The Best All-rounder

Chapter 996: Tianyu's trump card

He was bullied by Tianlong and Hunhun inside, even if he ran out now, he was bullied by others, and someone dared to continue attacking him. How could such a thing make him not angry.


A powerful force also burst out from his body.

Endless power began to spread.

at the same time.

Zunbao flew out directly.


Two figures fell in front of him.

"I know you, you are the two subordinates of Tianlong." Tianyu recognized these two people at a glance.

"It's just a dog that ran away!!" Brother Xiao Ma said lightly.

"What did you say?" Tianyu No. 1 was called a dog, and he was also very angry: "Okay, since the two of you are courting death, then I will fulfill you, I will kill you, and let Tianlong know who provokes me. end."

He couldn't beat Tianlong for the time being.

But he can kill Tianlong's people to vent his anger.

He could see it.

The relationship between these two people and Tianlong is very good. As long as he kills these two people, Tianlong will definitely be **** off.

A thought here.

He was very cool.

Although he is now exhausted and has a lot of injuries on his body, in his opinion, he is the top Celestial Clan expert, and it is not easy to kill these two people.


He also directly killed the two of them.

Seeing that this idiot was so simple, the little brother was fooled, and rushed up immediately.

At the same time, Yin Nie's attack came over.

when! when!

After two rounds, Tianyu suddenly found that the situation was not right: "You are Venerable, but you are not cultivating the power of the world!"

Yin Nie in front of him.

Obviously already a master at the venerable level.


In this broken space, even the Venerable, that ordinary world is difficult to open directly.

But in front of this person.

It is not the power of the world that is actually cultivated.

The reason why the Celestials are invincible.

It is because what they cultivate is the power of the high-level world, and what the outsiders cultivate is the power of the low-level world, and it is precisely because of this that when they attack each other, they can directly attack the power of the world and they can break it. The opponent's world power.

Then the opponent will surely die.

And if the other party didn't even come to the Venerable, then he could kill the other party by simply moving his fingers.

Just now, he also wanted to kill the two people in front of him like this.

But now.

The person standing in front of him is actually not cultivating the power of the world.

This made him lose his natural advantage.

"What? Are you afraid? Run, anyway, when you people from the Celestial Clan are in danger, you will just run away like a dog." Brother Xiao Ma continued to stimulate Tianyu.


Tianyu really intends to leave, he doesn't want to entangle with these people for too long.

After all, he has to go out to summon.

Save the gods.

But now the person in front of him is provoking him so much, which makes him unbearable. Now he just wants to kill the other party, and he thinks he should be able to do it easily.

Not too bad time.

If it was his heyday.

Brother Xiaoma and Yin Nie.

It's really easy to get him done.

But he seems to have forgotten.

He is now.

Not only is it not in its heyday, but all of his weapons, treasures and means are almost used.

Most are also damaged or drained of power.


Yin Nie was also the first to kill him.


The little brother attacked again.

"No, my physical condition is worse than expected."

When the two sides fought thoroughly, Tianyu realized how bad his current state was. He also wanted to withdraw, but the two did not give him a chance to withdraw at all: "Damn, if I was in my prime, you guys What kind of things are two, don't you feel despicable now that you are taking advantage of my injury to raid me?"

"If it's despicable, who can be meaner than your Celestial Clan? When you usually kill others and bully others, don't you all rely on your Celestial Clan's reputation?" Brother Xiao Ma said with great disdain.

"Presumptuous, how dare you compare those inferior people to me!!" Tianyu said angrily.

Those low-level people, they will kill if they want.

This rule has been there since he was born.

That's what he was taught from childhood.

They are high and mighty Celestial people.

And those low-level people are like garbage.

"Damn it!!" Brother Pony's attacks continued to be fired.

Yin Nie's sword is even faster.


that's it.

Less than a hundred rounds down.

There was also a wound on Tianyu's body: "I am from the Celestial Clan, you rubbish, how dare you hurt me!!"


Brother Xiao Ma didn't talk nonsense with him, he just kicked him out.


Tianyu's body smashed to the ground.

Yin Nie also pierced his body with a sword.

"Damn you all!!" Countless thin lines flew out of Tianyu's body, and the powerful force directly knocked Yin Nie and Brother Xiao Ma flying.

Then Tianyu's body also disappeared in place.


The two stood firm on their bodies.

"People ran away!!" Brother Ma frowned.

"Chase, don't let him run away." Yin Nie also directly chased after him.

Tianyu used his last trump card to escape, and he never thought that when he came out this time, he even used this trick: "Damn, damn, these inferior people, they should all be damned, so many years have passed since the Battle of Heaven and Night. Well, after so many years of good life, they don't know how to appreciate our Celestial Clan people, and now they dare to do something to me, they will all die."

He really hates it now.

he thinks.

It is thanks to the people of the Celestial Clan that the people of Shenzhou can live such a stable life.

If it weren't for their Celestial Clan.

How could China be so peaceful?


After these people in Shenzhou had a little skill, they actually did something to their Celestial Clan people.

After going back this time.

He must let the masters facing Shenzhou start the war again, and kill all these masters who have grown up.

"Death, all of you will die." Tianyu shouted angrily.

"Who's going to die?"

at this time.

A cold voice appeared in his ear.


Tianyu Then his body also hurriedly began to retreat.

【Promise, attract! ! ! 】

Tianyu wanted to distance himself, but he suddenly felt that his body was out of control and began to fly towards the other party.


He also looked cold.

Then he directly hit the opponent with his own attack.

In his opinion.

When the other party pulls him over, he is courting death.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

Just when his attack immediately hit the opponent, a powerful blow suddenly came from the front, directly rushing his body out.

"It should be you who died!!!"

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