The Best All-rounder

Chapter 995: Yin Nie and Xiao Ma


When he saw Tianyu running away, he understood that it was time for him to perform.

the other side.

Although Tianyu had already planned to escape.

But how could Tianlong and Hunhun let him leave so easily.

Raided several times.

Tianyu is also covered in injuries.

Almost died here.

Fortunately, he has a lot of cards.

Abruptly relied on his own cards and his own powerful strength to escape.

when he managed to escape.

He also looked very embarrassed.

The high-spirited look that he used to have is long gone.

Instead, he seemed to have become a desolate homeless person.

"No, although he is seriously injured, you can't be his opponent." Ying reminded that he already understood what Xia Xia was going to do, but he also understood that Xia Xia had many means.

But the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse.

Tianyu was originally a top expert.

And he has a lot of recovery pills and cards.

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities." A mysterious smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Then he started to follow quickly.


Ying also didn't understand what Xia Xia meant, but he trusted Xia Xia very much, so he could only wait silently, waiting for Xia Xia's next performance to see what Xia Xia wanted to do.

that's it.

Tianyu escaped.

Tian Chou finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Without him here, I won't be distracted, and if you want to deal with me, it won't be that easy."

His strength is very strong.

Although he couldn't defeat the two people in front of him at the same time, he focused on dodging and escaping.

It's not that easy for these two to kill him.

"Do you really think Tianyu can escape from me?" A smile appeared on Tianlong's face.


See Tianlong's smile.

Tian Chou suddenly had a bad feeling: "What do you mean?"

"My people are waiting for him outside. Do you think someone who is seriously injured to his level can still escape from my people?" Tianlong said these words deliberately, just to make Tianqiu anxious.

In this case, the enmity will be chaotic.

Once the enmity arises.

Then he has a chance.

"Tianlong, do you look down on your people too much? And you look down on Tianyu too much." Tianqiu was not in a hurry.

He is very confident in Tianyu.

Although Tianyu was in a very bad state when he escaped.

But Tianyu is not so easy to beheaded by others.

As long as he runs away with all his heart, he will definitely be able to escape. At that time, as long as he releases the communication talisman, other Celestial Clan people will definitely come to support him as soon as possible.

"If he wanted to run away, it would be difficult to keep him, but do you think a person of his character would run away when he saw two people?" Tianlong asked.

That's right.

If Tianyu always wanted to run away.

It's really impossible to stop.

But as long as Tianlong's people use jigsaws or other methods to make Tianyu angry, Tianyu will miss the chance to escape.

And Tianyu is arrogant and arrogant, and will definitely not put others in the eyes.

He was beaten so badly by Tianlong and Hook Soul here.

It's time to hold your breath.

went outside.

People who see Tianlong will definitely fight with all their strength. In this case, Tianyu will be in danger.

"Damn!!" Tian Chou's face was also ugly, he also hurried back quickly, he wanted to catch up, he wanted to inform Tianyu, don't fight with Tianlong's people.


The ecstasy's attack blocked the path in front of him.

"I want to catch up now, it's too late, he has run away, and I won't give you a chance to inform him, you just need to wait for his death." Tianlong said again.

He has seen it.

God is chaotic.

When Tian Chou heard that Tian Yu was about to die, he became confused.

"Tianlong, I must kill you." Tian Chou shouted.

"Kill me? Do you think you have that ability? If I'm not mistaken, Tianyu should be the son of that woman. You haven't forgotten that woman for so many years. This time you called Tianyu over. Yes, if Tianyu died because of you in the end, do you think that woman would forgive you?" Tianlong seemed to see through Tianqiu's thoughts.


His words came out.

Tian Chou also wanted to break through and escape again.

See through.

He has been completely seen through by Tianlong.

His every move, all his thoughts, are under the control of Tianlong.

Tianlong also blocked directly in front of him.

"Tianlong, don't force me!!" Tian Chou shouted angrily.

"What about forcing you? Open your world?" Tianlong asked.


at this time.

A mark appeared on Tian Chou's head, and then the endless power spread instantly.

When seeing this scene.

A smile appeared on Tianlong's face.

Xia Tian, ​​who was tracking Tianyu, was suddenly stunned: "What a strong fluctuation of power."

"This is the one who opened his own world, and it was forcibly opened. It seems that he was calculated by Tianlong. If this goes on, he will be miserable." Di Ling explained.


Hearing that Tian Chou was in trouble, Xia Xia did not look back.

Now that his father can deal with the enmity, he will go and deal with the jade.


Summer also began to quickly disappear in place.

Tianyu was also running away at this time.

He kept taking out the communication talisman, trying to communicate the situation here.

The messengers were released by him one by one.

But the communication talisman just flew out and shattered one by one.

The power here is too strong, the space has collapsed, and his power cannot be transmitted at all.

"Damn, Tianlong, Shenwei, I will never let you go. After I go back, I will let the Celestial Clan destroy you." Tianyu kept shouting.

When did he suffer such a big loss?

This time.

He almost died here.

this kind of thing.

How can he not be depressed.


He just wanted to get revenge on these people.


He was still running away.

call out!

at this time.

A sword light flew over from the side.


Tianyu also hurriedly resisted: "Who dares to..."


A strong force struck, and his body was kicked out of the air.

He is Tianyu.

Second-class Celestials.

Powerful available now.

He was actually kicked out directly.

"How is that possible?" He quickly realized that it was his body.

His current physical condition is too bad.

call out!

The sword light struck again.

He also did not dare to be sloppy in the slightest, and hurriedly dodged.

But another figure appeared again.


His body was kicked out again.

There is no response speed at all.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!!!" Tianyu shouted loudly.

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