The Best All-rounder

Chapter 967: 8000 Venerable

Shadow is a god.

Shenwei's understanding of the world naturally doesn't need to say much.

He can make summer take a lot less detours.

Among all things.

"Ying, now you know why I said you are not my opponent!" Xia Xia looked at Ying in front of him with a blank expression.

Shadow at this time.

Looks very sluggish.

"What the **** is going on?" Ying's eyes were slack, as if he would die at any moment.


In this world, he will not die.

Because this is the world of summer.

No summer allowed.

He cannot die.

"This is my world." Xia Tian said directly.

"The world? Impossible, absolutely impossible, only the Celestials have the secrets about condensing the world, and even the Celestials can't do it." Ying kept shaking his head.

He couldn't believe it at all.

The more you know.

Less likely to be fooled.

He thought to himself.

I know a lot of secrets.

His own vision is also unimaginable in summer.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I did it anyway." Xia Tian said directly.

That's right.

Everything is his world.

In this world, he is omnipotent.

He can do whatever he wants.

"What do you think of me?" Shadow asked.

"I don't need you to drive me, but I need your knowledge. You can tell me what I want to know." Xia Xia said with a blank expression.

"Will you let me go?" Shadow asked.

"Yes, but not for the time being, because my strength is not as strong as yours for the time being. If I let you out, it may become a disaster. Even if I am not afraid of you, my brothers may be in danger. Therefore, at least four years, at most a hundred years. After the time, I will definitely let you go." Xia Xia said directly.

"A hundred years? You mean, can you surpass me in a hundred years?" Ying also looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

He is very confident in his own strength.

He also knew how great he was.

The difference between summer and summer is huge.

Although he lost in the hands of summer.

But that's because of a lot of external factors.

It is absolutely impossible for Xia Tian to surpass him with a hundred years of practice.

"I said, at most a hundred years, and my strength will be completely superior to yours. You don't have to believe it, but you can just watch it slowly." Xia Xia said very confidently.

His cultivation path is different from others.

It can be said.

Although his cultivation path is firm, it is also very fast.

"Okay, I believe in you." Ying understood that he had no other choice, and he had to believe Xia's words.

And when I played against the summer before.

He has seen it.

Summer is a man of credit.

If he doesn't trust people like Xia Xia, then he really has no one to trust.

"I know that you have your own principles, and the secrets within the guards must be something you can't tell, so I won't ask you questions about the guards, you can rest assured." Xia Xia is still measured.

He is the villain first, then the gentleman.

Although the shadow is already in his pocket, it is under his control.

But he will still give him some respect.

And as long as the shadow doesn't lie to him.

If you tell him all the secrets he wants to know, then he will definitely let go of the shadows.

This is the summer style of doing things.

"Thank you!!" Although Ying wanted to kill Xia Xia before, in fact, in his heart, he also admired Xia Xia very much.

Do things in summer.

Really makes him impeccable.

"First, I want to know about the Battle of Day and Night." Xia Xia said.

"I didn't participate in the Battle of Heaven and Night, so I don't know 100% of the information, but I have obtained a lot of information in the guards over the years, and I can say what I know." Ying said.

"Okay, let's talk about what you know first!!" Xia Xia said.

"In the Battle of the Sky and Night, there were several major outbreak points. The first point was that the number of human masters reached a peak. There were more than 8,000 masters and more than 8,000 masters. Ah, each of them is the existence of the dominant side. The appearance of so many masters is bound to cause an earth-shattering war; the second point, the demon sect is behind it, trying to find news about the ancient witch clan; the third point, Tianlong It opened the door of the Celestial Clan and disrupted the Celestial Clan, weakening 80% of the entire Celestial Clan's combat power, so no one could hold back such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the war broke out." Ying explained.

He also spoke out the contradictions of the Battle of the Sky and Night that year.

That's right.

There are too many masters.

Something unforeseen will happen.

"In this battle, the main people participating in the battle are: Demon Sect, Sanbatian, Shenwei, Sibatian and Celestial Clan. Shenwei is on the side of the Loose Clan, and the Sibatian is on the side of the Celestial Clan. The fight was In the end, because the people who practiced in scattered cultivation were almost all of the power of the world, they suffered a devastating blow from the Celestial Clan, more than 8,000 people, and in the end, less than 20 people survived. They all hid in the deep mountains and forests, and the Demon Sect was almost completely killed and wounded. Although the Celestial Clan won, the Celestial Clan lost 70% of their combat power. Although the Sibatians were injured, they did not die. Two Wei died, and I also took over the position of one of them. Finally, it was Sanshan Jiudong Shi Sanxian who came forward to resolve all this, and finally the Celestial Clan won." Ying said with a sigh.

"There are more than 8,000 scattered cultivators, and there are more than 20 people left!!!" Xia Xia said in surprise.

"Yes, this is the price of cultivating the world. When they are outside, they are high above the ground, a symbol of venerable, respected, and invincible, but according to records, when they face people from the Celestial Clan, they sometimes even accept a round. Don't stop." Shadow said directly.


Although Xia Xia had already guessed such a situation, when he heard it with his own ears at this time, he still felt very terrified.

"Actually, if there are 8,000 people who cultivate other powers, then the loose cultivator will definitely win. After all, the Celestial Clan people at that time were weakened by 80% of their strength by the Celestial Dragon." Ying said.

"Tianlong, what do you think of this person, and what did he do and what is he going to do?" Xia Xia asked the question that he was most concerned about.

That is his father.


That was all he wanted to know the most.

He also wanted to know what role his father played in the Battle of the Sky and Night.

"Tianlong, the leader of an era, the replacer of an era, although he lost the battle of Tianye, but this battle is of great significance, as for what he wants to do, it can only be said that he is angry with the crown! !"

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