The Best All-rounder

Chapter 982: Treasure Vault Opens


The guards of the Celestial Clan, except for a few particularly powerful ones, have all retreated to the periphery, guarding in different positions, very scattered.

On the one hand, they seem to be preventing the random spread of power.

On the other hand, it also prevents people from entering.

Others are investigating.

Xia Xia and Qu Xi are also ready to do it directly.

"Crazy, I must be crazy, I actually want to do something to the guardian of the Celestial Clan." Qu Xi said to himself as he started.

this kind of thing.

It just seemed crazy to him.

He had never dared to imagine such a thing before.

He actually dared to take action against the guardians of the Celestial Clan one day.

This kind of thing is horrible.

"For the realm king Dan, kill it!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

at the same time.

His eyes were fixed on a lonely person.

summer now.

Raid means are very powerful.

He was covered with treasures all over his body, and with his own means, he was already so powerful that it was terrifying.


Instant kill.

After killing this person, he quickly put away his head.

Then move on.

"It's really yours. You can even take down our mask. There is a law of destruction in that mask. Under normal circumstances, as long as it is taken down by non-subjective will, it will self-destruct." Ying saw that Xia Xia actually took them out. Masks for Guardian candidates and outsiders.

It also surprised him.

he feels.

It seems that there is really nothing that summer can't do.

No matter what happens.

All seem to be normal.

"Since you want to pretend, you have to pretend to be like, in this case, even if they are discovered by opponents later, they will only think that this is done by the guards of the gods, and they can't blame me, and this is exactly what I do. Hope to see." Summer said.

Quxi over there!

Now is the realm of the quasi-venerable.

And there are laws of hell.

Her strength is also very terrifying, and she is afraid of death, there are many details, and she is very fast.

that's it.

She and the summer a little hands-on.

The aura of battle in the distance was terrifying.

The fight also intensified.

The battle on their side was equally terrifying.

After half a day.

Summer and Quxi's movements were discovered.

Because they have killed more than 600 Celestial people's guards.


They also disappear immediately.

The guards of those Celestial Clan people also began to chase, and it didn't take long before they dispersed, and the two reappeared, started harvesting, and then disappeared again.

that's it.

Back and forth a few times!

The number of guards of those Celestial clansmen has also become smaller and smaller.

a day later.

In the summer, they have killed more than 800 guardians of the Celestial Clan.

"Almost?" Qu Xi asked.

"If there is a chance, kill some more." Xia Xia said.


There are still a few hours before the full moon night. At that time, the location of the Earth Spirit Treasure House will appear. At that time, it is time for them to start.


When Tian Chou heard the information from his subordinates, he also looked at the ecstasy in front of him fiercely: "Despicable and shameless, you can do this kind of deed."

he thinks.

Tianlong and Hook Soul are simply despicable and shameless.

Not only did he want to trick him to leave, but he also secretly joined forces. If he hadn't been smart enough to see through the other party's plan, he might have been caught off guard by the other party.

Now Shenwei actually called his subordinates to attack his people outside.

Only do such sneaky things.

"Despicable and shameless?" Hun Hun heard this sentence, and once again killed the enemy.

Heaven's vendetta killed his son, and said he was despicable and shameless?

Deceiving too much.

The deception by both sides is even more terrifying.

Nobody wants to.

"Tianlong, Hook Soul, the treasure house belongs to everyone, not yours. Now that the treasure house is about to appear, do you really think you can take it for yourself?" Tian Chou shouted loudly.

The time to open the treasure house is getting closer and closer.

He wouldn't hand over the treasure trove.

"There is no password, what's the use of opening it, don't worry about the treasure house now, think about how to save your life!!" Hook Hun didn't care about the treasure house at all.

That treasure trove has been seen countless times over the years.

But it has never been able to open.


He didn't think much of it at all.

"Still pretending to me, don't think I don't know, you already know the password, right, so you deliberately attacked me like this, wanting to drive me away." Tian Chou looked at the ecstasy in front of him with disdain.

he thinks.

You are so smart.

How could the little trick of seducing the soul deceive him.

all of these.

in front of him.

Simply a joke.

Couldn't get into his eyes at all.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hun Hun didn't understand what Tian Chou meant, and he didn't know the password at all.

But he thinks.

Tian Chou must have wanted to divert his attention.

He saw with his own eyes that his son's head was thrown to the ground by Tian Chou and smashed by the people of the Tian Clan.

Full moon night.

"It's about to appear." Shadow reminded.


Summer's eyes are also looking into the distance.

at this time.

The guards of the Celestial Clan people had already released the people of the Earth Spirit Clan that had been prepared in advance. At this time, the soul of the Earth Spirit Clan had already been killed, and it was just a shell.

They began to use the lives of the people of this earth spirit family for guidance.


The blood light turned into a straight line and rushed out.

The guards of those Celestial Clan people also rushed in that direction, and they had already received the order.

It is to determine the location of the treasure house first, and then keep it there.

If there is a situation, report it to Tianqiu.

"They're here, so we won't have a chance to go in." Qu Xi reminded.


"No hurry." Xia Xia's eyes were also looking ahead.

treasure house!


A dark door.

A very simple looking Dark Portal.

There are nine-square numbers on it.

Very simple nine numbers with six spaces on it.

Six-digit password.

"Yes, this is the entrance." Xia Xia's eyes also brightened. They finally waited for this opportunity. Next, they were going to find a way to enter and take a look inside.

"It doesn't look anything special," Qu Xi said.

"Normal, this kind of treasure house has a universe inside." Xia Xia said.

"How do you plan to support the guards of the more than 200 Celestial Clan people in front?" Qu Xi asked.


A halo appeared in Summer's hands.

Then Xia Xia disguised as a Celestial Clansman again, and seemed to be injured, and flew directly over: "You bastards, what are you doing here, the reinforcements from the guards have arrived, and they are raiding our reinforcements, hurry up and help. "

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