The Best All-rounder

Chapter 973: black water pool

"Are you afraid again?" Xia Xia likes to see Qu Xi like this.

"You know I'm timid, and you use this kind of thing to scare me." Qu Xi complained.

She is really afraid of dying.

Because once she dies, everything will be over, and her lifelong struggle will be immortality.

Don't go back to hell.

"I don't mean to scare you, the guards who came forward this time are ecstasy. As for who the Celestial Clan people are, it is certain that the strength of the Celestial Clan people who came forward also has the level of the guards, and the location of the treasure trove is It has been confirmed, but the password of the treasure house can only be entered three times. The first time will let the people of the guards try it, the second time will let the people of the Celestial Clan try it, and the third time will let those with better luck try it, but if it is Those with better luck succeed in the experiment, they will kill that person and go directly to the treasure house, and the lucky person fails, and they will kill that person in order to avoid exposure of this position." Xia Xia said.

"So, it's a death both horizontally and vertically." Qu Xi said in surprise.

"Yes, whether it's the guards or the people of the Celestial Clan, they all want to take all this as their own. They can't let the news of this treasure get out. No matter who gets close to the treasure, they will destroy each other. ' said Summer.


The black line on Qu Xi's face.

Originally, when they found the password, she thought they were done, but she didn't expect that there would be such a difficulty in the end.

"The Earth Spirit Clan has existed for hundreds of millions of years. How could the guards and the Celestial Clan not be able to investigate the location of the treasure trove for hundreds of millions of years? They just couldn't investigate the password of the treasure trove, so over the years, they have just input it casually. , in fact, is trying luck." Xia Xia explained.

"That's right, but since we can find the password, can't they find it?" Qu Xi never understood, they found the password so easily this time.

Don't the Shenwei and the Celestials have the ability to find the password?

"Some things, that's it, we found them unintentionally, but they couldn't find it even if they tried their best." Xia Xia said very casually.

"That's right." Qu Xi nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's get ready!!" Summer got up.

"What are you going to prepare? Do you really want to grab food?" Qu Xi's face was full of shock.

"Otherwise?" Summer asked.

"You're crazy, that's a **** guard, that's a master of the Celestial Clan, they are the top existences in the Shenzhou, how can we compete with them? And if we provoke them, we will die in the end!!" Qu Xi shook his head .

"Afraid?" Xia Tian asked again.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, how can I not be afraid, but if you give me the realm king pill, I can consider it." Qu Xi said.

"You're really greedy, but I don't have the Realm King Pill on hand now. When I kill a few Celestial Clan people and condense the Realm King Pill, I'll give it to you." Xia Xia said easily.

It was as if killing a few Celestials was a piece of cake for him.

Celestial people.

Not so easy to deal with.

"Forget it, I'm still going to die. We'll talk about the realm king Dan later. You can talk about your plan first!" Qu Xi looked at Xia Xia.

she knows.

Summer is the best way.

Listening to the summer, there should be no problem.

"I haven't planned yet. For the time being, I just want to follow up and follow the Celestial Clan people to find the location of the treasure house, and then open the treasure house while they are not paying attention, and then we go in." Xia Xia said very simply.

"Crazy, crazy!!" Qu Xi was not talking about summer.

but herself.

She thought she was crazy to work with someone like Xia Xia.

"Okay, I'll go first. If you want to participate, just follow. If you don't participate, it's fine." Xia Xia said and walked out.


Qu Xi sighed: "How did I know this lunatic?"

She also followed.

No matter how upset she is, she has to keep up, because summer is her chance.

It was the breakthrough point in her life.

"Follow me." When Xia Tian saw Qu Xi, a smile appeared on his face.

"No way, who made me become a lunatic after knowing you." Qu Xi shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go, go to the Celestial Clan people first, and follow up after confirming their location." Xia Xia said.

Out of town!

If you want to find people from the Celestial Clan, you must go out of the city.

At such a time, they would definitely not be noticeable in the city.

Although it is very big outside the city.

But it is actually not difficult to find the Celestial Clan people. Even if the Celestial Clan people do not have aura, their overall momentum is very strong, so in summer, as long as they stop people who enter the city from different directions, ask them to see if they are on the road. It's enough to see a team with temperament appear.

Less than half a day.

was interrogated.

"Black Water Pool!!"

"I know this. It's far from here outside the city. If you want to go there, you need to pass through a jungle of poisonous fog, and you have to pass through a group of black crows, and you can get there." Qu Xi said.

"Can you fly from above?" Xia Tian asked.

"No, the black ducks are very aggressive. If you fly over them, unless you fly very high, you will still be attacked by them, but even if we fall when we reach the black water pool, the black ducks will The group will also find out that we will also be attacked at that time. And it will be a large number of attacks." Qu Xi said.

"It's okay, let's walk through the poisonous fog jungle, I'm immune to all poisons, with me here, you'll be fine." Xia Xia said.

"Okay!" Qu Xi trusts Summer very much.

that's it.

They started rushing in.

"There are still a lot of people in the poisonous fog forest." Xia Xia saw.

There are more people around here.

"Although it is dangerous here in the poisonous fog forest, if you take the poison avoidance pill, as long as you are careful, the mortality rate will be less than and there are many treasured materials in it that can be sold. Get a good price." Qu Xi explained.

"Where is the black water pool?" Xia Xia asked again.

"There are a large number of black toads in the black water pool, and that thing is a top poison, but I heard that there are golden toads occasionally appearing nearby, that is a treasure, so there are still some people who will try their luck, but they die in the end. The rate is also very high." Qu Xi said.

"En!" Summer nodded.

"However, there are obviously more people here than before. Usually, there are at most tens of thousands of people searching for people in the poisonous fog forest, but now I have calculated that at least hundreds of thousands of people are gathered here, let's find out! !" Qu Xi said.


In the summer, I also asked a few people to ask, and it turned out that there were some treasures around here, and some people even found some good things and made a fortune, so these people came by luck.

"It seems that the people of the Celestial Clan want to find the luckiest person among these people and let him enter the password for the third time." Qu Xi said with emotion.

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