The Best All-rounder

Chapter 981: fight

"If you want to lie to me, you are not qualified!!" Tian Chou looked at the ecstasy in front of him with disdain.

He is determined now.

First is the dragon.

The back is the ecstasy.

They all attacked him like a life-threatening attack, frightened him, and wanted to make him retreat.

to be honest.

Just to prevent him from participating in the opening of the Earth Spirit Treasure House.

And do so.

There must be only one purpose.

It is to let him leave here, and then Tianlong and Shenwei divide this treasure house equally.

They have guarded this treasure house for so many years, and now Tianlong and Shenwei have to share it equally, how can he agree to such a thing.

To know.

Even the top of this treasure house is very important.

And let Tianlong get the contents of the treasure house, and he is even more unhappy.

"Let's go? I'll kill you all!!" Hook Hun has no intention of letting go of Tian Chou and his subordinates. These people killed his son and threw his son's head in front of him. On earth, this kind of thing is absolutely unbearable.


He just wanted to avenge his son.

He's going to kill these people.

"It's useless, Hook Soul, if you tell me this, I won't leave." Tian Chou also collided with Hook Soul again.


Xia Xia, who was watching the battle between the two sides, frowned: "Why is their battle so destructive? When you fought with us before, the destructive power was very terrifying. Not only was the Golden Sword Gate destroyed, but everything around it was also destroyed. It's all destroyed."

It was when they fought Shadow in the summer.

That's just utter destruction.

Terrible destruction.

"It's different, I was an offensive war at the time. Originally, I wanted to destroy everything I saw, including the enemy's territory, so all the attacks I made at that time, even if I didn't hit anyone, I could destroy Tiexin's territory. , let Tie Xin pay the price, but both of them understand that they cannot do this, because if they destroy it casually, it will not only cause countless people to die here, but also may destroy the treasure house of the earth spirit that will appear, that The Earth Spirit Treasure House is very aggressive. Once attacked by them, it will also counterattack them, so when they attack, their strength is suppressed to the limit to attack. In this case, not only will it not decrease. The power of the attack, and even if the power does not hit anyone, it is directly involved in the turbulent flow of time and space, and the damage to the surrounding is very small."

The shadow is also very patient in explaining.

They usually play defensive battles.

will use this method.

After all, the other party is destroying, they can't destroy their own place, and they will also find a way to involve the other party's power into the turbulent flow of time and space.

In this case.

They are also safe.

"It turns out to be like this!!" Summer understood.

"I think we should leave here for the time being. Now the ecstasy is a bit crazy, and no one knows what crazy things they will do next. If it really breaks out, it will not only be an exposed problem. , even you will be involved." Ying reminded.


Summer is also quietly leaving.

This level of combat, although it looks very exciting, is the same.

It's also a very dangerous thing.

Once involved, it is dangerous.

And if it is exposed in summer, there will be endless troubles.


Xia Xia hid far away, but even if he hid far away, he could still feel the terrifying aura of the battle.

"It's really crazy to be hooked. It seems that his son is his weakness." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Of course, whether it's a human being or an immortal, the more you pay, the more you care about it. I paid too much for cultivation, and too much for breakthroughs, so in the end, because of all this, I even lost my head and lost my mind. With calmness and judgment, Hook Hun spent his whole life cultivating his son. Now that his son died suddenly, he would naturally go crazy. If he hadn't trained it from the very beginning, then he wouldn't care. ." Shadow explained.

That's right.

The more you pay.

The more you care.

"Heavenly clansmen are here, and they move very quickly. They came directly with a halo. There are thousands of subordinates behind them, and none of them are weak." Qu Xi came to Xia Xia's side.

She was also panting.

Obviously a little tired.


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "Then it's almost the same."

"Where's Tianlong?" Qu Xi asked.

"Don't worry about him, we do ours, he does his." Xia Xia won't care about what his father does, he and his father are moving towards a goal, so no matter what the outcome is, it is the path they chose.


What he had to wait for was the opening of the treasures of the Earth Spirit Clan.

As long as the treasure of the Earth Spirit family is opened.

Then he will sneak in quietly.


"The battle over there is too scary, isn't it? At such a distance, I feel like my body is being attacked." Qu Xi felt a pain in her body directly, just the airflow coming over one after another, making her body very uncomfortable. Comfortable.


A flying force smashed over.

Qu Xi was about to pick him up.

It was pulled away by summer.

"The scattered power can't be hard-connected, otherwise, they will have induction, and they can't expose themselves now." Xia Xia reminded.


Qu Xi nodded slightly.


They also hid.

after awhile.

The explosive force in front also became more and more terrifying.

"It seems that the reinforcements from the Celestial Clan have joined the battle." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"So many Celestial Clan masters deal with Enchanting Soul alone, can Enchanting Soul handle it?" Qu Xi asked.

"The shadow is not necessarily, but it is even more impossible to be defeated in a short period of time. At their level of existence, the overall strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes." Xia Xia said.


at this time.

They felt the battle getting more and more violent.

"The aura of battle has become more terrifying." Qu Xi said.

"They should have arrived." Xia Xia said Tianlong? "


Xia Xia looked into the distance: "The team of the Celestials will soon disperse. They can't be at the center of the battle, otherwise they will be victims, and we have to find a way to work."

"Let's kill those guardians of the Celestial Clan?" Qu Xi asked in confusion.

"Yes, kill them in the way of the guards to make them feel like they've been tricked." Xia Xia said.

"I know what to do." Qu Xi said.


The two simply disappeared in place.

They have to act too.

Add a little spice to this fight.

Let the two sides become like water and fire.

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