The Best All-rounder

Chapter 980: disguised SkyClan

When I heard this in the summer, I thought this person should die.

"You have to be careful, this person has a lot of trump cards on his body, and soul hooking is very good for him. There must be means to save lives, and there are also means to escape, and they will ask for help as soon as possible, and will take you back. The information is passed on to the ecstasy." Ying reminded.

He knows that summer has many means.

But the son of the soul is not easy to deal with.

"Isn't this better?" A mysterious smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


He quickly disappeared in place.

After half a day.

"Is it the front?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, he is hiding there. This is a natural barrier." Ying reminded.

"I'll find him first!!" Xia Xia also began to search quickly. Although the place is big, he still has a lot of ways to search, and Ying told him a lot of information about the soul-sucking son along the way.

Less than half an hour.

In the summer, he found the son of the ecstasy.

At this time, the son of the **** was hunting a team of humans, and more than a dozen people were swallowed by him.

Several others are fighting with their lives.


When Ying Gang wanted to ask what to do in the summer.

He saw suddenly.

In summer, he put on clean clothes, and his temperament looked the same as those of the Celestial Clan.

The main thing is.

A halo appeared on Summer's head.

When the halo appeared.

The surroundings seemed to be dimmed.


He also directly killed the past.

"Heavenly clan!!" When the soul-hunting son saw Xia Xia, he was also startled and hurried back.

But summer moves very fast.

The red phoenix strikes!

Tianhan sword.

The king's air!


A series of attacks did not give the ecstasy's son any reaction speed at all.

Those trump cards of the soul-hungry son didn't even have a chance to use them.


He still let go of the messenger.

Those who survived the disaster also knelt on the ground to thank Dade.

Xia Xia directly cut off the head of the soul-hungry son: "I borrow your head, but I will not let you die, and I will compensate you for some realm king pills!!"

Xia Xia did not kill the son of the soul.

Although the son of the soul has also done a lot of hurtful things.

But there is no grudge against him.

He also didn't want to make things too extreme.

He just cut off the head of the soul-hunting son, and then killed the lifeline of the soul-hunting son. In this case, the jade slip of life on the soul-hunting side would be broken, but he also quickly sealed the body of soul-hunting, helping him to give birth to new ones. 's head.

"It's really yours, how did you know the location of his lifeline?" It was really hard for Yingyao to imagine how Xia Xia could destroy a person's lifeline without letting a person die.

"As I said, I can see through everything. Now the ecstasy should already know the news of his son's death. It won't be long before he will receive his son's last call for help. It was the Celestial people who shot his son, and then this A head will also appear in the hands of the Celestial Clan, and be seen by him." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

this world.

There is no right or wrong in doing things.

Everyone is working towards the same goal.

Just count each other.

It's just that people like them who control everything did not expect that the variable summer would suddenly appear.

"This time, the two sides can be regarded as having a conflict in the true sense, but it is really uncertain to what extent they can fight, and there are still Tianlong." Ying thought.

Tianlong is also a variable.

So many variables add up.

That is very troublesome.

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to kill all of them, but I just wanted them to hold each other down. While they were holding each other down, I would secretly open the treasure house and go in." Xia Xia said .

That's right.

He is here this time.

Not to kill the Celestial Clan, nor to kill Shenwei.

He counts these people.

The purpose is to infiltrate the treasure trove.

If these people get hot, they won't care about the treasure house at all, and they don't believe that anyone knows the password.

This is exactly the opportunity for summer.

"Heavenly Clan, I must kill you all." When Gouhun saw his son's call for help, he was also extremely angry.


He saw the jade slip of his son's life shattered.

that moment.

He felt the sky was falling.

over the years.

to raise his own son.

He paid countless prices, and even a few times he almost endangered himself.

Results now.

He actually received news of his son's death.


at this moment.

He couldn't control his anger at all.

In the ranks of the Celestials.

"What is this?" Tian Qiu looked at the things his subordinates brought back, and threw them on the ground casually.

"It's us..."

"Heavenly Chou!!" An angry roar appeared.

When Hunhun found this team, he happened to see Tian Chou holding his son's head and throwing it to the ground.

this moment.

The soul's eyes were blood red.


He couldn't control his anger completely.

Killed directly to Tianqiu.

The people from the Celestial Clan were also killed immediately.

The people of the Celestial Clan simply didn't know what was going on.

The ghost has already been killed.

And when they rushed up, the power also directly smashed the head of the soul-sucking son.

"I'm going to kill all of you!!!" The soul-sucking also broke out completely. At this moment, he just wants to kill all the people in front of him, and he wants to kill all of them without leaving any.


The two sides completely fought together.

"It seems that our plan was successful." Ying said with emotion.

"Don't worry, Quxi is still investigating the follow-up news of the Celestials. If the Celestials really have reinforcements, she will notify me as soon as possible." Xia Xia is still very relieved about Quxi's ability to handle affairs.

As soon as there is a situation over there, he can know it for the first time here.

By the time.

He will intensify the conflict here.

Let the two sides fight irreconcilable!

"Are you crazy?" Tian Qiu was fighting with the soul-sucking At this time, his face was also full of angry expressions.

He thought before that Hook Soul must know the password, so he also wanted to deal with Hook Soul, but he didn't expect that he hadn't dealt with Hook Soul yet, and as a result, Hook Soul actually came to take the initiative to deal with him.

Even now, he was full of murderous aura, as if there was an aura that was going to kill him.

Hun Hun didn't reply, just looked at Tian Chou in front of him fiercely, just like Tian Chou threw his son's head on the ground, as if he was still in front of him.

"I know if you don't tell me, do you think you can scare me away like this?" Tian Chou has already decided that the reason for Hunhun is doing this is to scare him away and prevent him from participating in the opening of the treasure house this time.

But the more the ecstasy does it.

The more he was sure that the Enchanted Soul must know the treasure house password, and he would never leave.

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