The Best All-rounder

Chapter 966: Shadow's Compromise

For hundreds of millions of years, only one quasi-venerable person has appeared, and everyone has been trapped on the road of quasi-venerable person.

When hearing this.

Summer frowned.

Although it is very difficult for a normal person to cultivate to a quasi-venerable person, a family that has existed for hundreds of millions of years has never been able to cultivate a quasi-venerable person. This is a problem in itself.

Over the past 100 million years, how many geniuses have appeared in their earth spirit clan?

Certainly a lot.


It is impossible that there is just a quasi-venerable person.

After all, for hundreds of millions of years, they have no idea how much cultivation experience they have.

"Our earth spirit clan is called the cursed clan. It is said that the battle of the immortals was originally called the cursed battle. Our earth spirit clan was inherited at that time, so it is naturally called the battle of the curse. It's a cursed family," the man said.


"Any news about the treasure?" Xia Tian asked.

"There are hundreds of thousands of news, do you want to hear it?" the man asked.

"I want to hear it, I want to hear any news!!" Xia Xia said.

"Then I'll tidy it up for you, and I'll send it to you later." The man accepted Xia Tian's 10,000 Immortal Crystals.

this year.

It is good to have Xianjing.

10,000 Immortal Crystals are nothing to Xia Xia, but to ordinary cultivators outside, they are quite a lot.

"The history of China that I asked you to investigate, what did you investigate?" Xia Xia asked.

"I bought it, here it is for you!!" Qu Xi handed Xia Xia a piece of jade slip.

Yujian is also opened in summer.

There is a complete line of events in the jade slip.

100 million years ago: The Battle of the Immortals broke out (for a hundred years!!)

Shenzhou was officially established.

Ninety million years ago: China Second Party was established.

Eighty million years ago: Shenzhou Third Party was established.

Seventy million years ago: The Fourth Party of China was established.

Sixty million years ago: The Fifth Party of China was established.

Fifty million years ago: The Sixth Party of China was established.

Forty million years ago: The Seventh Party of China was established.

Thirty million years ago: The Eighth Party of China was established.

Twenty million years ago: Humans signed a non-aggression pact with fairy monsters and fairy beasts.

Ten million years ago: Haotian catastrophe! !

Five million years ago: The Celestial Clan began to recruit their subordinates and named them the Celestial Clan Dog.

One million years ago: The Four Devils appeared.

500,000 years ago: The Battle of Day and Night begins.

100,000 years ago: The eighth party in China, the top ten masters were officially formed.

This line of things is very neat.

There were a lot of wars and major events in the middle, but it was too long in the past. If you want to investigate clearly, you must go to the Tianxian Temple to investigate.


When seeing here.

Several major events that are most interesting in summer have been recorded in it.

Before, he had been thinking about how many years the Battle of Day and Night had broken out, but it turned out that it had only broken out for 500,000 years.

That is to say.

From the battle of the immortals to the battle of the sky and night, there are more than 90 million years. How many masters will be cultivated in more than 90 million years?

As long as the number of masters reaches a top number, a lot of things are bound to happen.

And Tie Xin's father died in the battle of day and night.

How long did the iron-hearted father live?

More than 90 million years, hundreds of millions of years! !

"It seems that Tie Xin's father did not investigate anything, but he did investigate something. Otherwise, even if he is a Venerable, his lifespan would not be so long." Hong Feng said with emotion.

"The battle of immortals seems so simple on the surface, but in fact, there may be the secret of longevity in it. Tie Xin's grandfather has never died, and he is considered to have achieved longevity. According to the news left by his father, Tie Xin's father may also He has obtained the secret about longevity, so why does he want to participate in the Battle of Heaven and Night?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"It doesn't seem to be that simple. Tie Xin never knew too much about his father. After Tie Xin's grandfather woke up, he didn't tell us any details about the battle. From this, we can see that neither of them I hope Tie Xin knows all the details about the battle of the Immortals." Hongfeng analyzed.

"Qu Xi, how much did you know about the Battle of Heaven and Night?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't know much. With my strength back then, I was not qualified to know the news about the Battle of Sky and Night. It was some secrets about Shenzhou. However, during that time, we all fled to the Three Rivers and Six Vessels. I just Later, I heard some news, it is said that Tianlong made a particularly big move and almost destroyed the people of the Tianzu." Hongfeng said.


"Then who do you think knows more?" Xia Tian asked.

"Huiyue, he has always been a mysterious person, I don't know the specific situation, but what is certain is that he definitely knows some big secrets, think about it carefully, an ordinary Venerable master , I'm afraid he won't be able to leave that kind of Huiyue treasure, but he was only a realm that a quasi-venerable person could not reach at that time, how could he have created such a big inheritance of Huiyue." Qu Xi said.

she thought.

Everyone has secrets.

Including her own secrets.

"Well, normally, 500,000 years is not very far away. The matter of the Battle of the Sky and Night should be rumored, but why, no news has come out?" Xia Xia was very curious. Asking is actually very simple. The battle of Tianye broke out in the Tianzu, and the Tianzu people won in the end. They control the existence of the entire Shenzhou, so they want to hide some news. simple. " Qu Xi said.


The person from the Earth Spirit Clan quickly rushed over, holding a few jade slips in his hand: "This is all the news about the treasure house that we have obtained over the years, but you also understand that you can take it out, and it is not worth it. It's not necessarily true."


Summer nodded slightly.

He also looked up quickly.

"Wait, it says that Haotian also visited the Earth Spirit Clan back then?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yeah, this is also the glory of our Earth Spirit Clan. It is precisely because Haotian has been here that we can attract so many people to help us find the treasure house together. Unfortunately, they all failed in the end." The Earth Spirit Clan explained.

Summer quickly collected all the information.

"The treasure house is in the eighth party?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't know about this." The Earth Spirit Clan said.

"Normally speaking, the battle of immortals was hundreds of millions of years ago, and the eighth party didn't exist at that time." Xia Xia said again.

"We don't know any of this anymore." The people of the Earth Spirit clan said with emotion.

They themselves also asked three questions.


They only know that they have a treasure trove, and they don't know anything about specific things.

"Tell you good news." Hong Feng said.

"What good news?" Shadow succumbed.

"So soon?" Xia Xia was stunned, this is really good news, Ying has always been locked away by him.

at this time.

He gave in.

That summer you can know everything you want to know.

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