The Best All-rounder

Chapter 974: Heavenly Chou (Supplement 2)

"When you say this, it seems that they have deliberately created some small treasures and hidden them nearby, so that people nearby think that there is really some treasure here, and then select the people with the best luck from them, and arrange the organs. From those lucky people, pick the one with the best luck, and all the others will be killed, and the people here will only think that the dead person died accidentally while hunting for treasure." Xia Xia already understood The routine of the Celestials.

All people are under their control.

This is also the way the people of the Celestial Clan do things.

They just like to keep everything under their control and don't want anyone out of their control.

The same is true now.

"It's really cruel." Although Qu Xi was also the one who had committed massacres, the people she calculated were those who stood at the top.

Instead of creating hope for others.

But the end of hope is things like Xianjing.

Shattering one's dreams and hopes is the most serious thing.

"A lucky person who has overcome various difficulties and reached the end should have enjoyed the fruits of his victory and the results of his own efforts, but death awaits him." Xia Xia didn't like this kind of Celestial Clan.

Even if he knew.

If the Celestial Clan does not exist, Shenzhou will be in chaos, and he also does not want the Celestial Clan people to continue to be such a scourge.

"If one day, what I'm talking about is if, one day, you really have the strength to destroy the Celestial Clan, will you do that?" Qu Xi looked at Xia Xia.

She was waiting for Summer's answer.

She wants to see.

The ultimate choice for summer.

all the time.

What Xia Xia did, even she admired very much.

Although she doesn't recognize it, people like Xia Xia are indeed impeccable.

"Who knows!" Summer smiled.

He didn't answer directly.


He doesn't even know how he will choose in the future.

But that day should not exist.

After all, the strength of the Celestial Clan is too terrifying, and it is not something that can be dealt with casually in the summer.

"Let's go!" Qu Xi did not ask in detail.

They keep moving forward.

The speed of summer is very fast. Although the source of soil is not used, it is also very fast to pass through this poisonous fog jungle. Because the poisonous fog jungle is very hot here, there are many people gathered here in the black water pool.

"I found it, that 100-strong team is the team of the Celestial Clan." Xia Xia didn't look at it.

Qu Xi didn't even look at it.

She also understands.

This time the team they want to follow is a very scary person. If they observe the other side, they will definitely find them based on the strength of the other side.

"There are several dangerous auras inside." Qu Xi said.

at the same time.

The shadow side also saw the situation outside for the first time.

"The leader of the team is called Tian Chou, a first-class person from the Celestial Clan. I have seen this person before, and his strength is not weaker than mine. The two people around him are the guardians of the Celestial Clan, not from the Celestial Clan, but they are all top-notch. The master of the celestial clan also has a very high status and is very strong, the five young people behind are all from the celestial clan, and the latter are the guards of those five people." Ying said.

"Are the guardians of the Celestial Clan not from the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, they were brought back from the outside by the people of the Celestial Clan. They were brought back from childhood. Among hundreds of millions of people, they selected the most talented people, cultivated them from childhood, and cultivated them into the strongest guards, completely loyal to the sky. The people of the clan, the people of the Celestial Clan also gave them a certain status. The stronger the person, the higher the status. The two guards around that day Qiu were both at the rank of Venerable, and they were the guards of the Celestial Clan. , so the world they cultivate is of a higher level than those in Shenzhou, and if they are one-on-one, their world will completely overwhelm Tie Xin's world." Ying explained.

His knowledge is very broad.

take him.

Summer is like going out with an encyclopedia.

Want to know what.

He was able to tell Summer the first time, and it was the most accurate news.

"Such a team is not something I can shake, but if he fights the soul, will there be a good show to watch?" Xia Xia asked.

That's right.

The team of the Celestials.

The strength is too strong.

Not everyone can do it in summer.

But Soul Hook's strength is very powerful. If Hook Soul fights with this Celestial Clan, it should be very interesting.

"Impossible, the guards will not provoke the Celestials casually, nor will the Celestials casually provoke their identities. Even if they have friction, they will stop fighting for a short time, and they will never fight. And this treasure trove has been discovered a long time ago, and they have formed a balance point." Shadow reminded.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work?" Xia Tian took out a mask.

The owner of this mask was a candidate for divine guard, and at the same time he disappeared in place.


A Celestial Clan guard who was exploring the surroundings quietly walked to Tian Chou's side, said a few words in Tian Chou's ear, and then left.

after awhile.

Another **** spies from the Celestial Clan who were around came over.

that's it.

Less than half an hour.

More than a dozen spies from the Celestial Clan guards came over.

Tian Qiu's brows also wrinkled.

"It's really yours." Ying didn't know what to say at this time.

It can be said that Xia Xia's frame-up is very good.

Taking advantage of the identity of the candidate of the divine guard, he immediately started to act, and quietly killed the guard spies around the Celestial Clan. Although the strength of those spies was not bad, they were all quietly killed by Xia Xia.


The summer is deliberately hidden very well.

If he didn't hide it at all, it would arouse suspicion from others.

But he also hid With the ability of the Celestial people, he can also investigate some clues.

"To deal with those of you who have status, you must use this method. Whether it's a ghost or an enmity, they are all people with status and status. They are absolutely embarrassed to openly question the other party if they are secretly playing tricks. It happened to be my chance. Now I unilaterally aroused the interest of the Celestial Clan people. When I find the ecstasy, I will make the ecstasy also interested in the Celestial Clan people, and then gradually create conflicts between them. In the end, only one explosion is needed. Just click on it." Although summer has not yet thought about the outbreak point, the seeds still have to be planted first.

"How long did you think about me when you calculated?" Ying asked.

"You are more troublesome, because you had to fight head-on at that time, so from the first sentence I said to you, I was already counting on you, and every sentence I said after was not to pretend, but to Calculate you." Xia Xia explained.

"By the way, have you and Fang Cunshan really fought each other?" Ying remembered the rumor outside.

Rumors about the apology from Fang Cunshan.

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