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Chapter 983: what do you want

They didn't dare to hesitate about the orders of the Celestial Clan, and they didn't know what was going on outside. Seeing that the Celestial Clan was injured, they couldn't be sloppy.

Several people came to Xia Xia's side: "Don't worry about me, go and support, you bastards."

He also scolded directly.

The guards of those Celestial Clan people also did not have the slightest doubt.

Directly rushed into the distance.


It has already represented the people of the Celestial Clan.

Coupled with Xia Xia's swearing aura, this already fully represents the people of the Celestial Clan.


They don't dare to be sloppy now.

The order of the Celestials.

Not kidding.


They also know how dangerous it is outside.


All the Celestials guards left.

Qu Xi also came over: "It's really yours, and such a thing is possible, it's really unimaginable."

She didn't know how to describe her feelings at this time.

Summer is really scary.

in this case.

Summer can still do so well.

"It's nothing, only familiar with you!" Xia Xia said.


The black line on Qu Xi's face.

Is this okay?


Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Qu Xi to prepare the heads that were cut off before, and directly place all those heads there neatly.


He came to the entrance of the treasure house.


"Isn't it six numbers?" Qu Xi asked in confusion.

"So these fools have been wrong all these years. Although there are only six input ports, in fact, the password is eight, so no matter how many times they try, they will fail. This is also the cleverness of the Earth Spirit Clan." After Xia Xia finished speaking, she saw that the door of darkness in front of her was opened.

He also walked in directly.

Qu Xi followed immediately.

when they just entered.

A voice appeared in their ears: "What do you want?"

what do you want?

very direct.

"I don't know what I want. I'm here because I hope to see what you have here first." Xia Xia said.

"You are not from my Earth Spirit clan." The voice appeared again.

"Do you really believe that someone from the Earth Spirit clan can come here? For so many years, the people of the Celestial Clan have been squeezing the children of the Earth Spirit clan, and they do not allow the development of the children of the Earth Spirit clan. All the top geniuses of the Earth Spirit clan, they will Quietly destroy the foundation of this person, so that this person cannot grow up, but it will not completely destroy the Earth Spirit Clan." Xia Xia said directly.

The news was returned from their investigation.

From the beginning, he was curious.

Why is there not even a master in the earth spirit family that has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and there has been a quasi-venerable one after so many years.

Investigate later.

He really understood.

turn out to be.

It is the persecution of the Celestials.

As long as they find that there are top geniuses in the Earth Spirit clan, they will try to quietly destroy the foundation of this person, so that this person cannot grow up, and those who have grown up, they will quietly kill them.

all of these.

All are under the control of the Celestials.

over the years.

The people of the Celestial Clan have always liked the feeling of controlling everything in their own hands.

"You are not a member of the Earth Spirit family, are you not afraid to enter here?" The voice appeared again.

"Let me put it this way, there is not much time left for you and me. There are people from the Celestial Clan behind me, and there are people from the divine guard. Although I lied to them temporarily and came in first, they will soon find out that when the time comes Shenwei and Celestial Clan people will come in, do you want to give your everything to someone like me, or to Celestial Clan people?" Xia Xia asked very directly.

That's right.

This is how the world is.

most of the time.

Just choose one.

There is no third option.

Since this treasure trove has been opened, it cannot be preserved.

It is impossible for the people of his earth spirit clan to come in, and even if the people of the earth spirit clan get it, they can't keep it.


Either he chooses the summer ahead.

Either choose the outer guards and the Celestials.

"Who are you?" the voice asked again.

"My name is Xia Xia. As for who you are asking me, I don't know how to explain it to you, but I am the enemy of the Celestial Clan. In four years, I will go to the Celestial Clan to make a scene. If you have the strength, you can borrow it from the Celestial Clan. Give it to me, and I will kill the Celestial Clan with your last wish." Xia Xia said directly.


A figure came out from inside.

Summer saw a white-haired, white-bearded old man leaning on a walking stick.

"not dead?"

He had thought before that the person who spoke was a remnant of the soul, but he did not expect that the person who spoke was actually a living person, a living person, who locked himself in a treasure house for hundreds of millions of years.

This kind of thing is really terrifying.

"Of course I'm not dead, but as long as I leave this space, I will die," the old man said.

Why he didn't die.

Because he controls everything here.

"That's not necessarily, maybe I can save you." Xia Xia said directly.

"Save me? It's impossible." The old man shook his head.

"I'll talk about saving you later. I don't have much time to buy. Don't you plan to tell me about this treasure house of earth spirits?" Xia Xia said straight to the point.

This is true.

Those outside will soon discover that the treasure trove has been opened.

By the time.

Those who are fighting will surely rush over together.

"Come with me!!" The old man walked inside.

Summer is also followed to go inside.

Quxi followed the summer very carefully.

When she came to this kind of space, she always felt uneasy, but with Xia Xia around, she could still have some sense of security.

that's it.

They went all the way inside.

when they go in.

A dark blue statue appeared outside.

"What is this place?" Summer asked.

"My world!!" said the old man.

"The world you created yourself? Are you the king?" Xia Xia frowned.

Only the king can create an independent world, not the power of the world.

"I'm not a king, but I got the relics of the founder of the Celestial Clan, so the power of the world I cultivated is more stable than the power of the world of the Celestial Clan people," the old man said.

"What level is your cultivation world?" Xia Xia asked.

Shadow just reminded him.

world power.

divided into ten levels.

The world power cultivated by those people outside is almost first-level. Even the people who follow the people of the Tianshuang Palace, such as Tianshuang Palace Master, are only first-level.

As for the guards of the Celestial Clan people, according to their level, they cultivated in the second level, the third level, and the highest level was the fourth level world.

The people of the Celestial Clan cultivated in the world above the fourth level.

The first-class Celestial Clan people cultivated the seventh-level world power.

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