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Chapter 968: The Name of the Dragon [Supplement 1]

"I've heard some, it seems that he is trying to save his wife!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yeah, but his wife is also from the Celestial Clan, and he is also from the Celestial Clan. Although he has always disliked the arrogance of the Celestial Clan, at the beginning, he was a relatively honest person, but later, it was because of him. His wife, he made a big fuss about the Heavenly Clan. It is said that he almost destroyed the Heavenly Clan at that time. If there was no accident at that time, he would have succeeded, and there would not have been the next battle of Heaven and Night." Ying explained. .

Tianlong alone.

Almost destroyed the Celestial Clan.

I heard this sentence before summer.

But no one seems to know exactly what he did.

"Do you know any specific news?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't know, but according to the information we have obtained from the guards, Tianlong has mastered the biggest secret in the Celestial Clan. This secret is only known to the top executives of the Tianlong and the Celestial Clan, and people outside do not know it at all." Ying said.

Although he is a guard, he knows some secrets.

But he really didn't know the secret.

Not just them.

No one outside knows about this.

This is a core secret.

"Did he contact the loose cultivators outside?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, no, it was the demon sect's spies who went deep into the Celestial Clan and learned the news, and then the demon sect spread the news out, which made all the loose cultivators outside become uneasy. Let's all get together. They united and launched this battle of the night. Although the total number of deaths in the battle of the night has not been counted, it is conservatively estimated that the number of deaths exceeded one billion, and although the people of the heavenly clan said that they would not retaliate on the surface, in fact they The Heavenly Clan Dogs used this method to retaliate against the forces that participated in the war, and the number of deaths extended later, and this battle made the Heavenly Clan people taste the sweetness. They thoroughly spread the method of cultivating the world, so that everyone outside was about to break through. All the venerables cultivated the power of the world, and even after the power of their laws broke 100,000 points, they began to guide them to cultivate the power of the world, hoping to completely control all the venerables in Shenzhou." Ying explained.

Celestial people.

control of China.

It is the real control of China.

"They did it," Summer said.

"Forget it, there should be less than 300 masters at the level of Venerable Shenzhou now. Of course, this is not considered a master hidden in the mountains and forests. Among the more than 300 people, 90% The people above five are all cultivating the power of the world, and the rest of the people are almost cultivating the exercises of the magic sect, but some people in the magic sect also choose to cultivate the power of the world in order to develop the magic sect faster. " Shadow said.


Xia Tian thought of the head of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"Having cultivated more than 300 Venerable-level masters in 500,000 years is not bad." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"More than 300 Venerables, if they collide with the current Celestial Clan, even if they can't enter the gate of the Celestial Clan, they will be settled." Ying said with emotion.

"Yeah, back then, the eight thousand scattered cultivators plus so many masters and guards were unable to take down the Celestial Clan, which lost 80% of its power." Xia Xia can be considered to know how the Celestial Clan really is. of terror.

"Yes, although that battle was considered a battle for the people of China to pursue freedom, the result was indeed that the Celestials won." Ying also believed that the meaning of that battle was many.

But the result is what matters.

"The status of the Celestial Clan people cannot be shaken." Xia Xia's enemies were the Celestial Clan people.

"The people of the Celestial Clan now have absolute strength and status. They are already undefeated among the human beings in Shenzhou, unless the three mountains and nine holes and the ten scattered immortals, plus the Shenwei and the Sibatian, make a move together. There will be another Tianlong, but unfortunately, the people of the Tianzu will no longer give people outside a chance." Ying Ke was able to recognize himself.

Although the strength of Shenwei is very strong.

It is also said outside that Shenwei is not afraid of people from the Celestial Clan.

But in fact.

Shenwei is no longer able to compete with the Celestials.

Now summer has also figured it out.

The more he knows, the more knowledge he has, the more he will feel the height of the Celestial Clan, the strength of the Celestial Clan, and the unattainable height of the Celestial Clan.

He is now looking at Tianzu.

Like an ant trying to figure out how to trip an elephant.

"By the way, how much do you know about the Battle of the Immortals, or why do you want to capture Tie Xin's grandfather?" Xia Xia was also curious about why Ying wanted to capture Tie Xin's grandfather.

What kind of secrets does Tie Xin's grandfather contain?

these secrets.

After that, Ying can tell him everything.

"The Battle of the Immortals is the battle of the rise of the Celestial Clan, and it is because of the Battle of the Immortals that the Celestial Clan people have a position in the back, and the Celestial Clan people have an unimaginable powerful strength. The strength of the Eight Thousand Venerables." Ying said with emotion.


The battle of the immortals is very shocking for people like him.

Although he has not experienced it himself.

But there are still records about all of this in Shenwei.

"I'd better start by grabbing Tie Xin's In fact, at the very beginning, I was investigating everything about the Battle of Immortals, and the news of Tie Xin's grandfather was bought by me from the Tianxian Temple. That is to say, it was someone who told me the news that I learned that Tie Xin's grandfather was left over from the battle of the Immortals. At that time, in order to avoid friction, I thought to secretly take Tie Xin's grandpa away and study his body. And everything about the Battle of Immortals, but you know what happened later." Ying didn't expect it either.

Not only did he lose in the end.

He couldn't even save his own life.

If it wasn't for the summer to give him a way to survive, then he would wander endlessly in this world.

Until death.

The fear of death is experienced every day.

"By the way, do you know some of these bugs?" Xia Tian asked.

He took out the samples of the previous bugs.

"I've seen this before. When we were going to attack Grandpa Tie Xin, we actually prepared for a long time, but this happened a few times before. The people I sent were infected by this kind of bug. If it wasn't for me quickly If you kill those people, the bugs will continue to spread and infect, until you appear and get rid of the bugs, our talents will easily succeed." Ying said.

"At the beginning, I thought you made the bugs," Xia Xia said.

"No, I felt strange at the beginning, because the information I purchased was unique, and no one should know about the existence of Grandpa Tie Xin except the person who sold the information. At that time, I was still thinking. , after I have settled the matter here, I will go to the person who sold the information." Ying said.

"Then what is the purpose of your grandfather Tie Xin?" Xia Xia asked.


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