals and immortal kings." Tie Xin's grandfather did not say what the secret was.

"What about the secret?" White Hammer was more curious about what the secret was.


Tie Xin's grandfather's expression turned cold.

The air froze instantly.

"Even if you are just demons, you can never expect to hear the news of that incident from me." Tie Xin's grandfather burst out with incomparably terrifying power in an instant.

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